Doffy x Reader {Words Unsaid} AU

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Doflamingo wasn't one for celebrating holidays although he knew his partner cared greatly about them. However, he was having a hard time finding out where she had gone. "Have any of you seen (Y/n)? She said she'd be back before supper" It was getting late and while Doflamingo didn't want to admit it he was getting worried. (Y/n) had a bad track record when it came to getting caught up with the wrong crowd and more often than not Doflamingo had to bail her out of jail.

He hoped that wouldn't be the case tonight although he also wasn't holding his breath. "Oh, she's at some bar in town. Haven't you seen her posts?" Upon hearing that Doflamingo took his phone out to check in on her page although hearing she was at a bar didn't sit well with him. "She's doing what?" He thought there had already been a conversation regarding her drinking. (Y/n) wasn't an alcoholic by any means. However, Doflamingo had made it clear if she going to drink it needed to be at home where she could be watched. "Drinking at the bar but don't worry she went with Yuki"

Doflamingo had found a couple of photos were posted but he couldn't quite tell which bar she was at. "Which bar is this? It looks like some run-down shack" Baby 5 knew she shouldn't have said anything since (Y/n) asked her to stay quiet although it was a slip of the tongue as she spoke. "I can't think of the name but it's the one owed by Eustass Kidd" Doflamingo knew that man owed a few different bars in the city. While he couldn't have asked, he didn't need to. No, Doflamingo knew exactly which part of town she was in and all he needed was to confirm it. "On the south side of town?"

"Yeah, somewhere over there" He could reach that spot within half an hour although he knew going alone wasn't an option. "That girl needs to learn to listen. She's beginning to get on my nerves. Let's go Baby 5. You can drive her car home" Baby 5 understood what had been asked although she didn't immediately follow Doflamingo to the door. "A-Are you sure about this? You know how mad she can get when you ruin her fun"

Doflamingo understood (Y/n)'s temper was bad however he also didn't care. He had prepared the house for her to enjoy Christmas and yet she had decided to go to a bar instead. Frankly, it pissed Doflamingo off since she didn't even bother to invite him. "Baby 5, I didn't ask if it was a good idea. Hurry up it's getting late"

"Yeah, I'm coming"



"(Y/n), shouldn't you be heading home? It's getting late and I know how much that bastard of a husband worries about you" Yuki wasn't the best influence over (Y/n) but even with how bold she could be, she was also aware having Doflamingo as an enemy wouldn't go well. (Y/n) on the other hand, wasn't about to go home just yet. She knew Doflamingo was bound to show up anyway and someone needed to take her car home. "No, I'm not ready to go back yet. He's pissed me off"

"What did he do this time?" The two had been drinking together most of the day although this was the first time (Y/n) had even mentioned Doflamingo. "Do you even need to ask?" (Y/n) had her reasons although the other could have come up with a million as to what could have happened between them this time. "You're an odd one (Y/n). Why do you even stay with a man you're fighting with every other week?" (Y/n) knew what had been said although that didn't stop her from throwing it back on her friend. "Is that a question for me or you?"

"Hehehe. Kidd and I are a lovely couple. Our fights keep our relationship strong and frankly, I love seeing his face light up all red. What is your reasoning for staying?" There was little thought ever given to the topic and even if (Y/n) could think it through an answer could never be found. "I don't know anymore. I really don't" (Y/n) wanted to leave the topic at that but unfortunately that wasn't about to happen. "A word of advice (Y/n). If you don't love him anymore, I suggest you leave"

One Piece x Reader {Christmas One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now