The Story of a Reaper- Fun Sized Ink

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"Mmmm..." Geno groaned. They don't seem to remember anything at the moment, all they remember is being taken away from...

"Reaper?!" Geno yelped before sitting up. Geno looked around, he was in a bone caged that was glitched before his eye caught someone. They wore dark purple and black, and their eye looked as if thorns and dead branches were in them. they were in the same cage as Geno.

He looked wide-eyed at Geno, "Uh...ya' okay?" he asked. His voice was deep and had some sort of city accent, kind of like Fell's but different.

"I'm...-" Geno was hit with sudden dizziness. He held his skull and groaned, "Oh gosh! Try n' stay still, ya' sat up too fast," they said. Geno sight turned a bit black before focusing again, "I-I'm alright, thank you," Geno said

"It's nothing- um...what's cha' name?" they asked, "Geno, and you?" Geno asked, "Names Thistle," Thistle told Geno

"Thistle? What AU do you come from?" Geno asked, "Naturefell," he said, "What 'bout chu'?" Thistle asked, "I come from a dead timeline called Aftertale," Geno said. "A dead timeline eh?" Thistle rose a brow

Geno nodded, "...Do you know how I got in here?" Geno asked, "Ya' don't remember? That bastard glitch boy knocked ya' the hell out and dropped ya' in here with me," Thistle told him

"You put up a hell of a fight too, for a second I thought there was a bit of hope for me ta' get the hell out of here, but I guess not..." Thistle said

"Oh...I'm sorry to have disappointed you," Geno said, "Eh, it's fine, it was expected so I wasn't too surprised," Thistle said

"How'd you get here?" Geno asked, "For being an ass, and gettin' in the way of things," Thistle said, "Huh?" Geno asked for more of an explanation, "He kept tryin' ta' kidnap a...aquaintants brother of mine," Thistle said

"Oh, I see," Geno said. Geno started to look around, he looked in the few cages with different Papyruses in them, "What are the Papyruses for?" Geno asked, "To Fatal, they're extra parts, and little code chips...they're only small part's of his Papyrus," Thistle said

"Code chips?" Geno asked, "He cuts different parts of random Papyruses, then he sews the parts to his's sickening ta' think about ta' be honest," Thistle said

So Reaper's brother, Edge, and what would have been Swap, they would have been cut, their bones were taken away for his own brother

"Not ta' mention he kills them afterward, he doesn't heal em' or take them back home...probably 'cause the mistake hides here and doesn't wanna be found out," Thistle huffed

"Which means we're stuck here?" Geno asked, "Pretty much, till some Papyrus has the balls to fight 'em, kill 'em, and free us all, till then there's no hope for us gettin' out of here," Thistle said

Geno sighed before hearing the sounds of footsteps. The other Papyruses gasped from the sight of Fatal_ Error. Thistle growled as he walked over to there cage, "So you're awake," Fatal_Error said

"Where are we?" Geno asked, "I don't even know myself," Fatal_Error grinned a little, "Thistle is always as feisty as ever, you like your new cage mate?" Fatal_Error chuckled, "Piss off!" Thistle hissed

Fatal_Error scoffed, "Doesn't matter after I'm done with all of this, expect to be dusted, I don't plan on failing on my brother this time, and I won't let you two get in the way of it, it's already bad enough I have a bunch of obstacles," Fatal_Error said

"Obstacles?... When you were talking with Reaper and I...who were you talking about?... Was it Papyrus?" Geno asked, "No it was to an old friend," Fatal_Error said, "Anyways, I have more work to do, I was just seeing if I had killed you on accident or not," Fatal_Error told them

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