A.S.L x Reader {Buying a Tree} AU

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"How much is a Christmas tree anyways Sabo? We have enough, right?" I looked over at the blonde who was counting our change as he shot me a lopsided grin. "We should have enough (Y/n)... I know money's been tight lately but since all four of us pitched in to the Christmas fund this year, we'll have plenty"

"Where are the others? I told them to be home early today but they're late" Just as I said that I heard the apartment door open as the boy's voices filled the small apartment. "It wasn't my fault! You're the one that fell asleep Ace!" 

"Great you guys are here! Sabo said we have enough to afford a tree this year~" Ace and Luffy ran up to me as they both pulled me into a tight hug before they kissed my cheeks. We were all close friends so this was normal behavior with them. "Really? That's great (Y/n) I can't wait, this is the first year we'll have an actual tree, right?" 

"Well... we got one a few years back but you set it on fire Ace... Try not to kill this one, k?"

"Hahahaha. I remember that the landlord wouldn't stop yelling at you and chasing you around the apartment parking lot!" Luffy got a smack to the back of the head as Ace's face was turning bright red. "It wasn't my fault, you're the one who ducked when I threw a fireball at you Luffy!"

"Boys, boys, calm down~ Let's go tree shopping, I don't want to be stuck with a tiny Charlie Brown tree!"


The Tree lot...

"What's your budget kids? I have some smaller trees that might be in your price range, they're over there" My eyes followed his finger as he pointed at the saddest looking Christmas trees I had ever seen. We usually didn't use our titles to get what we wanted but since this man was trying to scam us, I decided it was necessary.

"Don't you dare to try and scam me, do you know who we are!? I want a nice tree and not a Charlie Brown tree, do I make myself clear!?" He started to laugh at me as some of his employees started to walk over but when they saw the three boys standing behind me, they stopped in their tracks. "B-Boss! Just get them a tree! Those boys are monsters; Fire-Fist Ace, Straw-Hat Luffy, and Sabo The Revolutionary!"

"Hey! What about me!?" I felt a little insulted that they didn't mention who I was but really, I didn't have a title anyways. "A-And (Y/n), she's the Daughter of Shanks!" The color started to drain from the man's face as he quickly replied to us. "W-Which tree would you four like!? Take your time, w-we'll even d-delivery it! Free of charge of course!"

"Oh! Oh! I want that one!"


Back at Home...

"There was easier than I thought it would be, we even got to buy some new lights and ornaments to hang on the tree" As I hang another blub on the tree my cellphone started to ring.

'Ring' 'Ring' 'Ring'

"Hello?" My cheerful mood was ruined when I recognized the sound of my Father on the other end. "(Y/n), did you steal a Christmas tree from a tree lot this morning?" I quickly exited the room as I tried to explain what had occurred this morning at the tree lot. "Ah... No, the guy gave it to me... Why?"

"If the guy gave it to you and why did they say you threatened them?" That just wasn't true, I didn't even have to tell them our names. The guy's employees did it for me. "Okay, the guy was trying to sell me an ugly Charlie Brown tree and I didn't want to get scammed by him... I would have bought the tree but he just gave it to me"

"Oh... alright I'll believe you for now since my little girl would never lie to her dear Papa. I got some presents for you can I drop them off later?"

"Sure thing... Papa"

"Awe, my little girl is so cute! Alright (Y/n) I'll be over later today... just try not to cause too must trouble this year, I don't want to bail you out of jail on Christmas like last year"

"Bye, Dad... and that was you who needed to be bailed out of jail last year!"



One Piece x Reader {Christmas One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now