Kidd x Reader {Present Shopping} AU

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Kidd's Pov

I was waiting in my car outside of my friend's place as my fingers tapped against the searing wheel. I only had a few hours before I needed to return home to my girlfriend but fuck where is that mot- I was cut off as my buddy slid into the passenger seat as he greeted me. "Sorry boss, Jinx didn't want to let me leave"

Looked back at the house I could see his girlfriend tapping a knife against the glass as she had a murderous look in her eyes. I always hated that girl but since Heat liked her, I needed to tolerate her, and (Y/n) was also friends with her so killing Jinx would piss her off. Turning to the man I quickly started to speak before I pulled onto the road and headed for the shopping district. "Heat did you find out what (Y/n) wants for Christmas?" 

"No... she refused to tell me and Jinx didn't know either. Why don't we just look around and see if anything catches your eye boss? I'm sure after living with her for so long you could easily pick something she'd like"

He was trying to reassure me but everyone knew what happened last year when I gifted her socks. "I wouldn't have asked you to find out what she wanted if I knew her that well. You know I disappointed her last year and she didn't talk to me all day! The gift needs to be perfect this year... I'm not going to disappoint her again!"

"Boss... Why don't you call him? He knows her better than anyone... If you don't want to disappoint (Y/n) you're going to need to swallow your pride and call him" I thought about what he said for a minute but calling that man was not an option. "No way in hell! That son of a bitch hates me and will try to sabotage my relationship with (Y/n) by giving me bad advice!"

I needed to focus on the road ahead of me but Heat was making things difficult with his stupid questions. Sure, (Y/n) was my everything but I knew calling him wouldn't end well. "He doesn't hate you that much Kidd, he brought you that cherry pie last year, didn't he?" The memory of that smug bastard heading me a homemade pie came into my head but I quickly erased the thought as I replied. "I didn't eat that shit! He could have poisoned it!"

"(Y/n) didn't die and she ate the whole thing" He was right, when I refused to touch the pie (Y/n) helped herself to the whole thing, and since her brother didn't stop her the pie probably wasn't poisoned but that son of a bitch knew I hated cherries. "Shut up Heat! Look we're here, now get out we don't have much time before my little vise starts to wonder where I am and she has quite the set of lungs on her" Stepping out of the car I headed for the door with Heat running after me but I didn't care whether or not I left him behind.


One Hour Later...

We had been at it for an hour now and for whatever reason or another, I didn't think anything was good enough for my (Y/n). "Why is it so damn difficult to pick out a present for my girl!?" I was yelling quite loudly but no one would dare to interrupt me, it would usually end up fatal if anyone did. "Calm down boss..."

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down! (Y/n) means the world to me and I'm going to make sure to find her something that will make her smile when she opens it! Let's go!" Walking into another store I continued to look around for that special present for her.  


A Few Hours Later...

I had dropped off Heat and was just pulling into the driveway when I saw (Y/n) was sitting in the window with a book in her hands but when her eyes met mine, she gave me a little wave before she returned to her book. Her mouth moved and before I knew it my little vise was sitting in her Mother's lap while pounding on the window. "My troublemaker"

Walking into the house I closed the door as my little girl ran up to me. "Dada! Dada! Up!" I kicked off my boots as I picked up the girl red-haired girl who had a pair of goggles hanging from her neck. "There's my little vice, where's Mama?"

"R-Reading, Mama rea-d h-her book" She was quite far along with her words but she still struggled with the bigger ones. "I got you a treat. Here go eat it in the kitchen" I pulled a bag of gummy bears out of my pocket and handed them to the girl as she runs into the kitchen to eat them. "Treat!"

"You know it's close to dinnertime Kidd, how did your shopping go? I hope you didn't buy me socks this year" There she was, my girlfriend (Y/n) with her ever-present grin in place as she leaned against the living room doorframe. "Have some faith in me (Y/n) and no I didn't buy you socks. You'll have to wait until Christmas to find out though"

"For your sake it better be good... I'm going to start on dinner. Oh, and you need to fix bathroom taps. Rose unscrewed them again, you really need to put your tools on a higher shelf" She walked up to me as her lips pressed against mine then she headed for the kitchen but stopped to listen to my reply. "I'll get right on that... I love you (Y/n) and I think I finally got you the perfect gift"

"Love you too ~ Oh, and Law said you called him today, I didn't think you got along with him but I invited him to Christmas dinner. He said he'd even bring you an apple pie this year, I know that's your favorite!"

"T-that's great (Y/n)... I can't wait"



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