Killer x Reader {Sledding} AU

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"Killer, will you come sledding with me?" I was all dressed in my winter clothing as I stood next to Killer who was typing something on his laptop. "I'm a little busy right now (Y/n)... though I can take a break for you. I'll give you an hour of my time but you need to make me that frozen hot chocolate when we come home, deal?"

"Deal! Come on, we need to hurry before it gets too busy there!" Grabbing his hand, I pulled him to the door as I slipped my boots on while Killer was putting a coat on. "Are you going to be warm enough Killer? At least wear some mittens" He did as I said and put the mittens on but couldn't open the door with them on. "I got it!" My mittens weren't on yet so I easily opened the door before I yelled at Heat who was watching tv. "Tell my brother I'm going out!"

I didn't wait for a reply as I slammed the door shut and made my way to the shed where my sled was being stored though when I got there, I noticed the lock on the door. "Oh, no Killer! My poor sled is trapped in there" Thankfully my boyfriend managed to unlock the door with a key he had on him. "There you go (Y/n)" Walking inside I quickly grabbed my sled before I exited the baby barn and placed it on the ground before taking a seat on it.

"Take me to the hill!" Killer laughed at me slightly but he grabbed the rope before we started in the direction of the sliding hill. "As you wish my love~"


At the Hill...

"We have arrived my love~ Which hill do you want to go down first" Looking at the hill I could only see three other people there but it was three too many for my liking. "The bunny hill and Killer can you please get rid of those people?" I could hear him sigh but he was used to my anti-social ways. "Sure" He left me where I was as he walked up to some lady and her two demons but unfortunately this lady didn't seem to like what Killer had to say. "Who do you think you are telling me to leave!? You punks think you own this town! I'll have you know my husband can arrest you and your ugly little girlfriend!"

Great, this lady was clearly a moron and didn't know when to shut her mouth. Though it was quite the sight to see when Killer held a knife to her throat as the color drained from her face. "Come on kids we'll find somewhere else to play!" As she passed me, I couldn't resist the urge to flip her off and it only pissed her off more. "Good, she's gone! Take me to the top Killer!"

As he pulled me to the top my smile widened as we were the only pair that remained. Sure, the others might show up at some point but I didn't mind since I was friends with them. I just hoped the crazy lady didn't show her ugly face again, this hill was under the gang's rule so she shouldn't have been here in the first place. "Alright (Y/n), hold on tight"

As Killer wrapped his arms around my waist his feet moved next to me as he started to nudge us closer to the edge. Now the bunny hill wasn't exactly children friendly, it was at the tallest point of the hill and just when you thought the ride was over there was a slope that would launch you at least five feet in the air before you would crash into a snowbank below.

"Ahhhhhhhh!"As we picked up speed, I could see the slope approaching as Killer's arms tightened around me. "I love you, Killer!!" Before I knew it, we were in the air and my stomach was doing backflips. Though as we connected with a snowbank I leaned back against Killer as I started to laugh. "Hahaha. That was awesome! Are you still alive Killer?"

"Yeah... do I need to take you back to the top or did you want to play on the smaller hills?" I thought about it for a minute but Killer probably already knew my answer since he was heading in the direction of a smaller hill once he placed me back on the sled. "Just a smaller one, I can only go down the big hill once" We were getting close to the hill I liked when I heard sirens in the distance. "Did you hear that Killer?"

"I think it's time to go (Y/n)" He was already on the phone and being yell at by my brother but once he hung up the phone, he stood in front of me as the police cars pulled up on the side-streets a few yards away. Kidd was not going to be happy about this and these officers must have been stupid to show up in Kidd's territory like this.

"Massacre Soldier Killer and Kidd's little sister, you are both under arrest! Put your hands up!" I looked up at Killer as I held my hand out towards him. He knew I wasn't weak but it didn't mean he wasn't protective over me. "Let's go, Killer. I still have to make you that drink~"

As I got closer to the officers some started to shake though as they started to point their weapons at each other I walked past them as I stood beside Kidd who didn't look pleased. "What the hell Killer!?" The man shrugged his shoulders as he held my sled in one hand before you took a hold of me with his other. "Bye brother if you make it home alive, I'll make you some frozen hot chocolate too ~"



One Piece x Reader {Christmas One Shots}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt