75| the birthday

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Everyone that Inna knew had already arrived in Italy

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Everyone that Inna knew had already arrived in Italy. Thanks to winter and the situation that caught us, she could not tell we were in Italy and not in Mexico. 

I always wanted to bring her to Italy, to see the world where my brother ruled. And celebrating her birthday as a family could make her happy. 

She looked very cute when asking me out on a dinner date, as though I couldn't see through her smile. She thought everyone forgot her birthday. I could never forget important things. It had been my mission to give her everything she missed in the years she had been a nanny. 

I could not help admiring how she looked amazing, being clueless. She did not know that after her mother's event, the rest of the team traveled with Diamond company plane. And I traveled with her on my private plane. It itched me to see her face when everyone shows up.

She maintained the pace as we walked in. But I bet she wished to stop and stare at the animal sculptures in the compound.

"Is this a hotel? It looks amazing." She said. 

"You like it?" I asked, playing along with the surprise. 

"Yeah." Her gaze shifted to two ladies dressed in workers' uniforms. I bet they knew me from the way they stopped and bowed in greetings. Inna waved at them, sending them a warm smile.

It was strange how my heart tensed when we neared the door to Rodion's apartment. It's where everyone was. I worried about her reaction, not sure if she would love the surprise. It came with too many lies.

My grip on her hand tightened. I just hoped the surprise would work. I gazed down at her when we stopped in front of the door. She turned to me, a smile still stretched on her lips. God, how could one look so cute when clueless?

The silence behind the door felt unreal. You'd think they were not there.

I opened the door and let Inna walk in first. She only made one step in and halted in an instant. She met a bouquet of roses and behind the massive bouquet was Cole, hiding his face. 

"Oh. Oh My God." She gasped, while giving me a grin, then picked the flowers. "Thank you, young—" She paused and her eyes bulged. "Cole?"

"Happy Birthday!" The ladies' voices suddenly echoed and everyone showed up from their hiding spaces. Inna stepped behind in shock, nearly dropping the flower. 

"What the?!" She stared at everyone as they ambled near us, laughing at how she stood frozen. "You!" She gazed at me with her teary eyes. "I hate you." 

I winked, running my hand over her lower waist. "Happy Birthday, love." I whispered down at her and she chuckled. 

"Hey everyone." She greeted as she approached them.

"You do not know how Cole got tired of waiting for you." Carina said with a chuckle.

Inna laughed. "We took time in the car. Oh wait, no wonder Alessia's brother came to pick us. I thought we were in Mexico." 

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