Law x Reader {The Grinch?}

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(Y/n)'s Pov

We were gathered in the dining hall away from Dr. Grinch and his Christmas-hating ways. Though if he caught onto my plan, he would ruin it within seconds and I couldn't have that since unlike him I loved Christmas. "Alright, boys did you get anything on my list?" They placed down various items as I checked them off of my list.

"Very good boys. This should be everything. Let's get started~"


Later That Day...

Law's Pov

"Penguin-ya have you seen (Y/n)-ya? I need to give her a checkup but I can't find her" The man looked up as he started to shake his head. "S-Sorry Ca-Captain, I haven't seen her!" How peculiar why would the man lie to me about little (Y/n)'s whereabouts? "I'll give you one last chance to tell me the truth Penguin-ya. Where is (Y/n)-ya?"

"She's planning a Christmas party!!" My eyes narrowed at this piece of information as I held a scalpel to his neck. "Where is this party?" It didn't take him long before he replied to my question, though he was smart enough to know the consequences of lying to the Captain.

"She's holding it in the boiler room!"


(Y/n)'s Pov

"Where's Penguin?" I looked around but I didn't see the man and I found it strange since he should have been here by now. "He's late... you don't think Dr. Grinch got to him, right?" A lump formed in my throat as my eyes scanned the room. "That's crazy talk, Dr. Grinch is held up in his office doing paperwork all day"

"Who's doing paperwork (Y/n)-ya?" At that moment my body froze up as I felt a pair of hands rest on top of my shoulders as his voice filled my ears. "Ahhh! Runaway! Save my pie!" My pie was grabbed by a fellow crewmate as Law had his arms wrapped around my chest preventing me from running away with the rest of the crew. "What did I tell you (Y/n)-ya?"

"Don't run in the submarine?" He might have been the Captain but sometimes I needed to string him along and act oblivious to his questions. "No, what did I tell you about throwing parties without permission?" I let out a sigh as I turned around in his arms so I could see his grey eyes. "B-But Law, I asked you if I could have one and you said no. You never let me have any fun"

"(Y/n)-ya... every time you throw a party the same thing happens you drink too much and end up getting hurt. I'm sorry but I don't need to keep patching you up after one of your parties goes too far. Christmas is coming up and I know how much you love the holiday so... feel free to decorate the submarine however you'd like but first (Y/n)-ya I need to give you a checkup"

"I can decorate the submarine however I want!? Ah, thank you Law and here I thought you were just a mean Christmas-hating jerk! You're the best!"


In the Infirmary...

Law's Pov

"Take a deep breath in... and slowly let it out... and again... and once more... Very good (Y/n)-ya" Her breathing had improved a lot since the last checkup but (Y/n) was still wheezing slightly if she took a breath too quickly. It was still also a problem at night when she was asleep, though her secret parties she would have didn't help her condition. "Can I put my shirt back on now Law, it's cold in here?" I handed her my yellow hoodie so she could regain a little bit of warmth before I continued with the rest of her checkup. "Law... can I use the glue gun?"

"No, I took that away from you months ago" Her eyes were staring right at me as she held her hands together. "I need it! How else I am supposed to make decorations to put around the submarine?" (Y/n) had this thing about her that made it hard to say no to her but in this case, I couldn't give her what she wanted since a regular glue gun was a dangerous weapon in her hands. "Use a glue stick or crafting glue"

"That's not the same... how about if you use the glue gun for me?" My eyes drifted to the smile that was plastered across her face and I knew that if I told her no then I would only regret it later. "Deal"


A Few Days Later...

(Y/n)'s Pov

"Law, I need you! Come out from wherever you're hiding!" The dear Captain was nowhere to be found and I needed something glued but Law had disappeared. "Bepo, have you seen Law? He's supposed to be helping me" The lovable polar bear always had an idea where the Captain was so he was the bear to ask if I needed to find him. "The Captain is hiding from you (Y/n)-chan. He's in the kitchen hiding in the pantry"

"Thank you Bepo!" Running towards the kitchen I stopped in front of the pantry before I knew the doors open to find Law drinking a cup of coffee while sitting on the floor. "(Y/n)-ya! What are you doing here?" I glared at him for a minute before I held up the item, I needed him to glue for me. "You said you'd help me Law... why are you hiding in the pantry, I thought you liked me?"

"I love you but I'm taking a break... I've done enough gluing for one day (Y/n)-ya" I had made him do a lot of work for me today so maybe he did deserve a little break. "Oh, okay! Can I join you?" He stood up from his spot before he passed by me and let his fingers run through my hair. "Come along (Y/n)-ya I'll get you some juice and we can sit in the dining room together"

"I love you to Law and don't worry we can glue more stuff tomorrow!"

"Great... I can't wait for that. Merry Christmas (Y/n)-ya"



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