Zoro x Reader x Law {She's Mine!}

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Requested By: lawandzoromine


Location: Punk Hazard

We had just set sail from Punk Hazard with the stupid clown that we were apparently going to trade with Doflamingo. Though I was more concerned with checking on my injured swordsmen who was drinking sake beside me. "Zoro, are you sure you're okay?" He had some bandages around his torso and seemed to be fine but this man was damn stubborn when it came to admitting he was in pain. 

"Yeah, Chopper already checked me out. Stop worrying (Y/n)-chan I'm fine" I smiled back at him until I noticed his cheeks had a noticeable redness to them. "Your cheeks are turning red you don't have a fever do you Zoro!?" He only brushed it aside and blamed it on being drunk, I believed it since had seen Nami's face light up bright red when she was drinking. "Okay~"

When I was satisfied Zoro was fine I turned around and walked up to my second favorite doctor on the ship, he actually had saved me on the island so the man now had his own special place in my heart. Though when I finally faced the doctor my eyes locked on his hand as I started to freak out. "Law, you have a cut on your hand! Chopper, Law needs a bandage before he bleeds to death!"

I watched Chopper run over with the first aid kit as I took some supplied and started to take care of Law's fatal wound. "It's just a scratch (Y/n)-ya, you don't need to put a bandage on it. Go bother someone else"

The tears started to form in my eyes as I quickly spoke before I turned away and run behind Zoro. "I-I-I'm b-bothering you? I-I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!" While Zoro was comforting me, Law tried to apologize but I didn't want to be near him right now. "Go away! Big brother, help me!" It didn't take long before my brother was standing in front of me as he glared at Law.

"Leave my sister alone" Luffy was very protective over me when I needed him to be and it was times like now that I was thankfully for it. "Thanks, Lu-" I was cut off as the ship shook and knocked me against the railing, the force knocked me out cold so I'm not sure what we actually hit.


A Few Hours Later...

I woke up to the feeling of something heavy resting on my chest but when I opened my eyes, I was surprised to see it was Zoro and Law who were asleep on top of me. "Why am I in a bed which them? They sure look cute when they're asleep though~"

Since Law looked adorable when he was asleep, I reached out to run my fingers through his spikey black hair, well that was the plan until his hand shot up and grabbed my wrist before I could touch him. "Ow, ow, ow! Let me go Law!" When I screamed out it had woken up Zoro who separated Law's hand from my wrist as he pushed him off the bed. "Ah! Law are you okay!? Zoro, why did you do that?" 

"He was hurting you and I know you bruise easily... Where are we (Y/n)-chan?" Zoro was looking around as he realized we were no longer on the ship though I really had no clue where we could have been. "I don't know... I just woke up and you two were sleeping on top of me... My head hurts though, I think I bumped it against the railing when the ship hit something"

"Let me see" Law was by my side as he took my head in his hands as he examined me, he was in full doctor mode as he started to hum and stare at me. "Someone's treated you but they did a poor job with it" Oh course Law would say that he thinks everyone's work is terrible compared to his own. "Hm... it's snowing outside and there are Christmas decorations everywhere"

"Really!? I love Christmas!" I tried to get up and go over to the window Zoro was standing in front of but Law only pulled me back as he continued to examine my head wound. "I'm not done yet (Y/n)-ya. Hold still" Since the wound was on the corner of my forehead, I could see the way he was blushing slightly as he bit his lip. "Awe, I didn't think you could get any cuter Law~ Do I get a lollipop for being so good?"

"No... Oi, Zoro-ya go taste one of those candy canes on that tree and make sure it's safe for (Y/n)-ya to eat!" I saw Zoro start glaring at Law but when he noticed I was staring at him he shot me a smile as he took a candy cane off the tree and licked it. "It's fine... here (Y/n)-chan say ah~"

"Ahhhh~" With the candy in my mouth I let Law continue his work and before long he was done. "There... now let's find the others and that damn clown better not have escaped!" As Law stood up, he grabbed my hand but Zoro quickly grabbed my other one as he started to growl at the other man. "Let go of (Y/n)-chan!"

"Stop fighting! There's plenty of (Y/n) to go around~ We'll all go together and hold hands"



"Where do you think the others are? This place is incredible! An entire island all about Christmas, we should stay here for a while~" We had been walking around the island as we searched for the others but so far, we didn't have much luck. "No, we need to leave as soon as possible and head for Dressrosa! We don't have time for sightseeing!"

Law was in his usual mood and I was becoming a little sick of it I mean can't this guy ever have any fun? "Doflamingo will still be there next week... learn to relax a little bit Law... Oh, look mistletoe! You both have to kiss me, it's a rule!" I waited for the men to comply with my demands but both just turned bright red as they looked away from me. "Come on~ Where's your Christmas spirit?"

It was Law that faced me first and almost had his lips pressed to mine when Zoro pushed him out of the way. "I get to kiss her first!" I looked down at Law as Zoro took my chin in his hand but Law wasn't having any of it as he tackled Zoro to the ground. "Like hell, I'd let you have the first kiss!"

"This isn't going to end well"


30 Minutes Later...

"She's mine!" The boys were still fighting with each other over me and I was beginning to get sick of it. "Oi! Stop fighting! You two need to share since I like both of you!" The two men turned to me as I could see they were a little out of breath but thankfully they stopped then walked over to me.

"You like both of us (Y/n)-ya? I supposed I'll share as long as I get to do this first" Before I knew it Law had kissed my lips before he backed away leaving me a bright blush on my face. "Hey! That's cheating!" Zoro kissed me quickly as well before both men grabbed my hands and started to pull me along with them down the hallway.

"We need to find the others and that damn clown! I hope you know what you're getting yourself into (Y/n)-ya"

"I can't wait~ I'm so lucky to have two of the hottest men on all of the seven seas!" Let's just say that there was plenty more mistletoe spread out through the island and each time we came across some I got another kiss from them. I was enjoying this little setback and hoped we didn't find the rest of the crew for a long time.



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