20|to miss him

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I knew I was in real shit when I stayed up all night. I couldn't even blink my eyes shut for a second. Most of the time, my eyes were on my phone screen, thinking he would call or text. 

But he did not. 

For once, I craved to see his name emerge on my phone screen. I was tempted to call him and stop him from what I forced him into doing, but I did not. I sat all night in a hole of pain I dug for myself.

I wondered if he had the information that I did not sleep at home, Or If he was worried about where I went. Maybe he did not give two fucks about me. 

I pushed him off and I was supposed to be happy, but I was not.

When I left home, the only place I thought of going was his penthouse. It was just pitiful to be in a situation where I was not safe anywhere else aside from where Dmitri was. Good thing I knew the passcode.

My belly rumbled like a roaring storm, pushing me to the edge and compelling me to get my ass up. I did, cause if pain and stress weren't gonna kill me, hunger was.

I lazily pushed my legs out of the bedroom where I had been locking myself the whole night.

I knew I brought this heaviness upon myself. He warned me so many times to let the idea slide but my stubborn ass pushed it. I had no idea what I was trying to prove but I got proved wrong because he did not hesitate.

Maybe it was for the best. I always wanted him to have someone to marry one day when our fake marriage ends. What remained was for him to find my parents and I would leave his life for good.

I was nearing the sitting area when a delicious aroma entered my nose. It made my empty belly rumble again. I was alarmed by some movements in the house where I thought I was alone.

My heart raced. 

The first person to come into my mind was Dmitri. I believed that he was the only person who knew the passcode.

The more I neared the kitchen, the more I could inhale some varieties of food. Some pancakes and a whiff of mouthwatering coffee.

At a distance, I saw someone walk to the fridge and open the door thus hiding his face. I couldn't tell who he was.

"Hello?" I called but I got nothing. "Who is there?"

He closed the fridge and I halted instantly. The fear that had crawled in me began to melt away when I realized it was Dmitri's man. Akim.

He was wearing headphones, evidence that he did not hear me call out.

He walked to the kitchen marble island while he bobbed his head to the music. 

"Good morning." I greeted, a bit too loud for him to hear but it was aimless. He poured some cereal in a bowl and I suppose he noticed that he needed some milk. He turned in my direction intending to get some milk from the fridge beside me, but he suddenly pulled a gun and aimed it at me.

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