40|a dangerous night

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Mister X was either watching Dmitri or me

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Mister X was either watching Dmitri or me. He knew we went to a movie date last night, so he was Dmitri's enemy and he was close. I was to find him eventually.

He texted me again. Despite having been busy looking for the picture he sent, which I knew that Dmitri had, I was also busy planning how to tame him. I had to find out why he wanted to know about the baby in the picture.

I sighed at the message he sent.

X: Let's play a little game that will show you who Dmitri is.

The message got me rolling my eyes. He sounded like he was convincing me to accept that Dmitri wasn't who I knew he was. Who was he anyway? A rich Russian man who owned the most famous organization across the world.

He worked with the police to run some serious errands. He could fight so well and he was good with guns. Well, maybe not as good as terrorists but he could aim just perfectly.

That was Dmitri.

I was leaving the phone at work so I was reading the message while in my office. I just sighed and shoved the phone back into a drawer that I was locking.

I pulled out a laptop to keep myself busy. Just then, Liam walked in carrying a cup of coffee I had asked for. The guy was hilarious, his dress code was unique, and you'd think he worked for Gucci.

Just like the previous day, Liam was clad in a black dress trousers that swayed with his movement. It hung lazily on his body. It was clean though, and the same case as his shirt. He was in an official gray shirt that was fully buttoned and adorned with a black freaking tie.

"Here is your coffee." He placed the cup on the table. The action of fixing his eyeglasses was a habit because he did it again, and I wasn't bothered anymore.

"Thank you." I thanked him. "You said I have a meeting?"

"Yes," He checked the iPad. "In thirty minutes, you will have a meeting with VIP employees. I have informed the manager."

"I appreciate it." I took a sip. "Is she back to her office?"

"Not yet, Ma'am."

"Please don't call me Ma'am."

"Madam," He bowed. "I'm obliged to-"

"Just," I grabbed the cup to take a sip. "Just...just call me Miss-" I paused when the cup accidentally slipped.

I pushed the seat backward escaping from the dripping coffee on the table. "Oh no!" I got up immediately when I noticed a stain on my skirt. "No, no, no, no, no."

"Here." Liam was busy wiping the coffee on the table. He handed me some paper towels which I used to wipe my skirt. "I'm sorry."

"It's my bad." I stood while checking on my perfect cotton skirt which was my favorite official so far. "It has to come out." I picked more paper towels to wipe the brown stain off. I had a meeting for Christ's sake.

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