Luffy x Reader x Doffy {Be My Friend} AU

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Luffy's Pov

"What are you staring at Luffy?" Turning to look behind me I noticed Zoro had finally shown up although my attention shifted back to the girl I'd be staring at. "Her" She had noticed me staring at her but Zoro still wasn't sure who I was looking at. "Who?" My finger pointed in her direction although when I did her head tilted up. "That girl over there" I thought she looked familiar but it was Zoro who put a name to her face. "Hm, isn't that (Y/n)? Yeah, she's in our class"

Zoro said she had been in her class but I didn't recognize her. I would take his word for it although as I looked at her more, I noticed that look in her eyes. Emotions weren't my strong suit but I knew that look well. It was the same one I had before I met Ace and Sabo. "She looks sad" Before I could think anymore Zoro had spoken up beside me drawing my attention away from her. "I think that's just her face" He could have been right although I felt bad for him since Sanji had been right behind when he said it. Hopefully this time it didn't bruise as badly.

"Don't you dare insult a lady!" He was sent across the lunchroom but I just ignored it as my eyes again turned to stare at her, at (Y/n). "I'm going to talk to her. There's something about her" I went to stand up however before I could someone's hands pressed me back onto the chair. Looking behind me I spotted Nami but I quickly avoided her glare. "No, you don't! We have a group project to finish and besides look at who she's sitting with!" I had forgotten about that project however when Nami said (Y/n) was sitting with someone I turned to see who it was.

It wasn't just one person sitting with her. No, there were now three sitting around the girl I was just staring at moments before. I wasn't sure when they sat down although I recognized all three of them. Mainly because I had beaten up two of the three. "Shut up! They'll hear you! Ahhh! Retreat!" Usopp had already fled the lunchroom but thanks to his screaming they had all turned to face our table. "Nobody moves an inch. Maybe they won't see us" Nami was worrying for no reason. I mean we had our disagreements in the past but they couldn't have still held a grudge. "Luffy! Duck!" I didn't even see it coming. The pain in my cheek was the only sign something had hit me.

(Y/n)'s Pov

I wish the man could have left it alone but of course, he needed to prove something. "Luffy! You're bleed!" The cut wasn't deep although as I looked to my right I watched as the man beside me lowered his hand back onto the lunch table. "Did you need to do that, Doflamingo?" I knew those two had a big fight last year but I would have thought Doflamingo would have learned his lesson after having his ass handed to him. "Fufufufu. I'm just having a little fun (Y/n). Are you done eating lunch yet? We have a project to finish after all"

That was right I ended up stuck with him as one of the group partners. He always wanted me since I could manage to get a good mark with or without him lifting a finger. This time however I hadn't exactly done any work. "Did you even do your part of the project?" I knew I shouldn't have held my breath so I wasn't surprised by his response. "No, that's why we make such a good team. You do all the work and we share the spoils of your effort" I should have let it go but frankly he had done this to me once too many. "Well, I didn't bother doing any work. You three can figure it out between yourselves. I'm don- Doflamingo, come on that hurts"

I hadn't expected him to grab a hold of my wrist like that but he always did have a temper. However, if he continued to squeeze, I thought for sure he was going to break it in two. "That wasn't a part of our deal sweet (Y/n). We all need a good mark. So, I hope you can re-"

"Gum-Gum pistol!"


Sometime Later...

Luffy's Pov

"Did they tell (Y/n) I was sorry? I wasn't aiming for her! She's not going to want to be my friend now! They told her it was an accident right, Sabo!?" I didn't get the chance to see her after what had happened at school but I just hoped she didn't hold a grudge over the small accident. "Calm down Luffy. I'm sure the girl doesn't think you punched her on purpose" I wish Sabo didn't say that aloud. Yes, I did end up punching the girl but it wasn't on purpose. It was more like when you accidentally elbow someone since you didn't see them behind you. Yeah, that sounded better except she was sitting in front of me.

One Piece x Reader {Christmas One Shots}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora