The Story of a Reaper - After the Mall

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After hanging out at the mall, Reaper and his kids went home. Horror soon came to pick up his and Dust's kids. Afterward, and lastly, Ink came to pick up his kids, Nightmare's kid, and Dream's kid.

They all came back to Dream's house.

"Finally, you're here!" PJ whined. "Sorry! I got caught up in some stuff!" Ink chuckled. Incubux plopped on Dream's couch. "Is Error around?" Gradient asked. "Haha! That's the thing- I was busy beating your dad to a pulp!" Ink smirked.

Despite the peace, they still fight over the balance of the multiverse. In a mutual way. They're still together. Even if they broke the promise of no creation and no destruction.

"Right-" Gradient was still unsure about their relationship. PJ couldn't give a shit.

"Anyway! I'm gonna go back to the DoodleSphere! Just call me if you need something!" And with that Ink was gone.

Palette seemed to still be giddy about being with Goth again, a smile stuck on his face radiating positivity. It bothered PJ and Incubux.

Palette went into the kitchen to get something to eat after a long day. Incubux stood up and followed Palette into the kitchen. Palette grabbed something from the fridge before a tentacle-like scarf hand grabbed it from Palette.

"H-Hey!" He whined. "Stop being a fatass! You just ate at the mall!" Incubux huffed. "Yeah- only pretzel bites! That's not enough to fill me up!" Palette whined, hoping to grab the food Incubux stole from him.

"Please. Stop being greedy!" Incubux glared at him. "Why are you making a problem out of nowhere! This isn't even your house" Palette whined more.

"You're such a pig- stop eating Dream's food- Did you even bother to think when uncle gets home that HE wants to eat after a long day. You went to the mall and had plenty of chances to get food. Stop being such a parasite-" Incubux pushed Palette out the kitchen putting the food back.

"Ugh! This isn't your house how do you have any right to tell me what I can and can't do!" Palette puffed.

"Uh oh. Someone's getting a n g y" PJ teased. Gradient only watched, not wanting to get into conflict.

"It's two against one Palette-" PJ went over to Palette. "It's either to listen to Incubux and I or someone might get in trouble!" PJ giggled.

"Of course you're siding with him! Why are you both always attacking me?" Palette never understood that.

Why do they gang up on him? Why is Gradient always in the background and does nothing despite how wrong this is.

"Because it's funny-" Incubux smirked, feeling Palette's happiness turn to frustration. Incubux grabbed a lamp and smashed it on the ground. "Oh my god, Palette- why'd you break Dream's lamp?" Incubux said with a sarcastic tone.

Palette felt threatened. "Oh yeah- what would Dream say if you threw that at Incubux?" PJ rose a brow. Palette pushed PJ. "Quit it! I didn't do anything to you!" Palette huffed at them.

The both of them giggled and laughed at him. "Stop it!" Palette stormed off upstairs and into his room, slamming the door.

Gradient sighed. This is usually how it turned out. Gradient came over. He used telekinesis to pick up the shards. "PJ- make another lamp." Gradient told him. PJ was still being a giggly bitch while making another lamp to replace the one Incubux broke.

Incubux had a smirk on his face, content now.

Palette was upset in his room. He screamed in his pillow and thrashed his arms and legs around, wishing he could punch something.

This always seems to happen with him whenever Incubux and PJ are around him. Which is often considering he's cousins with Incubux and a half brother with PJ and Gradient.

Dream said they're supposed to be family despite how much or little they're close to each other.

Screw that Palette would always think.

If he could he'd abandon them for all the shit he's gone through. He was always teased and picked on since they were growing up. The only reason he can slightly withstand it is Goth.

Goth is always the highlight of his day.

At the mall, they talked about different music bands. Goth was really into My Chemical Romance. He saw a band shirt on My Chemical Romance. Goth wanted it but didn't have the money, so Palette blew all his money on the shirt for Goth.

It's why he couldn't really eat anything but Pretzel bites. He gets so frustrated. He never understood why they picked on him, and they always make up some shit excuse.

It's funny.

It's just easy to.

Because you're annoying.

It's just a fucking stick up his ass as to why. He wants to fix whatever he did, but they won't let him. Is it really even his fault for why they've picked on him since day one?

At least Goth is a real friend. His siblings and parents are a real family. Why can't he have what they have?

Palette didn't even notice, but there were tears falling from his tired eyes. He was overthinking again.

He buried his face into his pillow. Not wanting to go downstairs or leave his room, he fell asleep.

Goth, Raven, and Shino got home with Reaper. "Let's play this board game now!" Shino seems to have bought a family game for them to play. "Sure! Why not!" Raven smiled. Shino placed the game down, going around the house to find Geno. Raven went into his room to go set up some stuff he bought.

Reaper leaned over Goth's shoulder who was a bit startled.

" can't be coming from behind! I know I can't die but it still feels as if I am." Goth held his chest. Reaper chuckled with a brow raised.

"I was just wondering-" He turned Goth around and whispered in his ear. "You like Palette don't you?" he spoke quietly

Goth face lit up in purple. "U-Uh- so what if I do? W-We're just friends dad." Goth dismissed. "Oh don't play that 'wE'rE jUsT fRiEnDs DaD!' crap with me! You like him!" Reaper gushed. "I think it's rather cute! You do know you're allowed to date right?" Reaper chuckled.

"I know! B-But...I don't even know if he does like me like that...he probably sees us as brothers or just friends or something." Goth looked down.

"Come on! You won't know if you don't try!" Reaper chuckled. "How about a sleepover? Tonight!" Reaper suggested.

"R-Really?" Goth eyes lit up. "ONLY...if you tell him-" Reaper smirked. Goth fidgeted. "Oh come on, at least tell him, you don't have to date but at least let him know!" Reaper giggled.


Geno and Shino soon came down the steps. "Come on! Come on! Family time!!" Shino giggled. "Alright! Alright! I'm coming!!" Geno giggled.

Goth and Reaper looked at the other two, Raven soon coming out of his room. "Come on you two! Time to play this game Shino bought!" Raven said.

Goth took a deep breath. "I-I'll do it!" Goth nodded. "Alright, it's settled. Hey guys... would you want your friends to come over for a sleepover?" Reaper suggested.

"Really?!" The three of them shouted. Geno more shocked the other two excited.

"Yeah- why stop the fun?" Reaper went over to Geno and sat next to each other. Goth, Shino, and Raven sat on the other side of Reaper and Geno.

"Yeah! Come on Geno! Please!!!" Raven begged.

Geno sighed. "I suppose, but we'll have to ask," Geno said. "I'm sure they won't mind!" Reaper smirked, leaning on Geno's shoulder. Geno slightly blushed red.

"Yeah! Now let's play this game first!" Shino said, eagerly taking the game out. They played a few rounds with each other, making jokes and bonding as a family. Afterward, Reaper called a few people to see if they wanted to have their kids over for a slumber party.

Now all they have to do is get ready for those that are coming.

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