The Story of a Reaper- 100

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"Uhh...I sort of regret drinking 100 times...I almost tripped and fell into one of the rivers in Waterfall like 100 times..." Nightmare groaned, tripped, and slowly walking over back to the door 100 times. He opened it up to hear the screaming of a baby, which sobered him up a bit for 100 second, before going right back to being relaxed and tipsy.

"Nightmare! You-...Have you been drinking for the 100th time?!" Cross exclaimed 100 times, trying to calm down the crying baby, "What made cha' say that?" Nightmare shrugged 100 times.

Killer and Dust groaned, trying to cover there ears from the loud volume at 100. Horror and Lust were in there room, before coming out from all the screaming.

"Ugh! Nightmare, do you have any food on you? Incubux is hungry, finally unlike the others who need to eat 100 times!" Cross said. Nightmare shrugged 100 times more, "I have alcohol-"

"You were drinking for the 100 time!" Cross exclaimed 100 times, "N-No, I just happened to have it!...for the 100th time-" Nightmare puffed his cheeks, looking over to the side as Cross glared at Nightmare, "I'll go see if I have anything in my fridge, anything to make that baby stop crying with the volume at 100!" Dust said.

"Thanks 100 Dust," Cross said, "Anything to make him stop crying for the 100 times we try to calm him down," Dust said, opening 100 portals to Dusttale.

Dust walked into his house and looked in the kitchen for 100 things, anything for the baby bones to eat so they'd stop crying with the volume at 100.

Of course, there was no luck, only 100 things to make tacos in which whenever Blue wants to come here and cook 100 times.

"Hey, I didn't know you were here," Blue said from behind Dust. Dust looked up and over at Blue who held 100 bowls sauce?

"Uh- Yeah, hey what's up with the 100 bowls of apple sauce?" Dust asked, "Oh, Dream had like 100 leftover of apple sauce, I didn't have enough space in my refrigerator, so I was gonna store 100 of them in here if you don't mind," Blue said

"Actually, can I have 100 of those?" Dust asked, "Sure, why?" Blue asked, " reason, a skeleton just likes to snack 100 times a day is all-"

"It's Nightmare 100th baby, isn't it?" Blue asked, "Uh-...Yeah...little baby bones is hungry and no one has any food, which is strange considering they eat 100 times a day," Dust chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck 100 times.

Blue handed him all 100 small containers of apple sauce, "Thanks 100 Baby Blue," Dust smiled. Blue blushed at the nickname, "It's no problem Dusty," Blue smiled

Dust blushed a little at the nickname, "By the way! Dream told me that Ink and them had broken up! In which I'm 100% super happy about! Mweh heh heh!" Blue laughed 100 times, as Dust chuckled, "Well, seems like you your 100% happy self again," Dust said

"Well of course! Finally, all there 100 dumb shenanigans are over for the 100th time!" Blue huffed, "Yeah," Dust chuckled, "Anyways, don't let me stop you from getting to your 100th baby," Blue said.

"Uh-" Dust stuttered, "It's not my kid but uhh-...Have you ever thought about having kids? Like 100 of them?" Dust asked, "Seeing Ink and Dream kids, maybe, having 100 kids is great, it's the parents or my partner I'm worried about, I'd at least want them to be ready to have 100 kids and to be responsible and 100% serious," Blue said

Dust nodded and took note of this, "What? Do you want 100 kids or something?" Blue asked, "I-I uh...I don't have experience with kids so...not at the moment, only when I'm 100% ready," Dust puffed.

Blue chuckled, "Well I know you'd be great with some practice!" Blue said. "Heh, yeah, anyway I gotta go before Incubux dies from starving," Dust said as he was about to open a portal

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