The Story of a Reaper- An Explanation

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Sans entered a place that was more like a palaces, a weird one at that. He doesn't come here often, he only comes here if it's important, and he had a bad feeling, so he need someone to talk to someone about this.

The palace was big, and looked like one of those castle from RPG games. Funny thing is, he's not even in an AU that's theme is RPG, he's not even in a real AU. Where he was at, is a fake AU that Ink had made, he'd made this place so if anything bad happens, and he needs any of the Sanses help, he'd call us, somehow, nothing has really been urgent for him to call ALL of us, especially me.

Hopefully he's here

I entered the palace and started to walk my way through. Of course, the place still looked like an average palace you'd see in a RPG game, red carpet, flags with different symbols, one that has a paint brush, one with a gaster balster, one with a sun and moon, and another with a soul surrounded by viles of different colors. The glass was colorful, each going in order of the rainbow, the ceiling and walls being the golden brownish color.

I kept walking my way, looking for Ink, or anyone for a matter of fact. It seemed as if no one was here-

"Alright! Time to call Dream and Blue!" a familiar voice said. I started to run towards the voice till I saw Ink, "Oh! Bird! How are you!" Ink said, I caught my breath quickly, "I'm fine, but I need to talk to you" I said, "Oh? What's up?" Ink asked, "It's about someone who came into my AU, they're a child, but they're a skeleton monster" I told Ink, "Oh? Interesting, What's there name?" Ink asked me

"There names is Reaper, have you heard of him?" I asked, they looked down and thought about it, "The name is familiar, but no, I don't remember anyone named Reaper, why do you ask?" Ink asked me, "Reaper made a little story, and some of it's information is...well...see for yourself" I said handing Ink the piece of paper.

Ink read the story, "Well, Reaper seems to be a creative author, but I see what you get, I'll ask Dream and Blue about this, if anything happens, please tell me, and I'll see if I can learn more about this" Ink told me, I nodded, "Anyways, I heard you say that you were going to call Dream and Blue, what for?" I asked

"Well, I was snooping around, and heard that Error and Nightmare were planning something, so I was going call our friends over and see what we can do to stop them!" Ink said, "Cool, anyways, I need to check on Reaper, if ya need me, you know where to find me" I said, Ink nodded happily, as I opened my wings, too lazy to walk back, and flew the way back to the door.

I opened a portal outside, back into the house, in the office room. I saw Reaper sitting on the leather chair drawing on pieces of paper. "Oh! Hey kid" I said, "Hello Sans" Reaper said.

"What'cha doing?" I asked Reaper, "Drawing" Reaper replied, "Drawing what?" I asked, "Just pictures" Reaper replied, "Cool! Can I see them?" I asked, Reaper nodded, and handed me the drawings that he has already completed

Once of the drawings was when I fell off the broken branch, but hovered to safety, another was when I was teaching Reaper how to read and write, and another was when Toriel was reading to Reaper.

Seems as if he's drawing his memories since he got here.

I sat down across from him and watched him draw.

What he was drawing was different from the others, it was him with a black wolf, Reaper was lying on brown grass, and the wolf, who was black slept on a rock next to him.

I continued to watch him draw

He drew a picture of a pup in a nest, with him carrying the nest as he was flying, the pup had lilac fur, and light purple eyes

another one, was when he was sleeping with a deer, in the night forest.

Then he started to draw more interesting pictures. There was one where he is in a room, for himself, then there is a familiar face that he is next to, but Reaper went through the wooden wood.

Then he started to draw him fighting someone with magic, then he drew a picture of him falling, and a picture of another familiar face, that he was speaking too but Reaper was in a cage in the picture.

Then he was surrounded by skeleton monsters smiling and laughing with him, even though Reaper was in a cage.

"...Reaper?" I said, he looked up, "Yes?" I asked, "Has this...happened?...All of your drawings?" I asked. Reaper nodded

I was surprised

"Would you mind explaining what happened in your past to me?" I asked

Reaper shrugged, "I guess" Reaper said.

He gave me the drawing with the deer. "This is the first animal I met when I was made, I slept near her that night...though she's dead" Reaper told me. I looked down sadly, "I'm sorry for your loss" I told Reaper, "It's fine, I only met her for a few minutes" Reaper said.

Reaper seemed a bit different

"After I met the deer, I had to leave, since wolves had started to eat my mother, and I was afraid. I found a village, with people in it, and approached it, and met three people...I think there names were...Rosey, Simon, and Henry," Reaper told me, "we played catch for a few seconds till I think I killed the boy named Henry on accident"

Wait- KILLED?!

"What do you mean killed?!" I said, "Oh, I have a very deadly touch...everything that I touch with life dies" Reaper explained. I wanted to back up so BADLY!

"Anyways, the whole town got angry and I had to run away, that's where I met another person named Dream, they saved me, and took me in, and taught me how to use magic, I even fell into there wooden floor, making them have to remake the house, that explains why in that picture I've fallen in the wood" Reaper said showing me the picture of him falling in the wood

"Though, sooner or later, I got captured and put in a cage by these monster who I had to fight, I even fell of a cliff, but I soon learned how to fly, but I got captured and had to face King Nightmare that's why I'm fighting in this picture in a cage in this picture," Reaper said showing me the picture of him in a cage, and the picture of him fighting, and falling off a cliff

"and that's where I learned that Dream only kept me, just to use me, and kill his brother. Nightmare told me to never come back so, that's what I did, Dream doesn't know where I am, neither does King Nightmare. My father told me that I need to kill animals, and that's how I ended up in another forest, and met a wolf who I named Night. Night took me in and for 4 years we've been together. I'd help him hunt for food, sleep together, we even talked together, though it was hard to communicate with each other" Reaper said showing me the drawing of him and Night sleeping

"Soon his brother who I named Day got angry at me, so Night protected me from Day. Day pup who I named Fall ran away, I saw them do this so I followed them, eventually they fell off a cliff, and I saved them from falling by making them land on a birds nest in mid-air that explains this picture," Reaper said showing me the picture of him and Fall

"Then when nightfall hit, Night took me deep in the forest, and left me there. I then waited for him, but had to leave since I was under attack by the god of Life, my father Death saved me, and told me to come here to kill off most of the plant population, since it was starting to become over populated, that's when I met you Sans" Reaper told me

I was shocked, surprised, concerned with what this kid had to deal with, uncomfortable to the fact that we let a CHILD who can KILL us easily, and the others don't even know it!

"...W-Wow kid, that's...a LOT to process..." I said sweating beads from my face.

Soon enough the front door opened, and Toriel called Reaper, "Reaper! Wanna read a book?!" Toriel called, "Sure thing!" Reaper replied, "We'll talk about this later" Reaper said. I nodded, still uncomfortable.

Reaper looked so content, even though he had a messed up past...he's KILLED before? As a CHILD?! Ink REALLY needs to know this, the things that that kid can do!

I need to process all of this...

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