The Story of a Reaper- Back on the Road of Love

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Reaper was downstairs near Mettaton, using him as a TV as Reaper watched the Powerpuff girls with Frisk, Chara, and Patch as Geno was on his phone, outside trying to call someone.

Ink back at Nightmare mansion felt his phone vibrate in his shorts, causing Gradient to wake up suddenly. Palette looked over to Ink, curious as to what that weird device was. Cross placed Incubux near Paperjam and let them sleep near each other. Gradient whined a little, but Ink answered it quickly, letting Gradient go back to sleep.

"Hello?" Ink answered

"It's me, Geno!" Geno answered. Ink noticed how his voice wasn't as glitched, "Oh? Really! I assumed Reaper saved you and all," Ink smirked.

Cross looked over at Ink, listening to his responses. "More or less, know someone named Thistle?" Geno asked, "Let me think....oh! Yeah! From- uh...Naturefell?" Ink asked, "Yup, that's the one, he helped get us out...along with Fatal_Error brother-" Geno said

"...Elaborate?" Ink asked, "Fatal_Error was stealing Papyrus and cutting them up to sew the bone pieces to make a new Papyrus by code and scratch...I can only assume he can see where it was, Thistle told me that," Geno said.

Ink hummed in thought, "Could ya' explain where you guys were?" Ink asked, "No, not really, it was dark and empty, only echo flowers lit up the place, but they all had screams of terror echoed on to it, so it was a very unsettling place," Geno said

"Hmm..." Ink hummed. It must be the reason when Dream held onto Fatal_Error string that it was too overwhelming for him... Ink thought.

I wonder if Nightmare could find them a place...or would he be overwhelmed as well?... He is the prince of negativity, but even he can feel cornered from too much and do something irrational... Ink thought

"Hey, is everyone alright? No one died while I was gone?" Geno asked. Ink sighed, "Fell was injured...despite how most of y'all feel about him, he sacrificed himself for Horror, and Lust at that...he got hit pretty bad, he's still healing, but just barely....his cut was deep, there isn't much we can do at this point but wait...I'm just afraid that he'll get into a fallen state and go into a coma and die...but we shouldn't think like that! I should have hope since...I have a few small bones to take care of," Ink said, glancing over at Palette who seemed to have shivered a little before going back to drawing

Geno hummed in confusion, "Don't worry, but anyway, I bet Reaper is happy you're back," Ink said, "Yeah, he is...though, he did something last night," Geno said. Ink rose his brow, "Hm?" He hummed, "He...was jealous of Thistle since Thistle got me out that place, not Reaper...I talked about Thistle only a little bit to him and he was jealous...should I be worried?" Geno asked

"Pfft- Give him a break, he is new to this kind of relationship... I think- But he'll get over it soon, just be patient," Ink smirked, "...Ya' seemed to be talking a bit different," Geno said, "Oh? Right! Dream and I broke up, I'm with Error now-" Ink said

Cross giggled a little to himself, "Hm...interesting? Why him? I thought you two were enemies...and I thought you were emotionless," Geno said

"I only dated Dream because I was being selfish! I wanted to feel what happiness felt like...turns out that's not what it feels enhances the likability to something or someone, not to just feel...'happy' I suppose," Ink said

"Okay? But Error?" Geno asked, "Eh- I'm still being a little selfish with him-" Ink shrugged, "Just maybe...there's a chance we have peace if this goes out well!" Ink smirked. Cross rolled his eyes, "Well...if you think you're doing what's right, go ahead, I won't stop ya'" Geno smirked

Ink giggled a little, "Sure thing, Geno! I'll tell the others that you're okay- Oh! By the way! Ask Reaper if we're not gonna have problems with Fatal_Error...I don't think I want the multiverse to panic again, ya' know how Sanses can get selfless towards there Papyruses," Ink giggled

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