Katakuri x Reader {Doughnut Decorating}

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"Alright everyone, pick a tray and find a place to sit! But no one is allowed to touch the tray with the doughnuts on it, those are for Katakuri!" I stood next to Pudding as I made sure Katakuri's doughnuts remained untouched. "Mamamamama. This is a nice surprise (Y/n)! Where is my son? He's usually with you at all times, it's very strange to see you two apart"

It was Pudding who spoke up about the whereabouts of my husband, which was fine because I had no clue where the man had run off to. "He's out buying (Y/n) Christmas presents Mama. He shouldn't be too lo-" When my eyes looked at the table of trays, I seen that someone was trying to take the tray of doughnuts that I had just told them not to touch.

"Cracker! Put down that tray right now before you regret it!" It didn't matter that I was half the man's height I wasn't going to just stand aside and let him steal the pastries I made for my husband this morning. "Why!? Katakuri isn't even here, have the kitchen prepare more (Y/n) this tray is mine now~"

"Who's not here Cracker? ... Sorry I'm late (Y/n), I didn't miss, much did I?" When I heard Katakuri's voice behind me I quickly span around as I run up to him so he could pick me and place me on his shoulder. "He's trying to steal the doughnuts I made for you Katakuri! You made it just in time to stop him!"

"He's doing what!?" Cracker started backing up at that as he quickly grabbed a tray of cookies and went to sit at the 'tall people' table with most of the family. "Come on Katakuri take your tray of doughnuts and start decorating them. We can eat them in your room later~"

"Thank you (Y/n)~ You always make the best doughnuts during Christmas~" With his doughnuts in hand Katakuri sat down between his brothers and started to grab various items from the table; glaze, sprinkles, jam, etc. "Here (Y/n)~ Tell me if it's good~"

A doughnut was held in front of my face as I took a small bite before I chewed and swallowed it before I replied to Katakuri. "It's so good~ Oh, you should decorate the next one with the crushed candy canes!" As he put the doughnut back on the tray I watched as he picked up another one as he quickly dipped it in the glaze before he sprinkled candy cane on top and got me to taste it.

"I love you Kataruki~" I watched him for a couple more minutes and before I knew it all the pastries had been decorated. He went get up as he turned his head towards me, I couldn't miss the slight blush that was present on his cheeks. "I love you too (Y/n)~ Let's go back to our room~"


When we got back to our room, I noticed that the pile of presents under our Christmas tree had at least doubled since I looked at it this morning. "You know I don't need that many presents Katakuri, I'm happy just having you by my side on Christmas"

"I know but you're my wife and I want to spoil you as much as I can~ Now let's eat these delicious-looking doughnuts~" Kataruki had put the kettle on before he sat me down on a pillow while he prepared some tea for us. "Are you going to sing the doughnut song for me?"

"Of course, I will (Y/n)~"



One Piece x Reader {Christmas One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now