Caesar x Reader {Clueless} AU

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Requested By: Uninterestingname


"(Y/n) would you mind taking these samples upstairs to the sixth floor? After that you're free to leave for the day" I was staring at my boss again but when he addressed me, I quickly stood up from my chair and took the samples from his hands. "Hm? Oh, sure Caesar I'll take them up! Don't you have any Christmas plans this year?"

"Shurorororo. No plans this year (Y/n) there's too much work that I need to complete for your Father. How is he by the way?" Even though I was a little annoyed that Caesar brought up my Father I didn't let my smile fade as I replied to him. "He was fine this morning... we're having a Christmas party and he wants me to bring a date! You should be my plus one, please~!"

I watched for my spot as I held my hands together and waited for the man to give me a response. "I'm not sure (Y/n)... hm... I do need to discuss a few things with your Father, when is this party?" My hands wrapped around Caesar's waist as I quickly gave him the details of the party. "Tomorrow night and it's a costume party! We can wear matching costumes I'll have one send it to your house! See ya later Caesar!"


Back at Home...

I hadn't even closed the door to the mansion when a familiar voice started to yell at me. "(Y/n)! Would you like to tell me why you invited that clown to my Christmas party!? When I said bring a date this isn't what I meant" How did he even find out that I asked Caesar to the Christmas party? "Dad, I love you and all but you need to shut up sometimes. Caesar is my date and if anyone in this house tries to ruin it there's going to be hell to pay, understood?"

"Fufufufu. I'm just trying to protect you (Y/n). You are aware that he's only a year younger than I am right?... Tsk, tsk, tsk, but fine I'll let the clown live... for now" I kicked my shoes off before I walked up to him and starting talking again. "Have a matching costume sent to Caesar's house... and Dad if you touch him... I'll kill you myself, k?"

"Hm? Now, now (Y/n) let's not get any blood on the carpet you know how your Papa is when that happens~" I could see the veins popping out of his forehead but I could less about how he felt about my threat.

"Doflamingo stop bothering (Y/n) and come help me in the kitchen... I'm glad you found a date (Y/n), don't worry about your Father I'll keep him in line. Your costumes upstairs if you want to try it on dear and if it doesn't fit let me know"

"Thanks, Papa"


A Few Hours Before the Party...

"You look nice in your costume (Y/n), come along you can wait downstairs if you'd like" I took my Papa's hand as we walked downstairs to join the others. "Doflamingo! Put the wine glass down, I told you not to drink anymore until the party started!"

"Come on Croco-chan~ I'm just tasting the selection, lighten up~ Oh, (Y/n)! Your date is waiting in the library... just remember if he steps out of line, I'll kill him~ Fufufufu" Did he just say Caesar was here? As my Papa went to scold my Dad, I left the room as I started to head for the library.


"Caesar? Are you in here?" I heard a thump from somewhere in the room but soon enough the man I was looking for made his appearance. "Awe! Caesar, you look adorable in that costume! What are you doing here though? The party isn't supposed to start for another few hours"

"I was going to discuss some things with your Father but he was already drunk when I got here and for some odd reason, he threatened to kill me but I couldn't figure out the exact reason" My thoughts went to my Dad for a minute as I thought about getting back as him for threatening my date, though when I looked back at Caesar those thoughts quickly went away. "Why don't we hang out here for a while before the party starts? You are my date after all"

"There's actually something I wanted to ask you (Y/n)... Why did you apply to be my lab assistant? I know you could have applied anywhere with your degrees but you decided to be an underpaid lab assistant... I've thought about it over the years though no theory seemed to have made any sense to me"

"Hm... Oh, that question had an easy answer, Caesar... It's because I-" Before I could finish my sentence someone walked into the room and ruined the moment. "(Y/n)! There you are, I'm sorry to interrupt but you're needed in the living room"

"We'll continue this later Caesar"

"Yes, I'll see you later I'm rather curious about your answer (Y/n)~"


Later in the Night...

The party was in full swing at this point though my date was missing, he had told me he'd see me later so I was confused about where he was. When noticed my Papa was sitting nearby, I decided to ask him if he knew of the man's whereabouts. "Papa, have you seen Caesar? I've been looking for him all night but I haven't been able to find him"

"No... have you seen you're Father? I haven't been able to find him either. Come on let's go find them"


Outside of the Mansion...

My eyes narrowed as I watched my Father's men beating up Caesar while he sat drinking his wine nearby. "What the hell is this!? Put Caesar down, now!! As for you, how dare you!" I was about to give my Father a piece of my mind when my Papa's hand stopped me before I could get far. "I'll handle him (Y/n), you go tend to Caesar"

When my Father saw that Papa was walking towards him the man got up and tried to run away but before he could flee the scene Papa's sand had dragged him back to his side. "I told you to leave (Y/n)'s date alone. Go back inside the house, now"

Now that they were gone, I set my sights on the men who were still holding onto my injured date. "Do I need to repeat myself? I'll give you until the count of three to leave, or else I'll kill every last one of you and I'll do it with a smile on my face. Fuhahafuhahafuhaha"

It didn't take long before they ran past me and into the safety of the house, I didn't even need to say one. "Caesar are you okay? I'm sorry I should have kept a better eye on you" I had pulled Caesar to his feet before I helped him into a nearby chair inside of the heated patio area. "It's alright (Y/n)... but there was something that your Father said that confused me... he said you had a crush on me. Though that's not true, right?"

"Hm... Oh, it's very true. I wouldn't have taken the job if I didn't get to see you every day, there's something I like about you Caesar but even after all these years I still haven't figured it out. What do you say we test out some theories, starting with this one" Before the man knew what I was doing, my lips were pressed against his as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He was a little taller than my Father so there was quite a noticeable height difference between us but I didn't mind. 

When I parted from the man, I could see his rosy cheeks and the way his chest was rising, he didn't push me away during the kiss so maybe he liked it too. "H-How d-didn't I notice that you liked me!? I-I feel like a moron"

"It's alright Caesar, you know now~ Why don't we go inside and enjoy the rest of the party? I promise to keep my Father away from you"

"I-I'd like that (Y/n) and maybe we can do something together tomorrow, I'm giving you the day off so I know you'll be free!"

"Sounds like fun I can't wait~



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