Sakazuki x Reader {I Like You}

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Kuzan's Pov

I was heading to my office for my afternoon nap though it would seem one of the recruits had wandered away from the others. "Little Rookie what are you doing? You should be running laps with the others" The girl must not have heard me since she never moved but that made me curious about what the little one was up to. "Who are we staring at?" I had whispered it directly into her ear and this time she did jump. "I'm sorry" As she spoke the girl turned to face me though I recognized this marine. "Oh, good afternoon (Y/n). Why do you have a present?"

"It's for someone special b-but I'm afraid to give it to him" (Y/n) was still a Rookie recruit though she was one of the most likely members and it wasn't any secret that she had a crush on a certain admiral. "Could it be for Saka-san?" I wasn't sure if Sakazuki even realized the girl had a thing for him but I could see the way he ignored her childish antics. "You're not allowed to call him that Kuzan... Can you give it to him for me?"

Sakazuki wasn't a likable person and I really didn't see why the girl even got him a gift though (Y/n) needed to stop being so shy. "Nope~ Hey, Sakazuki! (Y/n) got you a present!" My yelling had caused the man to turn his head towards me. "Did she... where is the Rookie exactly Kuzan?"


(Y/n)'s Pov

Never had I ran so fast but I wasn't about to face Saka-san without mentally preparing myself first. "How could he do that to me!?" I really wanted to give him this gift though my shyness kept getting in the way. There was training in a few minutes and I knew being late would be bad so I quickly changed. "Maybe I can just leave it at his door... No, someone could steal it... Fuck I don't know what do to... I'll figure it out later"

'Knock' 'Knock' 'Knock'

As my eyes locked on the door, I felt some sweat roll down from my forehead but I headed towards it anyway. "Are you afraid of me?" If looks could kill I would be dying on the floor right now but this man never looked happy so I tried to recover from my shock of seeing him as I shuttered out a reply. "S-Saka-san why are you h-here!? I-I have training in a few m-minutes!"

"Training is canceled for you. Follow me I have a task that requires your assistance and you can stop shaking (Y/n) I'm not going to hurt you" I was cautious of Saka-san since his reputation wasn't good but if he wanted to hurt me, he would have done it by now since I was rather annoying. "I-Is that an order Saka-san?"

"Yes, it was Rookie now hurry up I don't have all day" He didn't yell though as my eyes shifted to the gift sitting on my nightstand, I knew this was my only chance to give it to him. "Hmm, I-I got you a Christmas present! C-Can I give it to you?" Kuzan had already told the man about the gift and I worked really hard to afford it. Although I was still scared that he'd just throw it away or step on it.

"Why did you get me a gift (Y/n) or did you buy the other Admirals something as well so you felt obligated? I always got the impression that you didn't like me" Saka-san was special and he was the only person that I brought a gift for this year. I couldn't even get myself anything since all my money went towards his gift. "You're the only one that gets a present for me this year but you need to wait until Christmas to open it"

Walking towards the wrapped box I gently picked it up before I returned to where Saka-san was standing and held it up to him. "There's no need to stand on your toes (Y/n)... Are you expecting a gift in return?" As I shook my head at the man and returned my feet to the floor before I replied. "Nope~ Christmas time is all about giving Saka-san. Did you still need me to go with you?"

This man usually would have gotten annoyed with anyone that kept him waiting this long but he seemed to be taking his time with me. "Why do you call me that?" I've been calling him that nickname since the day we met though maybe it would be a good time if I stopped. "Does it bother you?"

"No... follow me Rookie" The man had already started to walk away so I almost needed to run in order to keep pace with him. "What are we doing Saka-san?" It wasn't often that he asked for my help though it was even rarer that training was interrupted. "To my room" As that final word rolled off of Saka-san's tongue, I stopped in my tracks as my mind started to have dirty thoughts involving the man wearing no clothes. "Why?"

"I need help with something and Kuzan informed me that it was your favorite activity during this holiday. Why are you blushing Rookie?" Whether or not he could pick up on my lie would need to be overlooked at this moment since fantasizing about an Admiral was inappropriate. "It's nothing Saka-san... What exactly has Kuzan told you? I don't trust that man very much and he likes to spread rumors throughout the base"

"He said you like decorating trees" As my mind started to think about what Saka-san could have meant with his words I realized that this guy was in possession of something I couldn't have. "How come you get to have a Christmas tree!?" I was banned from having a tree in the base but Mr. Admiral over here was keeping one just down the hall from me. That's just not fair. "I'm an Admiral, (Y/n) but you can decorate for me since I don't care that much about this useless holiday"

That would be nice though I still didn't understand Saka-san and I've known him for a couple of years now. "If you don't like Christmas then why do you have a Christmas tree?" We didn't even have Christmas trees on this island so it was clear that he needed to import the item. "Kuzan said it would be a good bribe to get you to talk to me. I might not care for holidays (Y/n) but I like you so I'll tolerate it"

"You like me... like as a friend or something else?" We had reached his bedroom door by this point though he never turned to me as the door was opened but he did respond before walking in. "I'll take what I can get... (Y/n) let's just keep these in between us, alright? Make yourself at home" There was a line here that I knew this man was crossing though it never stopped me from stepping over it as well. "I like you to Saka-san... Now, where is this tree you're trying to bribe me with?"


Sometime Later...

Borsalino's Pov

"What's this? Kuzan would you mind telling me why you're sitting outside of Sakazuki's bedroom?" I have witnessed some odd things within this base but seeing my co-worker leaning against Sakazuki's door has to be the strangest thing that's occurred within the last few months. "Shhhh! (Y/n) has been in there for hours now and I swear that Sakazuki is laughing"

That name sounded familiar but the base had too many people that at times I found it difficult to remember them all. "(Y/n)?... She's that one Rookie... right?" My guess was as good as anyone else's though the giggling from within the bedroom seemed odd. "Yes, now shut up before he hears you. Things are just getting go-"

As Kuzan tried to get back to his feet my eyes took in Sakazuki's shirtless form though I didn't think much about it before I turned away. "What do you want?" That man was someone that you didn't want to anger but Kuzan was on his own with this one. "Hmm, oh that's right... Sakazuki it would seem that Miss. (Y/n) has yet to appear for afternoon drills. If you see her, please escort her to the training ground"


(Y/n)'s Pov

I had heard what Borsalino had said and it pissed me off a little bit since I was told those were canceled for the afternoon. "Saka-san I thought you said that my training was canceled for the day?" We had finished decorating the tree some time ago but I had convinced the male to remove his shirt for me. "I'll inform them later. Did you want to finish what we started?"

"Oh, alright... I don't think you told me about this tattoo right here" My finger had glided across his back though I could have sworn it caused him to shiver under my touch. "Well, I got that one about ten years ago but I don't remember much about it. What about you (Y/n) do you have anything underneath this uniform of yours?"

"It's not going to be that easy to get me out of my clothes Saka-san~ Come on I'm hungry and they're making pasta for dinner. You can even sit next to me since I like you that much" I usually sat alone so it would be nice to have some company for once. "(Y/n)... will you spend Christmas with me?" I didn't expect him to ask me that though Christmas was about spending time with others so why not? "Sure, but you need to make cookies with me tomorrow"

"Deal but only because you're my favorite Rookie"



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