A.S.L x Reader {The Snowball Fight} AU

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"I get Ace on my team!" Having the human fireball on my side would be the key to victory. "What, why does (Y/n) get first picks!?" I ignored Luffy as I hugged on to Ace's arm. "You're just jealous we're going to mop the floor with you two!" As the rubber man reached down to grab some snow Ace grabbed me as we ran to the safety of our fort. "Let the war begin!" 

"Ahhhh! Hurry up Sabo I need more snowballs!" I watched as Luffy was yelling out orders and was standing right in the line of fire. "Ready Ace?" He gave me a small nod as his grin started to widen before I made a few copies of myself as they each picked up a snowball. "Fire!"

Poor Luffy didn't duck in time as snowballs pelted him to the ground. "That's not fair (Y/n)! You can't use your devil fruit" There wasn't too much snow on the ground but we made do with what we had. "Oi, Luffy look it's a meat truck!" Ace knew his brother well and when Luffy peeked out to see what Ace was talking about the boy was hit at least ten more times. "You two don't play fair! Come on Sabo they can't have much snow left on their side!"

The boy was correct about that but our side had a flame-flame user so he could easily melt everything that came close to us. "Get ready Ace... hm, Ace?" Looking over at my partner I noticed he had fallen asleep. "Oh no" Before I knew it, I was the one being assaulted with snow as Ace snoozed away on the ground beside me. "I give up!" My clones had long disappeared as I waved a white flag at the boys to signal that they had won.

"Let's go back inside the drink hot chocolate!" As Luffy run back into the house I laid flat on the ground regretting the decision on picking Ace as my partner. "Come on (Y/n) we wouldn't want you to freeze outside and Ace wake up!" Sabo picked me up as Ace followed behind us still rubbing his eyes and yawning. "Sorry I must have dozed off" I shook my head at the man as we entered the house and headed to make some hot chocolate with Luffy. "I hope we get more snow before Christmas"

"Don't worry (Y/n) things will work out and I'm sure we'll have plenty of snow for Christmas. Just you wait and see~"



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