Mihawk x Reader {Christmas for Two} AU

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'Knock' 'Knock' 'Knock'

"Open the door Mihawk! It's cold outside!" I was pounding on my best friends' door as I waited for him to answer. "Mihawk! I know you're in there your cars in the driveway! Let me in!" Now I knew that Mihawk was a very quiet man who liked to keep to himself but when Shanks told me that Mihawk was spending Christmas alone I needed to go over to his house right away.

"Mih-" I was cut off as a shirtless Mihawk opened the door and he didn't look too impressed with me. "What do you want (Y/n) and why are you knocking on my door at one in the morning?" When he responded to me, I couldn't resist wrapping my arms around the tired Mihawk. Then I remembered why I had made my way over to his house but really, I lived right across the street from him so it wasn't that far of a trip for me.

"Shanks told me that you weren't spending Christmas with anyone so I decided I'll come over and keep you company. It will be fun, a little Christmas just for the two of us!" He was used to my attics so he stepped aside as he glared at the house across the street, I'm sure he was silently cursing Shanks for telling me about his personal business. "Come in but don't break anything"

"Yah! Sleepover at Mihawk's! This is going to be awesome don't worry I got everything planned out and- Ah! Mihawk where's your Christmas tree!?" I knew Mihawk had kids or at least had two other people living in his house so I didn't understand why they were no Christmas tree in his living room. "I don't have one... You can sleep on the couch if you'd like"

"Noooooo! I'm going to sleep with you, your house is freezing turn on the heat!" He only turned around as he headed upstairs but I quickly run after him. "Why did you feel the need to come over here at one in the morning (Y/n)?" We were walking up the steps but I quickly replayed as I grabbed the man's free hand and started swinging it as we continued walking. "You're my best friend and I can't allow you to be alone during Christmas... Don't you want me here?"

"Hm... You do make nice company but I would have liked it if you waited until at least ten before you came pounding on my door" His hands moved as he pulled me towards his bedroom. Sure, he had plenty of empty rooms but I was convinced Mihawk's house was haunted so I always stayed in his bed when I stayed over. "B-But Mihawk I was worried about you... I'm sorry"

"It's fine. Come along, though (Y/n)... I'm putting a pillow in between us since you like to kick in your sleep"

"I do not!"


The Next Day...

"Mihawk~ Wake up I'm hungry~ Come on sleepy head... GET UP!" The poor man fell off the bed when I screamed in his ear but it was effective when it came to waking him up. "(Y/n) why do you always do that? You're going to cause me to go deaf one of these days... What is on the agenda today?"

"We need to find a tree! You can't have Christmas without one Mihawk but first make me breakfast... please~" As he stood up, I gave him a little smile before I wiggled to the edge of the bed. "You're lucky I like you so much (Y/n). Any requests?"

"Waffles and carry me downstairs Mihawk" I held up arms up as he made his way in front of me and soon enough, he picked me up and headed for the door. "As you wish my princess~"


Later That Day...

"How about this tree (Y/n)?" We were at the local tree farm but Mihawk apparently was terrible at picking out a good-looking tree. "No, those ones are too small... Keep walking Mihawk there has to be a good one here somewhere" He was kicking the snow as we walked but I ignored him as I looked around for one that would fit perfectly in his house. 

"Why does it have to be a real tree, there's plenty of fake ones that won't cause a mess that I have to clean up later" I just laughed at him then continued looking at the trees but a patch of moving moss caught my eye. "Stop complaining Mihawk, it's Christmas time and you're being a Grinch. Hey, what are Zoro and Luffy doing here? Zoro you're so mean! How dare you leave Mihawk alone on Christmas!"

"Wha- Oh, (Y/n) what are you guys doing here?" The two men walked over hand in hand as I answered Zoro's question. "I'm getting a tree for Mihawk" Apparently the men decided he needed to speak up after I said that though. "And yet I'm the one paying for it... What brings you here Zoro I thought you guys already picked out a tree a few days ago"

"A certain moron caught the thing on fire! Nami only gave as $20 to find a replacement but these things are expensive!" I wonder if Zoro was referring to Ace, that man was always setting something on fire. "Oh, I saw one over there that's quite nice and it's $20. Merry Christmas you two, say hi to Law for me!"

"Thanks (Y/n)! Come on Zoro~" Luffy pulled Zoro along towards the tree I pointed to and it was probably for the best he was the one leading the pair since Zoro had this odd way of always going the wrong way even when you pointed in the direction, he needed to go in. "Lovely pair those you make don't you think so Mi?"

"Yeah... Let's find this tree I'd like to get home and finish some paperwork I need to submit"


An Hour Later...

"Where are your Christmas decorations Mihawk?" We had finally arrived back at Mihawk's house but the man was deep into his paperwork while I was staring at the empty tree. "There in the attic (Y/n)... I'll get them later why don't you just sit down and watch a movie while I finish my work?"

Mihawk loved his work and I knew he wanted to get it done but I wanted to at least untangle the Christmas lights so he could decorate the tree once he was done. "No, I'm going to get them. I'll be right back Mihawk!" I didn't wait for a reply as I headed upstairs to the door at the end of the hallway that housed the stairs to the attic. "Christmas decorations... where are you... Ah! There you are!"

Reaching for the box with 'Christmas' written in big letters something caught my eye from the corner of the room. "Hm... Is that... I haven't seen this in years" As I approached the lost forgotten album I started flipping through the pages as the memories came flooding back to me. We were all so close even back then. "I forgot how cute you used to be Mihawk... Why is this in the dusty attic?"

The Christmas decorations were left behind as I took the photo album and headed back downstairs. "Hey Mihawk, look what I found!" Walking up to the man I closed his laptop before I placed the book on top of it. "I was working (Y/n)... Oh, you found the photo album"

"Look at how cute you used to be Mihawk" I opened the album to a random page as I pointed at the bright-eyed happy child that was posing with me and Shanks. "Are you saying I'm not cute now (Y/n)?" My lips pressed to his cheek before I leaned back to stick my tongue out at him. "Nope, you're drop-dead gorgeous now. No longer the adorable little Mihawk who would come over to play pirates with me and my older brother~"

"How did I end up being stuck with you as a girlfriend again (Y/n)?" Ah yes, me and Mihawk have been dating for a while now but I still lived across the street with my older brother though I'm sure that would change in time. "Because we get along so well and I'm the most important person in your life. Why do you ask Mihawk?"

I looked at him as I tilted my head from side to side but I didn't have to wait long before he responded with a slight blush on his face. "No reason (Y/n)... Let's go I forgot I needed a few things for dinner and when we get back, we can decorate the tree" Mihawk stood up as he walked to the door and I followed quickly after him. "Okay, Mihawk! Oh, and I want candy cane ice cream! And lots of egg nog too!"

"Whatever you want my princess~ Thanks for spending Christmas with me this year (Y/n)"

"It's nothing I like spending time with my best friend~ Let's go!"



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