Doflamingo x Chubby!Reader {Surprise!} AU

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Requested By: AshliDinkelman


"(Y/n) why haven't you just told Doflamingo?" I looked over at my friend as I just shrugged my shoulders, sure I could have told Doflamingo weeks ago but I wanted it to be a surprise for him. "Don't you think it will be a nice surprise when he opens his present on Christmas Day and finds out?"

"Just be careful (Y/n)... he's probably wondering why you two haven't done the deed in a while. If I was that man, I might think you were cheating on me" My eyes widen at her statement as I thought it over, Doflamingo doesn't think that, right? 

No, he knows I'm his loyal wife and the only reason I haven't been fooling around with him was that Law said it could hurt the baby. Normally it would be okay but since Doflamingo was ten feet tall and I was five feet, Law told me not to risk it.

"Well, Christmas is in a few days so he'll understand soon enough" As I spoke with Vicky, I rubbed my free hand over my slightly swollen stomach as I wondered if Doflamingo had even noticed that I had gained a little extra weight over the last month. "Alright, see you later (Y/n)!"

"Bye, Vicky!"


A Few Hours Later...

"Doffy, I'm home! I got the stuff on your shopping list!" As I watched into the living room, I saw that Doflamingo was drinking some wine while he was sitting in the dark. "Stop being weird Doffy" I turned on the lights as I went to sit in my husband's lap. "Something wrong Honey, why were you sitting in the dark? You know you shouldn't be drinking wine so early in the day"

"(Y/n)... you're not cheating on me, right?" I took the wine glass from his hands then brushed back his blonde hair so it was no longer blocking his eyes. Though when I did that, I noticed how red and glossy his eyes were, my Doflamingo had been crying. "Oh, Doffy... I'd never do that to you. Why would you think that?"

"Well, we haven't had sex in over a month and whenever I try to engage in something with you, you push me away. I noticed that you put on a little more weight but you know I don't care about how much you weigh you're my wife and I love you! I also picked up on how you're been a lot happier over the last month, I think you're hiding something from me!"

"I am hiding something from you Doffy but it's not what you think..." Our tree was a few feet away so I quickly walked over before I found the present, I had placed under it a weeks ago. "Here open it... it was supposed to be a surprise but I think you need it now"

He looked at the present I was holding for a minute before he took it from my hands and set it on his lap. "What is it?" I took a seat on the table in front of him as he continued to stare at the nicely wrapped box but he didn't open it. "It's a present Doffy, you need to open it to find out"

"Alright... but I don't think you could have bought me anything that would explain your odd behavior lately" I watched as he untied the pink ribbon from the present before he took the wrapping paper off of the box and opened it up. "Another box... with stuff around it? These are pictures of me and you when we were kids... awe you look adorable in these"

"Open the box Doffy~" I watched as his gentle smile returned to his face as he took the smaller box out and opened it but a look of confusion overtook his face as he found another box inside. "Another box? There's stuff around this one too!" He took the small toy snake out of the box as he laid it around his neck before he leaned over and gave me a quick kiss. "What's next (Y/n), another box? ... Ah, there is another box!"

"That's the last box... I think" I moved off of the table as I curled up by Doflamingo's side as he took out the small sunglasses and held them out in front of him. "Where did you find a tiny version of my sunglasses? These are adorable I'm not sure what I'll do with them but that doesn't matter"

"One box left Doffy and it's the most important one... go ahead and open it" He placed the sunglasses down on the table before he took the final box in his hands and removed the lid. "A shirt?" Doflamingo looked at me confused but I only shook my head, it wasn't a shirt. "Nope~"

I watched him take out the piece of clothing as he unfolded it and looked even more confused than before. "A onesie?" He was holding the onesie the wrong way so I turned it around so he could see the words written on the front of it. "Read it"

"My Daddy Is Part Flamingo... My Daddy Is... wait a second (Y/n) are you!! Are you pregnant!?" I gave the man a kiss before I replied to him. "Surprise!" His hands rested against my stomach as he started to tear up. "I'm going to be a dad? I-I-I can't wait! Does anyone else know!?"

"Vicky knows but I didn't tell anyone else... while and Law knows since I got him to give me a checkup" I could see Doflamingo's eye twitch slightly at the mention of the doctor but I didn't think much about it. "W-We'll have everyone over for Christmas dinner so we can tell them! I-If that's okay with you, I don't want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable!"

"That sounds fun Doffy but tell them they need to bring desserts with them or else they aren't allowed inside the house!"

"Of course, my dear. I love you and will do anything for you~"

"You're the only one for me Doffy, I love you too ~"



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