The Story of a Reaper- Tense...

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Geno, Frisk, Lily, Reaper, and Mettaton hung out for a while with everyone talking about Mettaton's journey. Mettaton said many stories of many fans trying to kidnap Mettaton, or haters who tried to kill him. Good thing she can't die easily.

As the rest were distracted with Mettaton, Geno pulled Reaper aside into the kitchen. Geno started to write a note and place it on the refrigerator. "Geno, what's up?" Reaper asked, "Gotta meeting, and I'd like for you to come with me!" Geno said. Reaper looked surprised, "Back at the StarBase?" Reaper asked Geno, he nodded.

"Ink fixed the palace, so we're able to come back, and we have a meeting, Ink said something about getting revenge and another war..." Geno said. "Asgore...not again," Reaper said tiredly, "Don't worry, we have a chance to change everyone's minds, if we can make them change there mind about you we can stop this war...we don't need more casualties," Geno said.

Geno opened a portal, "What about the others?" Reaper asked, "Oh they'll be fine, we won't be gone for long!" Geno said before taking Reaper's hand and pulling him in the portal back to the Star secret base.

Everything looked so bright. Geno and Reaper were standing near the cave where they had stayed for a while. Night seemed to not be there. From afar you could actually see the palace. It was bigger than the last one. Geno looked in awe at how big the palace is now.

"WOW!" Geno said. Reaper smiled at how amazed Geno is. Geno started to walk still holding Reapers' hand. Reaper didn't mind, he walked along with Geno.

Finally getting there actually seeing the huge palace. It looked like a bigger castle. There were flags on the top of the castle. One had a paintbrush, another had an arrow, and another had a gaster blaster.

"Woah! Ink really outdid himself!" Geno said, "Heh, this isn't nothing to him..." someone said behind Geno and Reaper.

The two turned around and saw Sci walking up. "Sci! How have you been?" Geno asked, "I've been...better, anyways, how are you, last I saw, you were stabbed unconscious and...other things happened," Sci said seeming to be uncomfortable, glancing at Reaper every once in a while.

Reaper noticed it and gave an annoyed face, keeping a smile, knowing that he's uncomfortable.

"Oh, I'm fine! Never been better in a while!" Geno said, "Really? You seem excited for this meeting for some reason, it's a war we're talking about you know," Sci said walking up to the door. Geno and Reaper followed, Geno letting go of Reaper hand, Reaper whimpering a little bit, but pushed it aside.

"I know, I think it's pointless to have ANOTHER war y' know! So most would agree not to have a war right?" Geno said. Sci chuckled, "You'll be surprised then! Most us souls are here for justice if someone did something unfair, or wrong we give them a taste of there own medicine. Although I di agree with you, a war would be pointless since we've won the fight alright...but then could have just been a battle instead," Sci said, "Battle?" Geno questioned.

"It's like the saying...You may have won the battle, but not the war...that's what I'm referencing," Sci explained, "Huh..." Geno said.

It could be agreed...that might of been a battle instead of the actual war...but it seems pointless to have a war towards the three of them.

Walking around, the hallways looked more medieval, but modern at the same time. It had electric lights, but it had a carpet that was red. The walls were cobblestone, and there were still banners, but there was a banner for everyone and not just the four symbols like the last one.

Geno and Reaper out of boredom started to guess what banner might be for who. They saw Sci, knowing it was him because it had a beaker with a bubbling substance in it, the banner was colored green with gold being its outline.

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