Marco x Reader {Mending}

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Requested By: fruitbasket15


I was having coffee with a few other members on the previous Whitebeard Pirates but my thoughts couldn't stop thinking about the man I had left at home. "How is he (Y/n)?" Sometimes I wish they would stop asking that since the answer was never what they wanted to hear.

"Not good, he hardly leaves the house and I haven't seen him smile in months. It's like he's dying... I don't know how to make things better" The tears had started again as I thought about my boyfriend though I was handed a tissue as they tried to comfort me. "It's alright (Y/n)... Why don't you make Christmas extra special for him this year? Maybe it will help his mood and we can all attend if you'd like" 

"He always did love Christmas... but this year will be the first without them... I'll do it! Marco can't be sad forever!" I quickly said goodbye to the group before I started to make my own back to the house me and Marco had been staying in.

After Pop's died the Whitebeard Pirates carried on for a while but eventually, they disbanded since it wasn't the same anymore. Marco took me with him to Sphinx and we're been hiding out in a cabin on the edge of the town ever since. He did offer aid to anyone who was injured on the island but it took a lot out of him to even make it out the door when he needed to. "Marco? I'm home and I brought you something to eat!"

"Hey (Y/n)-yoi... Where were you all day?" As I turned around, I could see Marco was sitting in the dark again but he started to walk over as he spoke. "Just meeting up with the guys... You really need to stop sitting in the dark Marco, it can't be healthy... I'm going to open the curtains" I walked past the doctor as I handed him the food then opened the curtains as the light started to fill the room but that's when I noticed the empty bottles covering the coffee table.

"Marco... Neither mind I have good news! We're having a Christmas party to cheer everyone up!" I could see the man was trying to adjust to the sudden brightness that overtook the room but he eventually did reply to me. "Hm... If you insist, I'll do it... but don't you think it's a little soon to celebrate-yoi?" His tone was full of doubt and his eyes were glazed over as he stared at the ground, it broke my heart to see him like this.

"Trust me, Marco~ This is what anyone needs, now eat your food!"


The Party...

Our house was decorated with Christmas decorations but Marco didn't look like he was having a good time. Sure, he had a smile on his face and he was talking to the others but I knew his smile wasn't real. If it was there wouldn't have been any wrinkles on the corner of his mouth where his frown was trying to take over his face. "Something wrong (Y/n)? You've been staring at Marco for a couple of hours now... you can't rush him he'll heal in time" 

"I just don't want to see him like this Izo... How's the party are you enjoying it?" I turned to the man as I gave him a smile but I wasn't happy. I felt like I let Marco down with this stupid party, I only wanted to cheer him up but maybe I forced this onto him. "It's a great party (Y/n)... Though I have some advice for you... while it's more like a test since I think Marco just needs a reason to fight again... It may be crazy but hear me out...


20 Minutes Later...

Now I may have been a moron to listen to Izo though his advice actually made a lot of sense, I just hoped my phoenix would make his appearance before I went splat. "Where are we going (Y/n)-yoi?" I didn't answer him as we walked up the tall mountain that sat at the center on the island. "(Y/n)-yoi?"

"It's a surprise my little songbird~ Don't worry by the time we leave this mountain I will have my man back" I looked back at him and could see the frown had returned to his face. My hand tightened around his before I turned back to the path in front of me and continued walking. "It's okay Marco"

Before long we were at the top of the massive mountain that had a straight drop to the bottom. "Why are we up here-yoi?" I only gave him a quick reply before I ran towards the edge and jumped. "I'm going to jump and you're going to catch me~ See you at the bottom!" As the top of the mountain got further away, I could see a flash of blue light as Marco got closer to me. "(Y/N)!!!" 

I saw the fire in his eyes that I hadn't seen in months and couldn't help when a small smile appeared on my face as the tears started to fall. When he caught me, I was safely placed back on the ground in front of our cabin but the other party guests were already surrounding me asking me questions. "(Y/n)! Why the hell did you jump off of a mountain!? I could have lost you!" 

"Izo told me to do it... but I'm glad I did since I got to see the fire in your eyes again. I've missed it, you need to mourn so you can move on... I'm worried about you Marco! I-I-I" The tears were clouding my vision though once Marco wrapped his arms around me, I could hear him comforting me. "(Y/n)... I'm sorry-yoi. Y-You're right I never properly mourned them... and I've made you suffer because of my selfishness"

"L-Let's go back inside it's cold" I wiped away my tears the best I could and noticed there were a few on Marco's cheeks too so took care of them as well. "Right... though there is something else-yoi. Izo why did you tell my girlfriend to jump off a cliff!? She could have died!" That was the most emotion I had heard come from Marco in months so ignored it as I went back inside the cabin. "I-I didn't think she would actually do it"

"I'll deal with you later-yoi. Come on (Y/n) prepared this party for you morons so let's enjoy it!"


A Few Hours Later...

"Looks like their all-asleep Marco... shall we head to bed as well?" Marco looked over at me as he leaned his forehead against mine. "You made me worry (Y/n)-yoi... but I'm glad you did that since I don't think I would have come out of the dark place without you. Though I'm still mad at you-yoi and when they leave you will be punished-yoi"

"I can't wait~ Come along my little songbird~"



One Piece x Reader {Christmas One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now