The Story of a Reaper- Hello Father

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"W-What?" I said with confusion, I'm not sure if it was normal, but I still couldn't see a bit of his face through his cloak, "I know it may be a bit confusing a lot to handle, but I really am your creator, or father" Death said.

"O...okay? What is this place?" I asked, "Not sure, it's kinda like a void that only gods and semi-gods can enter in" Death said, "Cool! So am I a god like Dream said?" I asked, "No, your a semi-god, you have to be born a god, not made" Death said, "Oh..." I said, "'d I get here?" I asked, "Well, I whenever you sleep, I can chose to bring you here or not, right now I need to talk to you about something" Death said.

"Sure what is it?" I asked, "It's about...well, your powers" Death said, "What about them?" I asked, "I gave those powers to you, for a reason," Death said, "I didn't really have enough time to tell you the reason, so that's why I called you" Death said, "Really?" I asked, "Yup! It's simple really" Death said with a quirky tone.

He seems to be a nice, and fun guy to hangout with, I trust him, "Okay, what's the reason for my power?" I asked, "It's of course to kill, I know it sounds bad, but really, it's a good thing to have" Death said, I kinda got uneasy when he said that with happiness in his voice.

"How? Everything I touch dies..." I said looking down thinking about my mother, "Well, it keeps the world balanced, so the world won't overpopulate, " Death said, "What's overpopulate?" I asked, "Overpopulate means when there's too much life, it can become crowded, and the forms of life will do anything to have space, which means killing off trees and plant life, that's why we have to kill of life forms, it's our job" Death said with pride.

It was weird seeing him happy about this, maybe he's trying to make me feel comfortable, by being more social, "What if I don't want this power?" I asked, "Well...that would just be a shame...I'd have to, get RID of you, if you understand what I mean Reaper" Death said with a deep, darker tone, which scared me.

"But why would you want to get rid of your amazing power?!" Death said with more enthusiasm, he chuckled as I chuckled with him nervously. "Anyways, I have a job for you, it's really simple" Death said, "I need you to go to another AU, similar to the one you were just at, but totally different, and once your there I need you to kill off as many animals there, and I need you to do that for.....I don't know, let's say 4 years?" Death said.

I was shocked, "Wait- Four years!?" I said baffled, "Yeah, it's not that long...I only sent you to Empireverse to get used to your powers, sadly they didn't teach you how to teleport, but you'll figure it out eventually-" Death started to babble on.

"dad...Dad...DAD!" I yelled, "and- Uh...yes Reaper?" he asked, "I don't want to kill...I don't want to hurt animals or people" I said, not sure but he seemed shock, I couldn't tell since I still can't see his face.

"You...don't want your job?" Death asked I nodded, "Why? You have one of the most powerful gifts, why would you not use it to your full potential?" Death asked, "Because it hurts other people, of someone dies then the people that loved that person with be heartbroken, and sad, I don't want to be the cause of that..." I said looking to the said sadly.

" don't want people to hate you? Is that it? don't want to be hated or blamed for the death of someone or something?" Death asked as I nodded sadly. Death got on one knee and patted me on the back I jumped at the feeling, "It's can't kill me..." Death said as he continued to pat and rub my back. The feeling was nice, and warming, though my dad seemed to be what Error called a sadist, he seems nice and means a bit of harm.

" this multiverse, it's our job and duty to keep the balance, otherwise, everything would be chaos...that's why we have to do our job no matter's important that we you understand Reaper?" Death asked, I nodded, "But...why me? Can't you do it?" I asked, "Buddy...I would do it, if I had the time to...I have to kill a lot of people in maybe about 9,000,000,000 AUs and then I have to make sure that they go to the underworld, so I usually have my hands full 24/7 that's why I need your help, Reaper, you can help me get more time on my hands so we can hangout together! Isn't that neat?" Death asked.

I shrugged, "I...guess so..." I said sadly, "Do you not want to hangout son?" Death asked me, "No! I do wanna hangout! But I also don't want to kill innocent people..." I said looking down, "hhmmm...I wish I didn't have to do this, but really I don't have a choice..." Death said as he stood up straight, "What do you mean?" I asked, "...I'm sorry my son, but you must understand that life will move on with time, do you understand?" Death asked me, "Kinda..." I said confused, "You'll understand soon enough...but know, that I'm sorry, this hurts me more then it will hurt you" Death said as he suddenly disappeared, leaving me in the void.

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