The Story of a Reaper- Day two

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The next morning was more boring than yesterday. Reaper was holding Geno in his arm and lap, while Frisk and the wolf lazing around the cave. Frisk didn't know where to go, and the wolf seemed to like the three.

Everything was quiet...till the rumbles of Frisk stomach broke the ice. "Welp! I'm hungry!" Frisk said, laying on the cave floor. "Then go find something to eat, or eat the dirt and grass," Reaper said.

Frisk got up and sat outside the cave and started to rip the dead grass out, making a hole. They soon found a worm and picked it up. "Hey Reaper! Look!" Frisk said, going over to Reaper, "Its a worm!" Frisk said with enthusiasm.

Reaper chuckled. "Did you know worms have no face or legs?" Reaper asked, "Do they have arms then?" Frisk asked with a giggle, Reaper chuckled with them.

"Did you know that worms are coldblooded?" Reaper asked, "No, not at all, what else do you know about worms?" Frisk asked, sitting down, playing with the worm in its hand.

" worms aren't born, there hatched from cocoons, smaller than a grain of rice! They can eat there own weight, and if they dry out, they die. Worms can't see light, but they can sense it, but if there in the light for too long, they become paralyzed! Also! Earthworm have the ability to replace lost segments of there body! But that's as much as I can remember, reading a book about was interesting!" Reaper said with a smirk.

"Woah!" Frisk said. Frisk then bit into half the worm and ripped the other half away from his mouth. They chewed the worm in there mouth and swallowed. Reaper looked in a bit of disgust.

Frisk walked back to there dirt hole and placed the other half of the worm back in the dirt. "There! They're still alive!" Frisk said with a proud smile. The wolf was also in disgust at Frisk as a growl of disappointed came out of them.

Reaper couldn't help but smile and chuckle.

Frisk kept looking for more worms in the dirt, digging hole left and right, there hands dirty with minerals.

Once Frisk got more hungry, they started to eat the dirt, "Mmmh...this taste like iron! Wanna try Reaper?" Frisk asked, "Nah...I had my fair share of dirt yesterday," Reaper said with a smirk.

Frisk shrugged and kept eating dirt.

Most of today was just Frisk eating anything editable, it made Reaper question if Frisk was some type of cow or worm...

As curfew came, most of the ground was just dirt. Frisk came back with very dirty clothes and hand. The wolf growled in annoyance and licked Frisk hands to clean them.

Reaped smiled at that.

"Hey Reaper! Can we keep this wolf?" Frisk asked, Reaper shrugged, "I'm not sure... If it wants to stay," Reaper said, "Well do you boy? Wanna stay with us???" Frisk talked at the wolf, petting them.

The wolf just sneezed from the dirt as Frisk gasped, "I think that's a yes!" Frisk said, "Hehehe, we'll see" Reaper said, "In the meantime, what should we name him?" Frisk asked, they both thought for a while.

"Let's name him...Void!" Frisk said, the wolf groaned at the name, "Uhm! Maybe Nightfury?" Frisk asked, the wolf looked in disgust, Reaper chuckled, "Let's just stick with something just Night instead..." Reaper said.

The wolf started panting with a smile. "I think he likes that name!" Frisk said, Reaper looked at his friend, "Yeah...I think Night likes that..." Reaper said with a sentimental smile on his face.

Nightfall had came, and again, everything was quiet. No cricket, and no sound but the wind...


Sorry this wasn't so long! This is just an empty chapter that doesn't really have anything in it, except Frisk eating a worm and a lot of dirt 😂😂😂

But I just wanted to notice ImASansSastion art 😁😄 It was very perfect and I just wanna show it off 😋

But I just wanted to notice ImASansSastion art 😁😄 It was very perfect and I just wanna show it off 😋

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That's all I wanted to say! Have a wonderful day/night 🤗 💚


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