Heat x Reader {Don't Push Me} AU

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(Y/n)'s Pov

The house had been surprisingly quiet all day but I knew since Kidd had left this was to be expected. He was always starting shit and it was beginning to tick me off. If I could, I would have moved out months ago but since I didn't have a job I was stuck here. Although it wasn't all bad since a certain male lived here as well. "Yo Killer have yo-" I didn't even need to finish my sentence but it was almost a little creepy he knew what I was going to ask. "He's out helping Kidd find a Christmas tree"

"W-" Again he didn't wait until I had finished my sentence although maybe that was for the best. "They'll be back before noon" That would work out but Killer needed to be put in his place before I retreated from the room. "I really wish you'd stop doing that Killer" He didn't seem phased by the comment although being around Kidd for this long must have had something to do with his uncaring behavior. "You're easy to read (Y/n) and besides you need to stop asking about Heat. If you continue Kidd's going to find out"

"Find out what?" I wasn't stupid enough to let my brother find out about anything regarding my life. "That you have feelings for his subordinate. Take my advice and leave the man alone before you cause his death" No one else was at the moment so I decided to let my true feelings show. "I cannot extinguish the love I feel in my heart for that man! He's the love of my entire fucking life!" Killer might have been wearing that stupid mask but I could just feel the looking of disappointment on his face. "What have you been smoking (Y/n)?"

"Shut up Killer!" I glared at him but as a loud bang was heard behind me, I turned. "What's (Y/n) bitching about this time?" He was home early although I couldn't see my adorable blue-haired man with him. "None of your fucking business Kidd. What have you done with Heat? He promised to help me hang up my Christmas decorations" Kidd was always in a bad mood and today was no exception. "Hell, if I know. Move your ass out of the way I need to put the tree there"

"Make yourself useful then and get me a hammer" Watching that glare of his intense was nothing sort of amusing but I was beginning to question if pissing him off was such a good idea. "You're not putting any more fucking holes in my walls (Y/n)!" By no means was that why I had asked for the hammer. "I'm not putting any more in the walls! I'm going to kill you with it!" There was already a pocket knife in my hand but before I could do anything another male walked into the room. "Relax (Y/n)-chan it's alright. Here I got the hot chocolate you asked for"

"Ah! Heat you're back! I missed you!" Running up to the man I wrapped my arms around him for a few seconds before taking the cup. "Come with me Heat. We're leaving the house before I get Kidd's blood all over the walls" I was heading towards the door and was prepared to leave all three men behind until one of them spoke. "Alright (Y/n)-chan. I'll get your coat" He was always looking out for me, such a caring man. "She's not allowed to leave the fucking house!" Now, Kidd on the other hand was going to regret any speaking.

"Let her be Kidd and did you bring the groceries I asked for?" Oh, good Killer decided he was going to be useful today. "They didn't have any canned cranberries but I got you some frozen ones" With him distracted enough I watched as Killer gave me the sign to leave although that only caused Kidd to spin around. "That should be fine. Run along (Y/n) but be back for supper"

"Killer! I already told you she's not to leave the damn house!" I couldn't help myself when I started to laugh but Heat's hand found its way around my mouth so Kidd didn't catch on. "Indoor voice Kidd" I knew my brother was most likely causing the man a headache but for now Killer remained calm as he tried to deal with the brat. "Go to hell you fu- Why are you standing up?" Killer wasn't the type to let Kidd get away with his shit for too long and it was amusing each time my brother realized he was in trouble. "Kitchen now"

One Piece x Reader {Christmas One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now