The Story of a Reaper- Is Everything Okay?

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Reaper stayed in the meeting room till Geno teleported back to him. "Geno!" Reaper said coming over to Geno, "Heh, I just needed to talk to G for a little while, let's go back, I'm pretty sure your family might be concerned that we suddenly disappeared," Geno said.

Reaper nodded as Geno opened a portal to go back to Reapertale, till Dream stopped them. "Uhm...I'll talk to Ink, be back here by around 30 minutes or so," Dream said. Geno nodded as they went back to Reapertale without Dream.

There everyone seemed to be searching around the house. "GENO!!! REAPER?!!?" They screamed. Frisk came downstair, "GUYS! THEY'RE RIGHT HERE!" Frisk said running up to the both of them, hugging them.

"I thought I was stuck here forever, not like I mind it or anything!" Frisk said. Reaper chuckled. Papyrus came downstairs along with everyone else. "SANS!" Papyrus called picking up from Frisk grasp.

Papyrus hugged Reaper, "Please don't leave without telling us!" Papyrus said, "I'm sorry...I left a note on the refrigerator and took Reaper with me, I apologize for scaring you all," Geno said, "No, No, it must of been important! But now you're here!" Life said.

"Well...for now, we have to go back in about thirty minutes..." Geno said, rubbing the back of his neck, "Why? What has happened?" Life asked Geno sighed, "A...LOT as happened, a group of people want to start a war...and we're included...we all decided to take a break from the tension, that's why we're back," Geno explained.

"Oh gosh! It must be a lot!" Papyrus said, putting Reaper down, "Brother! Why haven't you told us about this?! We could have been of some assistants!" Papyrus huffed, his hands on his hips, "I didn't want you to be in this war-...THAT IS if that's gonna happen," Reaper replied.

Papyrus growled and glared, "Alright then! But if you need help, I'm gonna help, and even if you don't need help, I'm gonna help you!" Papyrus said.

Reaper chuckled. Geno decided to go upstairs for some reason as the others also spread out to do their own thing. Reaper then pulled Frisk outside onto the porch. "Hey...Frisk..." Reaper said.

The sun was going down and everything had a tint of orange. "Yeah Reaps? What's up?" Frisk asked, "...I'm still not sure if Geno likes me or not...." Reaper said sheepishly, "Would you like me to ask him?" Frisk asked, "Uh!- No!- I mean...just...don't say I asked! Make it seem YOU'RE asking the question..then come back to me, okay?" Reaper asked. Frisk nodded, "Yup! For sure!" Frisk said going back inside. Reaper awaited for Frisk to come back to tell him.

Frisk went upstairs, where Geno was in Papyrus' room. Papyrus was showing Geno all his toys and books that Reaper used to read to Papyrus, especially the Fluffy Bird.

Frisk came in knocking on the door to announce that they're entering the room. "Oh! Hey Frisk," Geno said, "Hey! Geno, I have a question," Frisk said. Geno fully turned to look at them. "Do you love Reaper? Or do you like them? Or are you guys just friends?" Frisk asked.

Papyrus looked in confusion as Geno's face turned red, "N-NO! I DON'T LIKE OR LOVE HIM LIKE THAT! We're just friends! He's such a lazy bones, and a jokester! He's only a friend! THAT'S ALL IT IS AND WHAT IT WILL ALWAYS BE!" Geno protested, crossing his arms, looking away from Frisk, puffing his chest.

Frisk looked shocked, but then changed their expression to a smile, "Are you sure?~" Frisk sung, Geno looked back at Frisk and nodded once, "Yes!" Geno said.

Frisk smirked, "Then explain that blush on your face!" Frisk said, "Uh- You surprised me is all!" Geno said looking away again.

"Okayyyyy if you say sooo!" Frisk said leaving the room. Frisk then went back outside on the porch. Frisk walked up to Reaper, "So?... What did he say?" Reaper asked, "Are you sure you wanna know?" Frisk asked, "Uhm...yes?" Reaper shrugged "Positive?" Frisk asked again, "What is it harsh or something?" Reaper asked, "Well... personally, it sounds harsh, but I think Geno is lying, but that's up to you to believe!" Frisk said, "Just tell me!" Reaper told Frisk. Frisk sighed and looked at Reaper seriously.

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