The Story of a Reaper- The Mirror of Truth

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"I must find the answer...and it is here, that lies in the Mirror of truth...created near the beginning of time in this world...the Mirror of truth...the window of the very core of this world...and even other.

With it, one can look, and view different universes, timelines, and other beings of time, it even shows the state of balance. Since it's creation, it has helped us learn our purpose, help us learn what GODS are meant for...

The mirror sees all...and nothing is gods...mortals...nothing...if something is going to find'd be the mirror... makes me could this pop up with out us unaware?...Am I really sure that I wanna know where she is? If I didn't know any better, Gerson would be here by now...but he...has gone silent...I'm not surprised that he decided to stay by the side of the mournful king, but that doesn't matter...I'll do whatever I can to find the answer...and the answer must be here..."

Gaster walked into the room and looked at the mirror, expecting stars, or lights of other universes...but it was only brightness...nothing but pitch black...

"W-What?!" Gaster said in disbelief, "T-There's...nothing?! This is not possible, h-how- why?! What has the power to do this?!" Gaster said, looking frantically in the mirror.

"Has...has the balance been tipped so badly that it would fool the mirror? that can't be! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!" Gaster yelled as he summoned his purple magic to his hand

"I cleanse this object of impurity to begone from this perfection!" Gaster said as his magic covered as much of the mirror with magic...but nothing worked, "No effect...MIRROR SHOW WHAT HAS HAPPENED!" Gaster demanded, "SHOW ME HOW TO CORRECT ORDER FROM THIS BROKEN WORLD! HOW TO RIGHT THIS TIPPED BALANCE AND SHOW ME THE SOURCE OF THIS CORRUPTION!!!" Gaster yelled and demanded the mirror, "NOW!!!!" He yelled grossly.

The mirror...then showed the refection of Gaster. Gaster gasped, and took a step back. The reflection, did not copy him. Instead the reflection started to melt into a goop, "S u p r i s e ~" the reflection said, in a more...girly voice.

Gaster was confused, "That...that's not can't be" Gaster said. Chara then showed themselves in the mirror, "Magic is easily corrupted...don't you think?" Chara said, giggling to herself, Gaster gave a displeasing look to Chara, " are an illusion...a trick...I dispel this foul magic" Gaster said, as he summoned up all his colored magic.

"Sorry, guess you magic needs a bit more juice, huh? Because I'm still here" Chara said waving, "THEN I WILL DRAG YOU OUT!" Gaster said as he charged his magic at the mirror, but then stopped at the touch of glass.

Gaster was confused...was he in the mirror...all along?


"You use the word a lot you't you supposed to be a god? The god of magic I presume? But with me...being an anomaly..NO RULES APPLY TO ME ANYMORE" Chara said, as she summoned up Reaper scythe from the Mirror of truth she stole.

"That scythe!" Gaster said, "You recognize it, don't you? A bit different and still a bit warm when I reaped your little 'friend' and with her gone, the balance is falling apart. Soon the cycle will be broken, and the fabric of existence at it's most unstable" Chara said

"So it was YOU!" Gaster growled

"Of course it was...'impossible' thing's are no long impossible" Chara said with a scoff, "This chaos makes me feel stronger, but this scythe can only kill life, not you pesky gods..." Chara said, "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!" Gaster screamed at Chara, "But it's alright! I HAVE ANOTHER IDEA TO GET RID OF YOU!" Chara said in a demonic voice.

Chara then shattered the glass mirror Gaster was trapped in as his body, and soul ripped into pieces, "Have fun scattering across infinity...god of magic..." Chara said as Gaster body and soul floats around in time and space, of the quiet world 

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