Hawkins x Reader {One Dance} AU

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(Y/n)'s Pov

This night was dragging on although it wasn't like I could just abandon my friends. They'd never let me hear the end of it if I did. "(Y/n)?" Speaking of my friends one of them decided to drag my attention to them. "Yeah, what is it?" I couldn't be sure what they wanted but the moment they spoke I could have rolled my eyes. "This is a party. Try to pretend you're having fun. You've been sitting in that chair all night"

I thought just being in the room would have satisfied them although maybe I shouldn't have been that stupid. They were the outgoing bunch after all. "I'm not a fan of parties" Of course they sent me looks of disapproval when I said that. "Then why did you bother coming in the first?" I'm not sure if they had been hit over the head this evening however, they knew exactly what had occurred just hours ago. "You didn't exactly give me a choice and besides from how I remember it I was forced into the car"

"Well, we thought you needed this... Come on how about you at least have one dance with someone? We promise to leave you alone after that" That was a big ask but the promise of being left alone did sound promising. However, I needed to remind myself of the fact I was born with two left feet when it came to dancing. "Me? You want me to dance?" They only shook their heads before responding in hopes of me agreeing. "Yup. It'll be fun, truth us" I could have just denied their request although the deal sounded perfect for me. Just dance once and be left alone. "This isn't what I would call fun... but fine. I will have one dance and afterward, I'm going home"


With that, I stood up and began to look for anyone free for a dance. There weren't many available people although as my eyes scanned the room, they finally locked on one sitting at the far end. I recognized him immediately. "Basil Hawkins" As if he had heard me, I watched as his eyes looked up from his glass of wine. Those eyes were just as red as the wine in the glass and for one reason or another, my feet refused to take another step. He just stared at me but before I knew it, he had stood from his chair. I had even registered it until he was only a foot or two away from my person.

"Good evening, (Y/n). It is odd to see you at such an event" His words held truth however it was equally as odd to see him here. "I was forced into attending but seeing you here is something else entirely. What is your excuse?" I had given him a reason for being at this party although it seemed that I would not have the same pleasure. "It is none of your concern. However, I wish to know why you felt the need to approach me" I could have left it alone but I didn't see how I was the one to approach him. "Approach you? Don't be silly you were the one to approach me"

"That may be true although it looked as if you became overwhelmed with fear. I grew curious" Two things were wrong about that statement and I wasn't shy about letting him know. "First of all, I was not overwhelmed with fear, and second of all, you did not grow curious. You never do anything because of curiosity"

"Are we of one mind (Y/n)?" His response caught me off guard and it had taken me a second to reply. "What?" It had confused me although when he spoke again it was the same thing. "Are we of one mind?" For the life of me, I couldn't understand what he meant. "...What do you mean by that?" Hawkins was often a confusing man however I wanted to know what his words meant. "I was not aware that you could read another's mind unless, of course, you were simply making a baseless assumption"

I gave it very little thought before I decided this conversation was over. "You know I don't have to deal with you or your bul-" Hawkins' hand was quick to press against my lips although instead of pulling away I froze. "Shhh. There is no need for such language (Y/n). Now what is it you wanted before your temper got the best of you? You did what something, did you not?" His hand moved from my lips but I couldn't respond. My mouth opened and quickly closed before my eyes shifted to the ground. Any courage I had from moments before had left and I was left standing there like a moron.

"Come along (Y/n). The band should be resuming any moment now" Hawkins' hand pulled me along as if I were some kind of pet but I still couldn't reply. "Place your hand here and allow my hand here... (Y/n) have you fallen ill?" I lifted my head to meet his although I could only reply with a barely audible no. Before I knew it, he was leading me in some kind of dance however I couldn't miss each time my foot stepped on his. He must not have minded since even though my eyes found themselves locked on him his expression never changed.

My words remained locked within my mind and by the time the song ended my hands were left cold as Hawkins pulled away. He didn't say a word as he walked away. "(Y/n)? Are you okay? Why did you let Hawkins dance with you? (Y/n)? Where are you going?" My friends tried to talk to me although I didn't stop to reply. I left the party and found myself in the parking lot. Funny enough they didn't follow me. It did dawn on me that they were my ride home but instead of going back in I just leaned against a nearby streetlight.

For it being the middle of winter, it wasn't that cold however without a coat I could feel my exposed skin start to numb. Maybe I should have gone back inside but that would have meant explaining everything that just happened. Some time alone would hopefully sort of my thoughts however when something soft landed on my shoulders I jumped. "You are quite tense tonight. I would not have attended if I had known you were to be here" That was Hawkins. He was again bothering me but instead of before my words were expressed. "You don't even like Christmas. Wasn't that what you told me once?"

"In a way. However, it is the noise I do not care for" That made more sense than him not liking an entire holiday. "Oh... Why this party then?" I may have been wrong about the Christmas dislike although I couldn't be mistaken about his hatred about parties. "(Y/n). We can stop pretending. You fear what others may think although it matters not. Did you wish to go home?" His hand was held out but I wasn't sure if I could take it or not. Our game of lies would end and everyone would know the truth. Maybe that was why I froze up early, I didn't want to admit what we were.

"Look up (Y/n)" I may not have seen him move earlier. However, now in his free hand, I could see the small red and green plant. Of course, I knew what we were meant to do. "Where did you get that?" Now before I could get a response his hand pulled me closer and his lips pressed against mine. It was surprising and bold. By the time his lips pulled away, I was left blushing. "You are bound to catch a cold if you remain in this weather any longer. Let us return home"

"Let's... Merry Christmas Hawkins"



One Piece x Reader {Christmas One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now