Bellamy x Reader {Christmas Sweaters} AU

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"(Y/n), where are you!? Come see what I made you!" I was in my bedroom when Bellamy came into the room with a sweater in his hands. "You made me a sweater Bell?" Once the man turned the sweater around, I could see a big penguin stitched onto the front. "Oh, a penguin sweater! Gimme, gimme I want to put it on!"

Bellamy always made the best designs but this was the first Christmas sweater I had received from him. "It's so soft~ I love it" Pulling the blonde down to my level I gave him a quick kiss before I leaned back to take a look at his sweater. He wasn't much of a sweater guy but during Christmas, it was rare to see him without one, well at least within our home.

"I'm glad you like it (Y/n) it took me a few weeks to finish the design without you knowing about it but seeing you smile made it all worth it. Do you want to roast marshmallows with me downstairs?" Bellamy always made Christmas special for me and this year wasn't any different. "Did you get the massive campers' marshmallows?"

"I got the graham crackers, caramel squares, and the chocolate too. We should be all set" This man always came through for me and I loved it. "You're the best boyfriend ever Bell~ Where did our kitty cat go? The whole family needs to be together on Christmas" Settling down on the blanket in front of the fire I stared at the lovely spread Bellamy had set out for us to make s'mores with. Though as a little ball of fur was placed in my lap, I couldn't help but smile. "There you are Mr. Muffin~ Where were you hiding all day?"


"He was in the laundry basket" Turning to Bellamy I could see he was removing the gate from the fireplace so we could roast our marshmallows. It was an easy task that only took him seconds to get done but when he tried to feed our cat a marshmallow, I stopped him. "Cats don't eat marshmallows Bell. Stop it"

"Hm... Fine, here (Y/n) you start roasting yours. Just be careful not to catch it on fire" With Bellamy by my side I was sure he'd save my marshmallow if it did catch on fire. "I'll try not to"


20 Minutes Later...

"Yummy~ Oh no, I got chocolate on my sweater!" I was too busy enjoying my s'mores that I didn't notice the chocolate was dripping out until it was too late. "It's alright (Y/n) I made you a backup" Smiling over at Bellamy I seen him get up and retrieve a sweater that was neatly folded up on the couch. "This one has a nice polar bear on it. You can change if you want or just wear it later"

"I'll wear it later when we watch our Christmas movies. Did you want to pick the first movie we watch?" I loved all the Christmas movies we had and we would eventually watch them all so it didn't matter too much about the one we started with. "Hm... let's watch Frosty the Snowman first" Bellamy looked so cute with that smile on his face. "Sounds good to me... Just let me clean us then we can start. I already had way too many marshmallows"

"I'll get everything set up while you're gone. I love you (Y/n)"

"Love you more Bellamy. This Christmas is going to be the best yet, I just know it~"



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