The Story of a Reaper- Day five

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Early in the morning, around 5 o'clock, the sounds of growling, and a bit of yelling came out of Geno, waking Night up. He pushed Frisk off of his stomach and walked up to Reaper and licked him awake. Reaper groaned as he wiped Night's slobber off of his face. He sat up, and noticed that Geno was panting, growling, mumbling the words 'Get away'.

Reaper picked Geno up and sat him down on the walls of the cave. He gripped onto Geno arm, "Geno? What's wrong?" Reaper exclaimed, Frisk woke up from the commotion, "Wha-? What's happening?" Frisk asked, rubbing there eyes.

"Geno! Wake up!" Reaper yelled, shaking Geno. From Geno's eye glowed magic under his sockets. "G-Geno?" Reaper asked in worry, as the sounds of bone rattling started to come from Geno body.

Frisk quickly got up and pulled Reaper back, away from Geno as a bone shot up from where Reaper was previously at. "W-What are you doing?!" Reaper exclaimed, "Geno asleep! Back up!" Frisk exclaimed. More bones started piercing up from the stone floor. "Get away...GET AWAY!" Geno yelled as more bones started to shoot up from the ground and from the walls of the cave.

Night stayed closed to Frisk and Reaper.

"Why is he attacking us?!" Reaper exclaimed, "He's not attacking us...he's attacking what's in his dreams!" Frisk explained.

Reaper and Frisk dodged Geno attacks as Night tried to get closer to Geno, "Night! Be careful!" Frisk told Night as they got hit in the cheek with a bone, "Are you okay Frisk?!" Reaper asked Frisk, Frisk nodded, holding onto there cheek.

Night got closer and closer, watching there steps from the bones in front of them. "Stop it! STOP IT! Stay away!!!" Geno yelled more.

"Geno wake up!!!" Frisk yelled, Night finally was in front of Geno before he started to lick Geno. Geno's eyes shot open, "NOO!" Geno yelled as he spat blood, as it ran down his mouth. He realized he was in a different place than he was in his dreams...or more like nightmares.

Geno dismissed all the bones in the cave, confused. "GENO!!!" Reaper shouted with joy before diving in to hug Geno. Geno eye glowed again before teleporting away from Reaper to his feet. Reaper fell on the floor, but was still happy.

Geno looked at Reaper with unsure about him...about Reaper. Reaper got up from the hard cave ground,"Geno! Are you okay?! I was so worried about you! Why'd you attack us? Is everything okay? You were sweating, and groaning, and talking in your sleep and-"

"Slow down!!" Geno yelled, he groaned before holding onto his head. "Gosh...Migraine..." Geno hissed. "Geno? You okay?" Reaper asked, "...Shut up Reaper..." Geno said. Reaper looked confused, worried, and fearful.

Geno sat down and put his hands on his head. Reaper walked up to Geno and sat next to him. "...Wanna talk about it?" Reaper asked, "...Your a dick you know that..." Geno said, "...Am I a long one?" Reaper asked with a smirk.

Geno chuckled a little, but his face faded to a sad, annoyed face, "You were asleep for 4 or 5 days..." Reaper said, "...Pinch me..." Geno told him, "Huh? Why?" Reaper asked, "I'm pretty sure this probably isn't prove it, pinch me..." Geno told him, "...How am I suppose to pinch you if your made of bones?" Reaper asked.

Geno stayed quiet...

Geno hugged Reaper. "I missed you so much...." Geno said, hugging Reaper tightly. Reaper hugged back as Frisk gushed in the background. Night just sneezed in response.

"I'm so sorry for attacking you! There was just so many people trying to hurt me, so I killed most of them till they toppled over me! Oh gosh! I thought I'd be in my nightmares forever! I saw the kid at the corridor, and then they killed me, then I was at the save screen, and you looked like a melted monster and chased me till you ate me alive, then I started falling! But suddenly a whole bunch of Chara's and melted YOU's were chasing me! So I ran and ran, but it felt as if I wasn't going anywhere! Then there was this bright light and I was back in Flowertale with you! I asked you to pinch me, and you did so I hugged you, but then you stabbed me in the back, and I fell in the flowers, but suddenly I seemed to be in the anti-void, and I saw a very glitched version of me... Sort of like Error, but it was still ME! Everyone was killing me, and I was so afraid, and tired of dying over and over so I fought them all, and once they almost killed me...I woke up..." Geno told us.

"That sounds horrible! I'm so sorry Geno" Reaper said. Tears started forming in Geno eyes, "Papyrus died...o-over and over...I kept s-seeing him..." Geno chocked on his word, "Don't say anything...everything is alright now..." Reaper comforted Geno.

Geno cried in Reaper back. Reaper was just so happy he was alright. Frisk and Night watched from afar. Frisk looked down, in a bit of thought...

Sooner or later Geno and Reaper stopped hugging, Reaper wiped Geno's eyes as they both stood up. " head still hurts..." Geno said, "Let's go back to the save screen...we've been waiting for you to wake up and didn't move till you did!" Reaper said.

"Wait...what about the war?" Geno asked, wiping more tears out of his eyes, "...About that..." Reaper said a bit awkwardly. Reaper walked Geno to the outside of the cave to let them see themselves. Geno looked in shock.

"I...kind of blew up in a rage...and killed everything...Hehehe" Reaper chuckled awkwardly, "Where's Ink?" Geno asked, "He left before I exploded, everyone left before I exploded, well except for clones and hell spawns everyone left..." Reaper said.

Geno breathed a sigh of relief, "Well...since everyone is safe we should probably head back to the save screen..." Geno said. Frisk and I nodded as Night started to get comfortable in the cave.

"Can Night come?" Frisk asked, Night growled, "I think Night wants to stay here Frisk..." Reaper said "No they don't! Isn't that right Night!" Frisk said looking back at Night, who was already sleep.

Frisk looked in sadness, "Don't worry! We'll visit him!" Reaper reassured Frisk. Frisk accepted it as Geno opened a portal to the save screen till someone started to shout Reaper's name.

"REEEEEEEEEAPPPPPPEEEERRRRRRR!!!!!" Someone yelled, running up to them. Geno rose a brow in confusion, along with Frisk and Reaper, till Reaper realized who it was.


"Oh no..."

The lady was a goat in a yellow and green dress. The lady was holding the front of her dress up, running closer and closer, till they tripped and started rolling to them, still screaming Reaper name.

Reaper face palmed himself as Frisk laughed, and Geno got more confused.

The lady stopped rolling once they reached them. She quickly got up, brushed the dirt off herself, and smiled, "Found you Reaper!~" the lady hummed.

"What do you want Life?" Reaper asked. Frisk was dying on the floor as Geno looked wide-eyed. THAT'S LIFE?! Geno exclaimed in his thoughts.

"Sooo! Reaper? Who's your friend that seems dead?~" Life asked, raising her brows suggestively.

Rude. Geno thought.

"Your here for something, aren't you?" Reaper asked, "Me? Oh no!- Well technically yes! But gosh no if you don't want too!- Not like you have a choice!" Life said with a grin.

Reaper blinked annoyed, slowly. Frisk was coughing on the floor, spreading the cornavirus.

"I'll make you a deal that you can't refuse Reaper!" Life said, Reaper was about to say something before getting cut off by Life, "I heal everything up in this AU, and you come home to see everyone! At least for a little while! You can even bring your friends!~" Life said with a smile.

"Now Life I've-"

"Do it now?! GOSH! Reaper your so eager for me to fix the mistake you made! Oh well! I guess now will do!" Life said.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!-"

Life focused all of her magic into a glowing ball of green as she threw it up as it bursted in the air. A gust of wind as the grass, trees, everything that was once reliving was revived.

Geno looked in awe as Reaper smirked a little, looking at everything breath again. Frisk got up and brushed themselves of the dirt on there body. They smiled at everything coming back to life.

Life smiled, "Welp! I did my part of the deal! Now you HAVE to do your part of the deal!" Life said, Reaper growled again, "Oh come on! It might be fun! I really wanna see your family Reaps!" Geno said, nudging them with there elbow.

Reaper sighed, "Fine...I guess..." Reaper grumbled, crossing his arms. Geno closed the portal to the save screen as Life opened a portal to Reapertale.

Frisk went in first, "Hope you like family reunions..." Reaper said walking the portal, Geno chuckled as he followed Reaper, Life following behind.

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