The Story of a Reaper- A Struggle in Rope

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Ink and Dream went to bed from a long night of running. Sci went to the nurse office to check on the ones who got stunned. They seemed fine, since there powers were lost for only about a week.

Blue stayed up in the living room. Staring at the TV. He couldn't stop thinking about the conversation he had with Dust


"...and all this time I had the wrong idea about him..I thought he was pure evil, but he's just misunderstood..." Blue said. Dust scoffed, "Aren't we all" Dust said.


What does he mean...Aren't we all? How did the Bad Sanses...actually turn bad?

Blue sighed it off and held his head with his hand. "...I wonder how he's doing..." Blue said. He stood up and headed for the dungeon to see if they were alright, since Dream hasn't checked on them like he said he would, but Blue doesn't blame him, he is tired and all.

In the dungeon, Dust was awake, and Killer told them everything. Killer told them that he had heard his name out of Dream mouth, and that they have probably kidnapped him, like they did to them as well.

Looking at Dust, he looked serious, and looked as if he was listening, but inside he was terrified, not for himself, but for Reaper freedom, for what Reaper wants. If it was true, that Reaper was kidnap by the Star Sanses...than that could lead to a war...Nightmare would be furious for trying to take him away from him...

"Dust....Dust!....DUST!" Killer yelled. Dust was taken out of his worrying thoughts. "Uh- Yeah?" Dust replied, "How are we getting out of here? We're tied and I've tried using magic here, but my hands are covered by the rope" Killer said.

Dust hummed in thought. "My hands aren't covered...I could try to get us out" Dust said. Killer gave a look of happiness, guess he lost a lot of hope at the state they're at.

Dust held onto a bone he summoned and started cutting at the rope. Killer sat in anticipation. "While I'm cutting myself out, try and get your hands free so you can do the same" Dust instructed. Killer nodded and tried to wiggle his hands out the rope. The rope started scraping at Killer boney hands.

Sooner or later, the door to the dungeon opened and they stayed still and quiet. Dust hid the bone behind his back, and Killer looked in anger.

Blue showed up as Killer growled at him. Dust didn't do anything. Blue looked at Dust with the keys in his hands. He opened the cell door and walked behind Dust. "Don't do anything to him!!" Killer yelled, "Killer calm down...Nothing will happen, at least not without me fighting back!" Dust told Killer.

Blue was unsure about letting Dust go...but he went with his gut and untied him and took him out the dungeon.

They both stood outside the dungeon room. "...Don't worry, I'm not going to fight you" Dust told Blue, "I only said that, so Killer think everything will be alright, and that I wouldn't die..." Dust said. Blue smiled, "I'm sorry...they didn't mean to kidnap you, they panicked, so...I was just going to check on you..." Blue said.

"Heh, funny, and Killer was worried for no reason..." Dust said. Blue clenched his fist. "Dust I have a question to ask's about our last conversation..." Blue said. Dust listened, "...As long as you answer my question first" Dust told Blue.

Blue nodded, "Is Reaper here?..." Dust asked. Blue looked up at him and nodded. Dust sighed, "That dummy...I told him to lay low..." Dust said, Blue tilted his head, but didn't ask, "Anyways, what's your question?" Dust asked, "...What happened to all of turn you bad?" Blue asked looking down, his hands trembling.

Dust looked away from him, "....Well..." Dust said.

There conversation stopped when Blue heard the sounds of walking in the hallways, "Oh gosh! Back in the dungeon!" Blue said as he pushed Dust back in the room.

Killer was still sitting there struggling. Blue opened Dust jail cell and lock him back in. "Sorry, I can't let you out till further notice..." Blue said, Dust nodded in understanding.

It would be weird if Dust and Killer were able to get out of the palace one the first day they arrived.

Killer still struggled to get out of his bonds. Blue left the dungeon leaving them there. Killer looked at Dust, "What the hell did you two talk about?" Killer asked urgently. Dust looked at the jail wall. It was scratched at multiple times.

"...Don't worry about it" Dust said. Killer calmed down a bit. Dust looked at Killer, "Anyways, you need to free yourself," Dust said with a grin. Killer grinned back and started struggling. "Try sweating, so you could probably slip out" Dust said.

Killer nodded and started struggling all over the place, trying to move as much as he could. Dust was laughing under his breath, seeing Killer look like a fish out of water, but he still thought about something.

Why was Reaper here? Did they actually kidnap him? What am I supposed to say to Blue? Dust thought.

Killer kept struggling till he got tired, and watching Killer struggle tired Dust out. Guess they'd have to try tomorrow...

Reaper had also fallen asleep, tired of thinking. Geno also fell asleep on Reaper. You could say it was cute, I mean, Geno was behind Reaper, but it was more uncomfortable in a small bed.

Fellswap found Geno Frisk in the interrogation room, playing with the lights and cameras. He took him to Geno room and left. Frisk found them sleeping together. They didn't squeal- as much as she wanted to- she tried to stay as quiet as possible and climbed in the bed. Frisk stayed at the end of the bed, not to ruin the adorable scene of Reaper and Geno sleeping together.

Frisk smiled and curled up in a ball like a dog and fell asleep with Geno and Reaper, happy that they look so cute...and that there ship is sailing.

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