The Story of a Reaper- I don't wanna let him go!

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We all went back to the pack area, everyone was worried sick for me and the pup. The pup went to play with the other pups, I sat on Night rock, await instructions from him.

Night walked up to me, and sat in front of me, he had a curious look as he tilted his head, whatever they were talking about a few minutes ago, it made Night curious. What would make them curious?

Night looked up and barked, meaning he wanted to show me something, I looked up and birds were flying past, what does that mean? Birds?

I then realized the only way I was able to save the pup was by flying, was he curious about my wings?

I looked back at him, he breathed out harshly, he was waiting for me, I guess he wanted to see my wings.

I did, I opened my big wings in front of Nightmare, he looked shocked. Some of the other wolves stared, some didn't noticed.

I giggled at my friends reaction, but hid my wings away again. Night seemed thoughtful, I guess he's trying to process things.

I smiled, I hope he doesn't think I'm a bird though, that be a bit weird. Sun came up to Night and said something to me. Night nodded and patted his paw on the grass floor twice, telling me to stay put.

I nodded and sat on his rock. He smiled at me, and left with Day. I wonder what they're going to talk about...

Nightmare left Reaper, to go talk to Dream about something...

"Night...I know, I was being harsh...with you and Reaper...motherly instinct I guess, but please try to reason with me..." Dream said, I knew where this was going.

"Please...this is not for my own gain...I'm just afraid of Reaper and his power...I don't want him to hurt us..." Dream told me.

I looked down, I know Reaper is dangerous, but he's more harmless then anything, if that makes sense, I know he wouldn't hurt on purpose...I usually tell him what to kill what not to kill, but still...I love him to much to let him go...

"Dream, I understand, but I'm too attach...I don't think I can do it..." I told Dream. Dream walked closer and rubbed his neck on mine, giving me a hug. "It's okay brother...letting go is the hard time, you will see each other again, but for need to let him go..." Dream said.

I felt like crying, but kept it in. 

"By nightfall, do you think you can?" Dream asked me, tears were about to form in my eyes. I didn't want to let go of Reaper, I want to keep him, but the thought of one of the pups touching Reaper, or ANY of us accidentally touch Reaper, will be on my hands for keeping him...

I nodded at Dream request, he gave a warm smile and kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you, brother" Dream said, I nodded and started to run away. Somewhere far so no one can hear me, not even Reaper.

I didn't want Reaper to know I'm sad, so I never gave him the chance to look at my face. I ran towards the waterfall where me and Killer...did some things...

I sat near the water, and looked at my reflection, what have I become?!

I started to cry my eyes out, I didn't want to let Reaper go! He's MY pup! He's MY friend! I LOVE HIM TO MUCH TO LET HIM GO!!!!

All these thought passing though my head, as I cried, my own stream of tears, entering the waterfalls stream of tears.

I was too attached to Reaper, I shouldn't have let him stay, I wouldn't feel like this if I just left him alone!

"...I'm such a piece of trash!" I told myself in my reflection, even though my vision was blurred.

"No your not..." someone said. My ears perked up and I looked up to was looked like a very wispy pile of smoke...oh no! That's just Hate, and some others.

Blue was there, Ink, Error, Fresh, Killer, and Horror standing near Hate.

Sadly, Hate can always find me, being the wolf of negativity and a wolf of Hate, your pretty much attracted with each other...

"Y-Yes I am..." I told them, "No you aren't! You just care! That doesn't make you a piece of trash!" Blue told he, he walked up and gave me a hug, rubbing his neck on mine.

The others came and started to hug me as much as they could, as I cried in front of them, I felt humiliated, but I felt comfort...

"I don't wanna let him go" I said in my shaky voice, "It's okay if you don't...that's just life, but you have to let go, if you love someone very much..." Ink told me.

I hugged them all back, as they hugged me, crying in their fur

"We're here for you...every step Nightmare" Killer told me.

We all stopped hugging, as Killer licked my tears away, "T-Thanks guys...I needed that" I said, I don't really say's a weird sentence to me

"Don't mention it pal!" Horror said, I smiled at them all, as they smiled back...well, all of them but Hate...

"Come on, let's get back to the rest" Ink said, leading the way back, as I stood side by side to Killer.

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