The Story of a Reaper- Fatal_Error

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Soon Dream and Ink came back, walking over to see Error back in the air, "Oh, I see your done talking with your sidehoe," Error said.

Dream just smiled nervous as Ink laughed, "I thought that was you!" Ink said. Error huffed in return as he came down, pulling on a string to make all the strings in the ceiling fall. "Anyways, what are they doing here?" Error asked

"Dream came to help! They can find any area from a feeling! Negative or positive!" Ink said, "Tch, yeah sure," Error said.

Error walked over to Dream and handed him the two pieces of string, "Here, tell us what you see," Error said.

Dream nodded and closed his eyes, and focused whatever this skeleton is.

The blurred sights of Papyruses....


The constant screams of Papyruses...

"Kiss my ass Fatal_Error..." an echoflower said

The look of a glitched skeleton monster, brutally cutting little pieces of a Papyrus...Horrortale Papyrus

This was...too much for Dream




Dream let got of the pieces of string in a cold sweat, breathing heavily as he opened his eyes in fear. "I-It's...his name..." Dream said

"What is it?" Ink asked, "I heard the name...Fatal_Error," Dream said. Error and Ink looked at each other, "I've never heard of that name..." Ink said

"This must be recent then, or the skeleton changed his name..." Error said, "Horror...Horrortale Papyrus was there...he was getting his bones cut into bits and pieces...the screams...the darkness...the terrifying screams of different Papyruses...there were skeletons in" Dream said

"That must be the place, Edge described the same thing," Ink said, "It's not like Papyruses can teleport, not that I know of at least," Error said, "Only person I can think of teleporting is Swap," Ink said.

"Do you know where he's headed next?" Error asked, "N-No, he was too busy cutting Horrortale Papyrus," Dream said, "I'll check in with Horror and see what I can find," Error said, "Dream and I will patrol around AUs," Ink said, "Sounds like a plan," Error nodded as he opened a glitched portal and walked in.

"Come on Dream! Let's go!" Ink said as he opened a portal as the two of them went off together.

With Reaper, Geno, Chara, and Frisk. Reaper and Geno were on the couch watching a TV show on Geno phone and Chara and Frisk continuing to draw and write in there secret book that only they know about.

Reaper was trying to catch up in My little pony while he could since they were doing nothing. Of course, Reaper was sipping on coffee and Geno drinking tea.

"So, tell me why you like Scootallo?" Geno asked, "Because! She's awesome! And so cool! She can fly like me! And she just wants everything to think she's cool like Rainbowdash! And she wants to be loved! And she wants her cutie mark so she can show it off! And- and!" Reaper could go all day with his reason, but he got pulled back into the show and stopped his talking to paying attention to Geno's phone.

It made Geno giggled a little, to see Reaper act like a 5 year old to such a show for kids, it was adorable.

Geno couldn't help but noticed how close Reaper was to Geno. How Reaper leans his head on Geno's shoulder to see more of the phone, their body warmth hitting each other.

It was nice, as much as Reaper was more focused on what was happening. Geno didn't really know what was happening, he was paying attention since he was more of admiring the view of how cute Reaper looked.

He thinks that some sort of jewel protecting Equestria was either broken or stolen, Geno wasn't too sure, but Twilight was with Spike and Geno thinks that the episode is almost done.

Reaper was anxious, curious about what's gonna happen next? Will they save Equestria? Or will it all crumble in destruction! It made Reaper bounce a little in anxiousness as Geno giggled more.

Chara was watching the two as she whispered into Frisk's ear of what to write and draw. If you were to look at the book, most would gush, and others would be worried about how big the papered book is...

Papyrus and Mettaton started their date in Papyruses room. Reaper forgot about how they were going on a date from the replacement coffee and watching My little pony with Geno.

They were talking of course and wasn't doing anything serious, but of course Mettaton sort of took the motive to sit closer to Papyrus, making him blush, "Uu-Uh! It was...I was..." Papyrus stuttered, "Oh gosh! I'm so nervous!" Papyrus admitted, "Nervous? What for?" Mettaton asked

"It's just that! You're so cool, and popular! And I just- I wanna be as cool and popular as you Mettaton," Papyrus said.

Mettaton smiled, seeing how much Papyrus adored him. He could help bush gush, "Your already cool and popular Papy," Mettaton told me.

Papyrus looked wide-eyed, "Really?!" Papyrus exclaimed as Mettaton nodded, "I talked to my fans about you and they seemed pretty interested in you, you have quite the fan base and some if not most ship you with me, it's quite flattering really, especially since they don't know about us yet," Mettaton said

Papyrus gasped with stars in his eyes, "I THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS COOL! AWESOME! AND POPULAR!?!?!?!" Papyrus yelped triumphantly.

Everyone heard it but Reaper, he was too into My little pony, it was like he was in the show to be honest, talking out loud to them like they can listen to him.

Mettaton chuckled and clapped a little, "Yes Papy darling!" Mettaton said, "If you want when I go on tour, you can come with me!" Mettaton suggested, "Really?!" Papyrus said. Mettaton nodded before being tackled with a hug, "Oh thank you! Thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!" Papyrus praised.

Mettaton embraced the hug, "It's not a problem my sweet, all for my love," Mettaton said.

Papyrus broke the hug and thought about 'doing something else' but remember Reaper brotherly love for him and decided not to do that, just in case he barges in to 'check' on them.

After the episode was over and nothing was there to watch, Geno let Reaper read a book from his phones as Geno went outside to just get some fresh air.

The book that Reaper wanted to read was Alice in Wonderland, seeing as how he had no clue what the reference 'Off with there head' was about.

Geno walked outside and on the porch. Such a lovely AU...

It's so peaceful in the evening when the sun is going down...

It's just like a story or an event is about to end...and something new will begin soon.

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