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How to get a baby when you are infertile

I erased the words again, trying to come up with better words to use on Google search. To be honest, I have been doing what Dmitri told me. He said I should stop worrying about it, and I did. Though at some point, I would drift a little and think about it. 

It's been seven months since I got the news and it hasn't been the best. Dmitri tried a lot, he would even call me any time to talk about anything, or just show up in my office to take me out. I knew what he was doing, trying to cheer me up. 

Though he made it all about me, as if he wasn't ready for a baby, but I knew deep down he had some hidden worry and pain about the reality. I've been trying to think of many ways to have his baby, but I couldn't think of any. 

I got ideas of adopting one, but I wasn't ready to rush to that and agree to the fact that I could not give my husband a baby.  I was still hopeful to get pregnant, yet every day proved me otherwise. 

Mum told me to use some herbal remedies, I rolled my eyes at it for a few weeks before I decided to try. But who was I kidding?

I never told anyone else about it. Maybe my hopes were so high. I knew Grandma had given up and maybe I disappointed her. Seeing it was almost four years and without any signs, maybe it was time to tell her.

How can a man get a baby when his wife is barren?

I pressed search and immediately, a knock emerged at my office door. I quickly slammed the phone upside down on the table and looked up. Answering, I drew my laptop closer and pretended to be busy. 

The door opened. Expecting Dmitri, Maksim walked in. "What!" I was shocked. He disappeared from Russia for almost two years. We only met the time Dmitri and I went to New York and visited him briefly. "You silly!" I got up and ambled to meet him, he welcomed me in a hug. "What are you doing in Russia?"

"You missed me."

I chuckled, pulling away and awarding him a shoulder slap. "I missed you," I admitted then checked him out. "Oh, you look hot." 

"I do?" He fixed his black jacket and I laughed. He clad in dark jeans and a black tee. "How are you? You look beautiful in that dress."

We walked to the sofa and sank on the three-seater settee. "Well, I look beautiful in anything." I boasted with a flip of my hair.

"I can't argue." He relaxed on the backrest. "What's new?" He raised an eyebrow. "And mind explaining why we don't talk like we used to talk?"

I shrugged. Well, to be honest, I kinda distanced myself from people after everything.  Felt like I needed space to think about myself. To think of ways to have a baby, that's all I have been doing.

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