Sanji x Reader {Feeding the Hungry} AU

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Requested By: AshliDinkelman


I was volunteering at the homeless shelter helping with the meal preparations when I realized we couldn't possibly feed everyone with the amount of food we currently had. "Hey Sara, I thought we were supposed to be getting another delivery where is it? This isn't enough food" My friend was the head of the operation so she should know all the details about the deliveries we got every year.

"They should have been here hours ago... it has to be the storm. What are we going to do (Y/n) we can't just let all these people starve?" I thought about the problem for a second but then it hit me, they could help us and they weren't that far away. "I have an idea! Wait here I'll be right back!"

Going into the backroom I took out my cellphone so I could call my boyfriend, he worked at a restaurant nearby owned by his Father and I knew they would love to help. 'Ring' 'Ring' 'Ring' "What's up (Y/n)?" It didn't sound like the man was working but I did hear Patty yelling out commands in the background. "We're not going to have enough food to feed anymore, the order we were supposed to get hasn't arrived yet and the storms probably the reason why. Do you guys have any extra food you can spare?"

"The powers went out over here so we're trying to get the generator going but it doesn't appear to be working... hold on one second my princess~ Oi Dad, (Y/n) says the shelter isn't going to have enough food can we bring some over there? ... We'll be over in a few minutes my Love. I love you, bye~"

"Bye Sanji. Love you too" I ended the phone call as I walked out of the backroom to give Sara the good news. "Sara, I've got food on the way!" The girl spun around as she looked at me in disbelief. "Really, from where!?" I only laughed at her as I walked past her into the kitchen but as she followed me, I replied to her. "Sanji said the power was out and they were working on starting the generator but he told me they'd be over in a few minutes"

"Right, I forgot you were dating him. So, we just wait for them to arrive or what?" I could see the way Sara was blushing and knew the girl was probably imagining me and Sanji together. "Get your head out of the clouds Sara we have hungry mouths to feed come on. Why don't you try and ask out Bartolomeo? You both can be weird together since he basically drools over Luffy just like you drool over every power couple in the city... How is Mingle or whatever you call those two?"

"Doflamingo is being a pansy! He's supposed to be the dominant one in my fantasy and he refuses to make a move on his man!" This girl was something else but I loved her regardless of her weird hobby though as she kept it up, I feared for her safety at times. "Don't let him catch you calling him that and maybe he's the submission one in a relationship?" 


"Whatever you say, boss~"


15 Minutes Later...

Since I got a text that the boys were at the back, I left Sara as I run to let them in but I couldn't help and jump into my man's arms when my eyes locked on his. "Sanji! Thanks for coming so quickly!" I kissed him quickly before I greeted the others that came with them. "You came to Patty, Carne, Zeff I thought you guys were trying to get the generator going?"

"We tried but that old girl is done for, we brought most of our food that needs to be refrigerated. Anything that doesn't get cooked we'll just store here if that's okay with Sara" I just shrugged my shoulders as I tried to take a bag from Sanji's hand but he just pulled it away and said something along the lines of not wanting a princess to carry such a heavy bag.

I didn't think much about it as I turned around to lead them back inside of the warm building since I wasn't wearing a coat the cold air was starting to bother me. "It should be fine... Please come inside there's a lot of hungry mouths to feed"

"Coming my Love~ Hurry up the lady is waiting for us!"


A Few Hours Later...

"You really saved me back there Sanji, thanks again. I'm not sure how I could possibly function without you sometimes~ Let's go home we can watch some Christmas movies before bed~" We were walking through the parking lot when I saw Sara was talking with Doflamingo who for whatever reason was trying to change his flat tire. I knew he usually parked his car here seen his office didn't have great parking but I was confused as to why the man had a flat.

"Hey, Doflamingo! What happened to your tire?" I had stopped walking and waited for a response but the look on Doflamingo's face was anything but cheerful. "Some brat put a nail in it!" Hmm, that was odd what kind of person who do su- Sara would do something like that and from the look on her face, she was guilty as can be.

"Really? Why don't you get Sara to take you home?... She actually has to discuss Mingle with you" The girl's eyes widened as I mentioned the forbidden topic but I didn't care she had thrown a potato at me this morning and I was going to make her pay for that. "What in the hell is Mingle?"

"It's the fantasy Sara here has created in her head about you and Crocodile... She really wants you to take your man~ Hehehehe. Come on Sanji we need to get home before the storm picks back up, did you want to drive?" 

"Sure thing my Love~ I'll even make you some nice hot cocoa and warm chocolate chip cookies when we get home, I should still have dough in the fridge. Here allow me to get your door, my princess~" Sanji was such a gentleman and I loved him for it. Though as he closed the door, I could see poor Sara being chased around the parking lot by Doflamingo but I had cookies to eat so she was on her own. "Ready to go my Love?"

"Let's go and don't drive too fast these roads are covered in ice. Oh, and Sanji I love you~"

"I love you too (Y/n)~"



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