Smoker x Reader {Late Night Stakeout} AU

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"Why are we assigned to a stakeout on Christmas Eve again, Smoker? I thought we were going to spend Christmas at home in front of a warm fire. Not drinking cold coffee and sitting in a car with no heat, they could have at least given us a working car!"

My rant was put on hold as Smoker's hand covered my mouth. "(Y/n) try to be less loud. You're going to give away our location if you keep screaming. There are blankets in the back if you're cold and here, my coffees still hot you just need to add more creamer and sugar"

Smoker was such a sweetheart but I couldn't steal his coffee, since he wasn't smoking during the stakeout, he needed it a lot more than I did. "Keep your coffee Smoker, I'll take a blanket though. What are we waiting to see outside of this warehouse? I fell asleep during the briefing" I could hear him start humming as a blanket was laid on top of me.

"We're after Trafalgar Law, he's supposed to be delivering a human heart to someone at this spot later tonight" That name made my skin crawl as I remembered he tried to cut out Smoker's heart not too long ago. "What if he tries to hurt you again Smoker? You almost died because of him"

"I know (Y/n) but he needs to be taken off the streets before his body count gets any higher. We have his arrest warrant, all we need to do is cuff the man once we see him" This was a terrible plan, didn't the station know that Trafalgar wasn't an idiot? He wouldn't allow himself to be captured so easily. "It's going to be a slow night then, we get to go home at dawn, right?"

"Yeah, at dawn"


A Few Hours Later...

"What did I tell you, Smoker, he didn't even show up. Let's go home. 'Yawn' I'm exhausted and my poor toes might have frostbite" He kissed my forehead before he started the car and headed for our house. "I'll drop you off first then I'll take the car back to the yard. There should be some chicken noodle soup left in the fridge you can eat"

My head rested against Smoker's shoulder as his arms wrap around me to bring me closer to him. "How long will that take you?" He hummed for a minute but as a sign left his mouth, I knew he would be awhile. "I still need to file the report, it shouldn't take me any more than a few hours but don't wait up for me (Y/n). Once I'm finished, we can open some presents together, how's that sound?"

I nodded my head as my eyes closed and I fell into a deep sleep. "Wake up (Y/n)~" My eyes slowly opened as I realized we have arrived back to the little home me and Smoker shared. "Do you have your key (Y/n)?" Feeling around my pockets I pulled out my lanyard that held my house key on the other end. "Come back soon Smokey~ I love you~" 

"I love you too (Y/n) now go defrost in the house it should still be nice and warm" Waving goodbye to Smoker I waited until he was out of sight before I closed the door then headed upstairs to have a shower. Stepping into our bedroom I placed my gun on my nightstand before I continued into the bathroom. "Looks like my toes have survived the night, that's good"

Turning the faucets on I stepped into the walk-in shower as my body started to warm up from the cold. "This is Trafalgar Law's fault! How dare he cause me to spend Christmas in the cold!" My shower didn't last long but my body had managed to defrost so I cut the water and I squeezed out my hair before I wrapped a towel around my head followed by one around my body. "Next on the agenda find some warm clothes"

Walking back into the bedroom I slipped into my Christmas onesie before I headed for the door but something caused me to stop in my tracks. "That's strange... I could have sworn I left my gun on the nightstand" There was no chance I could have put it anywhere else since my necklace was still sitting there and my fears were quickly confirmed when I felt something hard press against my back.

One Piece x Reader {Christmas One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now