The Story of a Reaper - Finale of Immortality...

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"Pally! Time to go!" Dream called out. "Coming!!" Palette yelped back. It's been odd for the past few days. Nothing bad has happened to Palette like normal and things have been going his way.

Ink and Dream are home more often which makes him much happier. Palette followed his part through a portal that lead to the park. "We'll be walking, you enjoy your time out here with Goth," Ink said

Palette nodded and looked around. There was a playground not to far, bushes and trees. A circle of roses was there. Palette walked over to the roses and decided to sit in the middle of them and wait

It didn't take too long for Goth to arrive as well.

Soon, both of them were sitting in the middle of roses.

"I'm so glad you asked me to go out to the park with you!" Goth blushed. "Yeah... I'm glad too!" Palette blushed a bit. He'd wish it'd be like this forever. No more bullying and rarely any worry...and the fact he's with Goth.

That's all that matters

"Gothy-" Palette looked to the side, a bit flustered as he tilted his hat down to hide his face. "Hm? Yes, Palette?" He asked. "...I-I you t-to-" he stuttered out. "I-I wanna be a...t-thing," he finished

Goth face turned bright purple before smiling. Goth went over and wrapped his arm around Palette. "I want to be a thing too," Goth responded.

Hesitantly, Palette wrapped his arms around Goth, leaning back as Goth laid on top of Palette on the ground. "Oh! Golly!" Goth lifted himself up a bit.

"I-It was my fault! Don't worry!" Palette star eyes were the color pink to lime color.

Goth stared down before giggling. He could tell from his eyes he was in love. "Pally...may I kiss you?" Goth asked.

"I-..." Palette looked around to see if anyone was watching or could see. No one was paying attention. Palette sheepishly nodded as Goth leaned over.

Palette watched his face a deep light green. Inches apart as their eyelids were close to closing.

"GOTH! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Geno called. The two of them stopped. Goth stood up. "I'm here!" Goth replied. Geno ran over to him. "Have you seen Shino anywhere?! We've all been looking for her! She's missing!" Geno explained

"No! I haven't seen her ever since that night I abruptly left!" He responded. "Where could she be! Where's Ink and Dream?!" Geno asked. Goth looked around and pointed to where they were walking

Geno ran over. "Come on Palette! Let's go help!" The both of them teleported out of the rose bushes and ran behind Geno.

Geno stopped in front of them. "Have you seen Shino!? I've asked basically everyone at this point! Everyone is looking for her!" Geno said.

"No, we haven't seen your babybones," Dream said. "We can all help look for you!" Ink reassured. "Thank you so much" Geno would continue to look around the AU

"Where do you think Shino could have gone?" Palette asked. "If my father can't find her then it must be someplace that's hard to even realize it exists...father can tell when someone needs reaping by the time in the area...if there's no time, it's harder to detect them from the lack of aging in the area," he explained

"So, some place like the anti-void?" Ink asked. Goth nodded, "Correct!" Goth smiled.

There was a sudden chuckle in the air. The familiar glitched laughter. Different from Errors.

Everyone could hear it, but a select few were taken from the AU they were in.

They were all teleported to the Mainframe.

The Story of a Reaper [COMPLETE ✔]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin