The Story of a Reaper- She is Life!

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I woke up in the hot, burning sun. Good thing I don't have skin, surrounded by dead buttercups. I shrugged it off. I guess that was a Dream? I don't think so...I'm not sure.

I stood up and for some reason a portal opened. I was on edge and ready to attack, but it seemed it was waiting on someone, maybe me?

Out of curiosity, I walked through it and entered a very chilly domain. It wasn't snowing, but some of the leaves were brown and red on the floor, some was still green while other were yellow.

Was it turning fall?

I saw a bunch of animals around, running and hoping, predators were no where to be seen, it was mostly deer, bunnies, and a bunch of small mice running around.

I remembered in my dream, Death told me to start killing off animals, for 4 years.

Well...I feel bad though...they aren't in pain. Why do I need to kill them anyways? I wasn't worth it to hurt animals that aren't in pain like those melted monsters and humans. I decided to try and get passed to do something else with my time.

The animals noticed me, but did nothing and minded there own business. I walked passed all the animals, but for some reason, they became hostile once I passed them. I looked at the grass and leaves on the floor...they weren't even there, it was just a trail of dirt.

I was confused. I bent down and touch a pile of leaves and it started to crumb to dirt. I understand what they're scared

I decided to try and make them unafraid, I took a step towards a deer as it took a step away from me. They're still scared...maybe if I'm smaller, they won't be that afraid.

I got on both my knees and started to crawl slowly towards the deer, as it slowly walked back. I tried to position my body lower so it doesn't think of me as a threat as I continued to approach them    

The deer's behind the on I was trying to approach, started to get curious and wanted to get a closer look of me, as they approached me. I stayed still for them as they started to sniff me.

Some decided to have some fun and jump over me. I giggled, they seemed comfortable as they kept looking around at me.  

I slowly lifted my body up, from the low position I was in. They sniffed under me. I then stood up and they ran around and in front of me, inspecting me.

The scared deer was still unsure about me, and kept there distance. I don't blame them...

The deer's seemed to be having fun around me, as they kept on sniffing, and running around me. I smiled at the fun they were having around me.

The bunnies then got curious and ran up to me, it staled me for a second, but then I breathed a sigh of relief. The bunnies jumped and ran around me, and played with all the other bunnies in front of me. It was a sight to see.

The mice minded there own business as they walked passed my feet, and made little squeaking noises.

For most of the day, I followed the herd of deer, watching them play, and eat, keeping a distance away from them, so I don't accidentally hurt them.

Suddenly, a stick broke from far away. I jumped and looked at the noise and the deer's did the same, hoping it's not a threat.

I lady that looked like a goat came out from the shadows. She had a green dress on with a yellow hood, with a cape at the end. Her eyes were a fiery red, and her fur looked as soft as flower petals.

The deer's seemed to have relaxed, like they know her or something, but I was still unsure of her, it was either her tall height with me being so young, and her being older, or the fact she was looking at me with a very angry expression.

"You...You aren't supposed to exist!" The lady said, "Uhm...who are you?" I asked, "You do not need to know that for where your going" the lady said as fire balls ignited in her paws.

The feeling of heartbreak tore at my soul as the lady started to attack me. I ran away accidentally touching a deer, as they went limp. The lady stopped in her tracks and seemed to be helping the animal as much as she can. Her hands turned into a green color as she surrounded the deer with it.

The deer then seemed to have woken. She is what created these animals...

She is LIFE!

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