Doflamingo x Reader {I'm Pink!?} AU

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Requested By: LilTina_LisaApple


(Y/n)'s Pov

'Knock' 'Knock' 'Knock'

I was sitting in the living room when I heard a knock on the door. "Who could that be?" We didn't get many visitors and I knew Doflamingo was still at work so it couldn't have been anyone for him. I slid off the couch as I paused my movie, maybe it was just some kids who would sing me some Christmas songs?

"One second!" When I made it to the door, I quickly opened it but I didn't see anyone outside it so was going back inside when a package caught my eye. "Hm, a delivery this late? I wonder what it is?" Leaning down I picked up the box as I brought it back inside and placed it on the coffee table. There was a card on the box so I pulled it off as I read what it said.

"Dear Doflamingo" So, this package was for Doflamingo? Well since I'm his wife I should open it and see what it is. "I made these cookies as thanks for what you did to me. P.S, these contain milk so do not let your wife eat them" I opened up the box as I took out a plate of wrapped cookies and took them into the kitchen.

"I'll leave these on the island, I'm sure Doffy will like to eat these when he gets home. Hmm... why are they shaped like shrimp? Too bad I can't eat these... I'll make my own cookies tomorrow" Walking out of the kitchen I made my way back to the couch and resumed my movie until I fell asleep.


Doflamingo's Pov

It had been a long day at work but I was glad to finally make it home. "(Y/n) I'm home~ Where are you Love?" I kicked off my shoes before I placed them with the others and picked up (Y/n)'s shoes that she liked to leave anywhere but on the shoe rack. "Silly girl~ Where is she?"

Since I heard the tv I headed for the living room first and as I entered my eyes locked on the figure of my sleeping wife. "Awe... I don't want to wake her up right now... I'll make her dinner first" Turning off the tv I covered her up before I walked into the kitchen to prepare a late dinner for her. "Cookies? A few wouldn't hurt... she made them look like shrimp? Weird but at least there pink"

I took a bite of the cookie as I opened the fridge up to see what we had to eat. Since I handled the grocery shopping for the house, we usually had a stocked fridge but there have been a few times I've come home to find the fridge empty. Thankfully only a few items were missing today so she must not have been very hungry.

"Hm... I'll make her some corn on the cob and mashed potatoes"


45 minutes Later...

"(Y/n) dinner's ready~ Wake up~" I was poking up my wife's cheek but she didn't wake up so I started to shake her slightly. "Come on (Y/n)~ Dinner's ready~" Her eyes opened as she started to glare at me. I loved it when she did it though since her lip would stick out ever so slightly and it made her look adorable.

"Oh, your back... did you eat the cookies in the kitchen?" She doesn't seem excited to see me, though that's expected I did just wake her up after all. Oh, and her cookies! "Yes, they were quite tasty but why did you make them look like shrimp?" Her eyebrows raised as she sat up and kicked her blanket off before she replied to me.

"I didn't make them yawn someone delivered them to the house" My eyes started to widen as my wife just admitted to doing something that could be deathly. "You what!? Who sent them and how do you know they weren't poisoned did you eat any!?"

"No, the note said they had milk in them. The box they came in is over there. I'm sorry..." As the tears started to roll down my lovers' cheeks, I realized that I may have raised my voice a little louder than I had meant to. "Oh, (Y/n) I didn't mean to yell at you but I told you not to bring strange packages into the house. You know I have a lot of enemies that could harm you~ Shhh, it's alright... Go eat dinner. I'll try and see who sent them"


The Next Day...

Since I couldn't find out the source of where the cookies came from yesterday, I had placed them aside and finished dinner with (Y/n) before we headed to bed. Though now that it was morning, I felt like something was off but I wasn't sure what it was. "Yawn... Good morning Dof- What the hell happened to you!?"

My eyes widened as my wife fell off the bed as she screamed at me. "Ah, (Y/n) what's wrong?" As I watched her head pop back up from the ground, she started pointing at me while she screamed a reply. "You're pink!" My head turned to the mirror in the room as I looked at my now flamingo pink skin, hell even my hair and eyes had turned pink.

"Hehehehe. You look like a troll Doffy. Hehehehe. Who hates you so much that they caused you to turn pink during the holidays?" I was glaring at the girl who was now running her hands through my bubblegum pink hair and would have pushed her off the bed but I loved her so I couldn't. "Don't laugh at me (Y/n)! This is your fault! Fuck, how am I supposed to leave the house like this!?"

"Awe looks like you're going to be stuck with me until we can come up with a cure for your condition. I like it when you stay home, we can cuddle all day now~ You look so cute let me take a picture so I can share it with my friends"

"You don't have any friends (Y/n) and you're not going to take any pictures of me while I look like this!" The girl really knew how to push my buttons at times and now was one of the worst times she could do it. "I have plenty of friends you just don't like any of them! Now hold still I don't want the picture to be blurry"

I rolled off the bed as I tried to avoid getting my photo taken and during this, I shouted a quick threat at the girl as a warning of what would happen if she continued. "Back off (Y/n) or else I'll make you eat one of those cookies and you can look like this too!" She lowered her phone but stunk her tongue out as she got out of bed. "Doffy-toffee calm down~ If you don't, you're going to start glowing"

"Why you little! You're lucky I'm married to you (Y/n)"


30 Minutes Later...

"There magic cookies Doffy! I've never seen a devil fruit power turn someone pink from eating a cookie before! What's the plan, my adorable pink giant?" I didn't want to let anyone see me like this but since the color didn't wash off in the shower, I didn't have much of a choice. "I'll call Monet and Caesar... If you don't want to see the clown, I suggest you hide in the closet (Y/n)"

"This is my house I'm not going to hide in the closet... I'll hide in our bedroom under the covers... but don't let him touch anything Doffy!" I laughed at my wife's antics as cuddled up to her side, she was scared of clowns and I learned it the hard way after she fainted when she saw Caesar for the first time. "I promise~ I love you (Y/n)~"

"I love me too ~" I shook my head at her as I dialed the number of the clown in hopes he could fix my current problem. Thankfully he picked up right away and said he could come over now. Ending the call, I turned to the troublemaker beside me as I kissed her lips before I started to grin at her. "You're something else my dear but you better be prepared when I punish you for bringing those evil cookies into my house~"

"It's our house Doffy and I'm curious what this punishment will be but it will have to wait until after your no longer pink. I don't think I could handle your punishment if I'm dying of laughter"

"One day your luck is going to run out (Y/n)~"

"Sorry Doffy but that day won't be for a while~ I love you my Pinkie-kins~" (Y/n) run out of the living room as I stared at her back trying to figure out what I was going to do with her. I knew it would take Caesar at least 30 minutes to reach my house so I quickly stood up as I started to chase after her. "Get back here (Y/n)!"



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