Law x Reader {The Doctors Were Wrong} AU

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I was staring at the positive pregnancy test in my hands as I tried to make sense of it. "This can't be right... but they can't all be defective" My eyes carefully looked over at the other pregnancy tests I had taken last night and early this morning. "They said I couldn't get pregnant"

My mind wasn't going to believe the tests until I had an actual doctor confirm whether or not it was true. Thankfully my own personal doctor was in the other room. I knew he was asleep since he worked a double shift last night but this was important and I needed an answer now.

"Law!? Wake up!!" The man glared at me for disrupting his sleep though when he saw the tears in my eyes, he quickly wrapped me in a hug as he started to rub my back. "What's wrong (Y/n)-ya, are you hurt!? I'm here don't worry"

"Look at this... could it be true?" He took the test from my hand as his eyes started to widen slightly at the results. I knew Law had his doubts since he knew was one of the doctors that said I couldn't have children of my own. "I took one last night and it was positive to so I bought ten more... they were all positive... but I don't want to believe it until I know for sure"

"W-We can go into the hospital right now if you want (Y/n) but we'll need someone to watch Bepo... I'm sure Penguin can watch him for us" I almost forgot about our son, after we found out I couldn't have children we adopted Bepo. He was only a baby when we adopted him and he was already three years old now.

"Just let me call him and then we'll leave... why don't you go wake up Bepo?"


As I walked into Bepo's room I saw that he was already awake and playing with his stuffed polar we got for him. "There's my little boy~ Mama and Papa have to go to the doctors Bepo so you're going to go to uncle Penguin's house, alright?"

"Why are you going to the doctor's Mama?" I smiled at him before I picked him up and placed a kiss on his forehead. "It's just a checkup Bepo, which toys do you want to bring with you?" He only asked to bring his polar bear with him and I quickly handed it to him before I walked out of the room. "Papa, Papa!"

"Bepo!" Law took our son from my arms as he started heading for the stairs, my hands rested on my flat stomach as I thought of the life that could be growing within it right now. "Come on Mama!" I let my thoughts fade as I hurried after my boys before we quickly put on our shoes and headed for the car.


Penguin's House...

"Don't feed him too much junk food and don't let him out of your sight. Do you make myself clear?" After Law finished threatening Penguin we headed back to the car as I let out a laugh at the man's actions. "Really Law? You're still as overprotective with Bepo as you were the day, we brought him home... I like it, who knew that the Surgeon of Death could have such a soft spot for children" 

"(Y/n)-ya I stopped being that person when we first got together, I didn't want that part of my life causing you to get hurt. As for Bepo, he's my pride and joy. If anyone were to hurt him, I wouldn't hesitate to bring out that side of me again"

"That's why I love you so much~ Oh, we're here already?" I started to become worried as the building got closer but Law offered me his hand as he pulled into his reserved parking space. "Come on (Y/n)-ya. We'll know for sure after this"

"You're right Law"


At The Hospital...

"The gel will be a little cold Mrs. Trafalgar" My hand took hold of Law's before a big glob of gel was squeezed onto my stomach as the tech started to spread it around with the ultrasound machine probe as he started looking for traces of a baby. The blood test was positive but Law wanted to see if they could tell how far I was.

"Ah... take a look Doctor... she seems to be around seven weeks" Law took a look at the screen as his hand tightened around mine. "So, it's true then... we're going to have a baby Law?" When I said it out loud the tears started to fall for my eyes as I pulled Law into a hug. "Yes, (Y/n)-ya... you can leave now tech-ya I need to be alone with my wife for a minute"

When the tech had left the room, I realized that I had just smeared gel all over Law's coat. "I'm sorry Law, I got gel on your coat" 

"It's fine (Y/n)-ya, but this is big news... we're going to have another child in the house soon... don't worry I'll take time off of work and I'll be there for you" As he wiped my stomach clean, he pulled my shirt down as he brought me to the door. "I love you Law... and consider this you're Christmas present since I may have forgotten to get you one"

"You know I hate presents but this... this one I'll accept without complaint. Let's go home"


Sometime Later...

"Really!? I'm going to be a big brother!?" Bepo was taking the news better than I thought he would and I couldn't be happier. "Yes, Bepo. It's a very important job to be a big brother but they'll have to grow in Mama's stomach for a few months before you can meet them"

"The baby's in your tummy Mama? How did it get there?" When Bepo said that I turned my head as I could still hear Law washing the dishes in the kitchen. "Ask your Papa"

"Papa! Papa! I have a question!"



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