52|Her in danger

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Dad tried to fight for me, it's why he never approved of my life with Dmitri

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Dad tried to fight for me, it's why he never approved of my life with Dmitri. It was his love all along, but I was blinded to see that.

I wondered how Dmitri warned him, maybe he pointed a gun at Dad and jeopardized him, or he threatened to kill him if he ever mentioned to me that Dmitri was a Mafia boss.

Why was it aching so much to learn that the truth had been in my eyes, yet I swam in a pool of lies? I put on a smile and assumed my life. What hurt the most was to learn that I tried hard to find the hidden secrets, and I came out with clues that I was trying to adjust to. 

I was to be okay if he only involved the mafia in his business because Russia was run by the mafia, and many organizations involved cartels. Rumors had it that even the sugar manufacturing company had a hand in cartels. 

But him running the famous Mafia team was huge to take in.

I drew a glass to my lips, it was a shot, and I prayed it would burn me. I needed a reminder that there was no prince charming, there was no smooth life. Every good life came with a dark side, and Dmitri being the leader of a crime organization was the dark side of my life.

He proposed, and I said yes. He trapped me in a hole of love. I mean, who treats a lady like he did to me? Was it all to blind me or was it true love?

I grunted when the drink met my throat, it burned my flesh and tears tugged behind my eyes. 

"Come on, Inna, that is enough." Caitlin took the glass which I was pushing to the bartender for a refill. 

"Just give it to me." My voice came out low, though I was feeling a lot. "Please."

"Don't do this." She begged. "If anything happens, I will be the one to answer." 

I breathed then tipped my head to the guy attending us. "Give me more."

"No. Don't. That is enough." Caitlin jumped off the stool and held my hand. I grabbed her own and shoved it off.

"Just sit and drink with me." I forced a rueful smile. "I'm doing this as a reminder that I am a fool, and I agreed to marry a liar."

She shook her head.

"Come on, was it not Ivan who punished you by using another lady? Is it not tiring that you have to live by Dmitri's rules? You watch me, keep me safe, do what he wants? Hm? It must be tiring. So, let's just drink, dance, and go home. After all, what can I do? He promised to hunt me if I ever run away, so, I think I'm fucked." 

I took the glass and this time, she never resisted. She let me have it.

"Drink." I raised the tiny glass. "Cheers to us fools."

She chuckled silently. "Give me mine." 

"If I get sick, I'll spend more than a week in the hospital. That will be enough for me to take the reality in."

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