Drake x Reader {He Hated It}

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(Y/n)'s Pov

Drake was still off doing something for Kaido but I knew he would be returning anytime now and everything was almost ready. My husband had some master plan up his sleeve though he refused to tell me about it so I needed to remain his lovely housewife until we could leave this place. "(Y/n) will you remind me why I'm helping you with this childish holiday?"

"Shut up Hawkins! Go back into the kitchen and finish decorating the cookies. Drake is going to be home any minute now" We've never celebrated Christmas before though this would be our first Christmas together so I wanted it to be special. "Your manners are intolerable as usual (Y/n)" This man was such a square and I didn't understand why my husband remained friends with him. "I know that you just wish I was your wife Hawkins. There's no need to hide your feelings towards me"

"I don't wish to marry an underdeveloped woman like yourself (Y/n)" How rude could this bastard be and still somehow keep that poker face on? "I wouldn't call her underdeveloped but she does have a childish nature that I admire quite a bit. Why are you here Hawkins?" The man didn't look very happy at the presence of the blonde though he only put an arm around my shoulders before I turned to give him a hug.

"Drake you're back I missed you! We're going to spend Christmas together isn't that great?" I knew that his childhood wasn't the best but Drake only told me bits and pieces about it. "Christmas?... Hawkins get the hell out of my house!" Drake's claws were on full display and he was growling at the man in front of us though it was odd behavior since he was usually calmer than this. "It's okay Drake he was just helping me. Did you want to spend Christmas with us, Hawkins? No one should be alone during this holiday and I know your crew isn't here"

"(Y/n) you can't ju-"

"Shhhh! Drake stop being a grinch and show our houseguest some kindness" I was the nice one in our little partnership though Drake had his sweet moments as well since he loved me more than anything. "Your offer is tempting but unfortunately I have other obligations that require my attention... Merry Christmas (Y/n) and I wish you good fortune with your pregnancy"

"P-Pregnancy what in the hell is he talking about (Y/n)!?" Right, I almost forgot about the other reason why I had invited the fortune-teller over to my house though Hawkins ruined the surprise for Drake. "Yeah, I found out the other day but I wasn't sure how to tell you. Hawkins said the baby should be healthy and he predicted that it was going to be a boy"

"There's only a 75% chance of that (Y/n). If you'll excuse me, I'll show myself out... Drake, I would suggest that you don't do anything unwise or else it will be your undoing" After Hawkins had left, I turned to face my husband to ask him about what the fortune-teller had said. "What was that about Drake?" It was no surprise when he refused to tell me though I didn't think any more of it as I brought him over to the couch. "Wait right here!"

Since Hawkins was my housemaid for most of the day, I had almost finished everything on my list though there were still a few things left to complete. I would do them later with Drake if he was up to it. "These came out adorable~" Taking one of the clean plates I loaded it up with cookies before I grabbed some milk and returned to my Drake's side. "I shaped the cookies into dinosaurs since I thought you would like them more than just trees or snowflakes. Go ahead and eat one"

"(Y/n) I don't like Christmas... why did you do all this?" Did I somehow miss something during our relationship? His voice sounded so weak right now though I didn't think such a simple holiday would cause this. "B-But why Drake? I thought this would be something you'd enjoy since you told me your childhood wasn't the best and I wanted to celebrate together"

"H-He hated Christmas (Y/n)... Mom loved it and we celebrated every year but after she died his heart turned to stone. Christmas just brings but the memories of how he would beat me whenever I asked about it. I'm s-s-sorry (Y/n) I-I know you were just being nice though I j-just can't"

Drake always had these secrets about him but how could I have missed something like this? "You're crying, Drake. I'm sorry I didn't know... This isn't about that man and you don't need to stop loving something because of him. I won't allow him to continue hurting you. Look at me Drake he's dead and nothing bad is going to happen if you celebrate Christmas. I love you too much to see you in pain like this" It probably sounded harsh though he needed to stop living in fear of a dead man. "Come here Drake put your head on my chest and I'll make you feel better. The baby will be born just in time for next Christmas"

As he laid his head against my chest, I removed his hat and mask before I placed a single kiss on his temple. "I love you Drake" Time might not have been able to heal everything but I was going to at least put to rest his fear of Christmas. "I'll make a terrible father (Y/n)" He really beat himself up a lot but from what I've heard his hellspawn of father was a bastard who left a noticeable scar on his mind. "You'll make an excellent father Drake"

This man cared for me and even now it'll not like he was running to the door after hearing about my pregnancy. "I'll screw up" My fingers started combing their way through his hair only stopping when I came upon a knot or two. This method always calmed him down from his episodes and I didn't mind it since his hair was so soft. "It'll be okay Drake"

"How do you know that?" Drake's eyes were wide with worry but I only continued trying to make him feel better as I gave him a reply. "I know you better than you know yourself. Do you think he'll have your ginger locks?" Maybe that wasn't a question Drake wanted to hear since his frown deepened soon after I said it though his hair was the best feature on this man. "I hope not... (Y/n) you need to leave Wano it's not safe for you to be here any longer"

Somehow Drake had moved me onto his chest as he started to rub my back though leaving this man just didn't sit well with me. "Will you come with me?" I already knew the answer before he could even say it and still, I really did think that he'd agree. "No, there's still work to be done here but there's someone that I trust and he'll keep you safe in my absence"

"I want to spend Christmas with you. After I'll gladly leave if that's what you want... Just promise me that you'll stay alive" This man was fighting for something he believed in, I couldn't interfere with it no matter what since this was Drake's dream. "I can't promise that (Y/n) and you know that but I'll try to bear through this holiday in order to make you happy. (Y/n) I'll always love you even in death... Do you think Hawkins laced these cookies with anything?"

"Well, I hope not since I've been eating them all day. Are you really going to celebrate with me, Drake?" I didn't think it would be so easy to convince the man to push aside his fears though maybe the news of the baby was distracting him. "C-Can we make popcorn balls later? My mom always let me help her make them and we even liked to dye them with food coloring"

"Hmm, I've never that those before" Popcorn wasn't something we used a lot during Christmas unless you counted putting it on a string and hanging it outside for the birds to eat. They sounded interesting enough but the smile on Drake's lips was what convinced me to make them the most. "I-I'll show you how to make them (Y/n)!"

"Alright, Captain lead the way"



One Piece x Reader {Christmas One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now