The Story of a Reaper- Love Conquers All

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Fatal_Error was watching Patch walk around and get used to walking. He was sitting on the ground with an extra Papyrus in his arms. The Papyrus had his mouth sewed closed so he wouldn't talk. The Papyrus laid on his lap in fear as Fatal_Error cutting him with a bone in his hand.

It hurt to feel him cut his skull into little pieces, as much as he grunted and groaned in pain, Fatal_Error ignored it. Patch also ignored it, as much as he wanted to help, Fatal_Error was in charge.

He didn't like the way his brother-...or THIS brother was doing things, he trusted his other younger version of his brother than this one. It was just....uncomfortable seeing another version of himself get cut into pieces before being murdered mercilessly.

Patch turned and walked over to Fatal_Error, "So long are these other Papyruses staying here?" Patch asked. "Hmm...actually, I don't think I need them, I could just heal your legs to make them better instead of cutting small parts of there bones so...I guess they're no used to me now," Fatal_Error said

"S-So you're gonna return them to there original AU...right?" Patch asked. Fatal_Error rolled the Papyrus in his lap on the floor as he stood up. He summoned a bone in the air as it pierced the Papyrus in the skull, breaking it as the Papyrus started to dust as they started to scream with there mouth closed.

"No...they're just copies, I'll just get rid of them and start on my next project," Fatal_Error smiled, "A-And what's that?" Patch asked with a nervous smile.

"I'll bring back Grillby, and Undyne, and all the others~ I'll steal an AU and make it our'll be perfect...and no human will be there to decide our fate...we can finally be at peace...we can finally be ourselves without a human to control time," Fatal_Error smiled

"I'll get the happy ending I wanted...without a reset to ruin it all..." Fatal_Error smiled, "And I certainly won't have to deal with any other crap that comes my way, especially R-...that 'nuisance' of a skeleton," Fatal_Error said

"I thought you said you talked things over," Patch said, "Oh we did...he's still annoying," Fatal_Error said, his smile fading a bit. "What did he do again?" Patch asked.

"...He broke my soul..." Fatal_Error said as he sighed, "You don't need to worry about it though, but anyway, I've delayed work, I need to get rid of the others, then go get everyone else," Fatal_Error said

"W-Wait!...Maybe don't kill them?..." Patch asked Fatal_Error rose a brow, "I-I mean...I know they're made of magic, but even they...bleed easily than...bone?" Patch said with a nervous smile. Fatal_Error nodded, "I already thought of that, I just need to get rid of everyone in Undertale and kidnap the ones that remind me most of our friends," Fatal_Error smiled

Patch frowned. That's not what he meant, "Anyway, stay away from the others, and keep walking around," Fatal_Error waved him off as Fatal_Error started to walk away. Patch just watch him walk away, uneasy...this feels wrong...

Fatal_Error soon walked over to the caged Papyruses as opened a cage. Thistle and Geno watched, "Get up..." Fatal_Error told the Papyrus in the cage. They didn't hesitate, they thought he'd give them mercy.

"I don't need you anymore," Fatal_Error said. "S-So that means you're gonna f-free us?" A Papyrus asked. The Papyrus seemed to be from Epictale.

"Mhh...I don't need you," Fatal_Error smiled. The Papyrus smiled, "But I'm going to have to kill you-" Fatal_Error finished his sentence as the smile and hope they had died quickly into fear.

Fatal_Error grabbed the Papyrus arm and threw him on the floor. The other Papyruses tried to run away, but Fatal_Error reached his mouth and pulled out red strings to his fingers, taking the string and attaching it to both their ankles, making them fall.

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