The Story of a Reaper- Birth

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It was nothing but quiet in the was nothing but peace and quiet in the forest where the animals slept. It was quiet till the animals heard a cry, it was a cry for comfort, a cry for mercy, a cry for help

But nobody came...but the god of Death...

The god named Death had kill many forms of life, whether it be people, monsters, animals, or plants, he killed them all. With a single touch they would perish. Of course, dealing with the whole entire Multiverse, and Ink new creations, it was a chore, and a job he had to do, to keep the balance.

Work was getting more tired-some for Death, so he made a son named Reaper so they could help him keep the balance. He place Reaper into the forest and gave him a gift but also a curse, of the deathly touch...anything Reaped touch would die.

Reaper was small and looked like a five year old, even though he had no age. Reaper wore black clothes and a black cloak to keep him warm. He had small black wings that he could hide if he wanted, and to finish him off he had the trait of curiosity. His father placed him near a tree as the grass floor below Reaper died and the tree trunk he was close by died too.

He left a message in Reaper mind, Your only job is to not fail me...or this your job correctly and you will make me proud...Reaper... As Death left to attend other AUs that need reaping, for he'd have to wait for Reaper to learn his purpose in the world before Death could have a break.

Reaper woke up soon after Death left. He didn't know who or what he was, he looked at his hands and felt them, they were hard and soft at the same time surprisingly. He looked around, it was nighttime as the moon was out shining on him. He looked around and saw he was laying on dead plants, though he wasn't too bothered by it. He slowly stood up and tried to walk but fell and landed in the soft grass that soon turned yellow to brown, he killed the grass he was a bit frightened by this and quickly sat up.

He tried to stand again and walk but he fell again, only this time he held onto something that stop his fall, it was a brown tree, but once he touched it, it turned black and fragile. Reaper finally able to stand and walk on his own looked around where he was. Was this home? Is this where I was born? What happened to me? Where am I? Questions filling his head as he kept looking around. Out of curiosity he left his spot to look around the forest a bit more.

After a while of walking in the forest he saw a deer in the middle of the forest sleeping. Reaper was curious to what that animal was, it's fur looked soft and the animal looked magestic and peaceful. He looked behind himself as saw the trail of dead animals leading to him, he looked at the dead plants sadly. Maybe it's only with plants? He thought. He walked up to the deer and was about to pet it's nose till it woke up, he froze as the deer looked at him and tilted it's head. Reaper copied what the creature did. He wanted to pet the animals but he didn't want it to die like the plants. His hand was still in the air as the deer booped it's nose onto Reaper hand. Reaper thought of this as a signal to pet the animals, and he did so. He pet the head of the deer, as the deer put it's head down onto the ground and closed it eyes, Reaper thought the deer was going back to sleep, as Reaper kept petting the deer...

What he didn't know is that he killed the deer....

The deer was dead and he thought it was just sleeping. He smiled petting the dead deer, but soon enough he got tired. He thought that the deer liked him so he stayed and made the deer his mother as he cuddled up near the deers stomach as the dead deer gave him warmth and clarity(?) He cuddled up in a ball and started to close his eyes.

For the son of Death was going to learn a lesson tomorrow

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