Killer x Reader {Movies & Cuddles} AU

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Requested by dhcvncgg


Me and my boyfriend were walking down the streets hand in hand with plans on going home when I decided to ask him a question. "Killer what did you get Kidd for Christmas?" He didn't stop walking but I did hear him hum before he replied. "Why do you want to know (Y/n)?"

"I want to make sure we didn't get him the same thing" We came to a stop as I quickly pushed the crosswalk button then waited for the cars stop before we walked across the street to continue on our way. "Hm... I got him a new dagger since he broke his other one. What did you get him (Y/n)?"

"Fake eyebrows and lipstick. Hehehehe. Don't you think he's going to love my present Killer?" When we stopped in front of our apartment door, I started to swing our arms back and forth as I wait for Killer to unlock the door. "He may be your brother (Y/n) but that doesn't mean he won't try and kill you on Christmas"

"You'll protect me won't you Killer?" The only response I got was him pulling me into his arms as he headed up the stairs towards our apartment. "That's not an answer Killer~ Though I'll let it slide for now, are we going to watch the Christmas movies I got?"

"Sure (Y/n)"


"Kidd move your ass! Me and Killer are going to cuddle while watching Christmas movies. You're in our spot!" I tried to push my brother out of my chair but he only pressed his palm against my forehead as he went back to watching the evening news. "Go sit somewhere else, this is my seat and we're not watching Christmas movies (Y/n) I'm watching the news to see if they're going to report on my crime spree"

"We can watch the movies in our bedroom (Y/n) come on. Leave Kidd be" Killer tried to drag me away from Kidd and after a few seconds I let him but made sure to threaten my brother on my way out. "You win this round Kidd but if I were you, I'd sleep with one eye open tonight"

"Whatever brat" I followed behind Killer as he opened our bedroom door and walked into the room, we didn't have the largest of apartments but we made do with what we had. "I'm going to shower first, you're more than welcome to join me~ We can even wear the matching couple pajamas I got us after we're done"

"I'd like that (Y/n) and I'll wear the pajamas if it'll make you happy" I grabbed Killers hand as we walked into our personal bathroom to shower together. Killer didn't take his mask off often by whenever we were alone it didn't stay on long. "There's my handsome man~ Come on you can even wash my hair for me~"


30 Minutes Later...

"Which movie would you like to start with?" I was sitting on the end of the bed as Killer toweled dried my hair for me, he had just blow-dried his but I liked to let my hair air dry. "Hm... Let's watch The Grinch, I like that movie"

Since Killer was still towel drying my hair, I had to wait a minute so he could finish but once he did, I got up and quickly popped in the DVD before I returned his side. "I love you Killer~ Hm... I'm sorry the shirt didn't fit over your big muscles I'll have to order you a tank top or something next year"

"I love you too (Y/n) and it's alright you know I don't care for shirts much anyways when I sleep" When Killer wasn't paying attention, I stole a quick kiss before I hit play on the remote and curled up close to his stomach. Since the tv was to the left of our bed Killer rested his head on my shoulder as he wrapped his arms around my stomach.

"You're just a big softie Killer~ I love you~"


"Yawn. This movie never gets old. I don't want to watch another one right now, why don't we just cuddle for a bit?" I rolled over as Killer adjusted his hold around me before he tightened it and started to nuzzle his cheek against mine. "You're like my little teddy bear (Y/n) and you're so cute~" While my boyfriend didn't show much emotion outside of the house when we were alone together, he was a completely different person.

I had moved to lay on top of Killer's chest as he runs his hand up and down my back. "Y- Yawn. You're going to put me to sleep if you keep doing that Killer" My eyes were struggling to stay open as I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. "That's why I'm doing it (Y/n)... you may be cute while you're awake but you're adorable when your sleeping~ Now, hush my dear, and go to sleep~"

"O-Okay" I let myself completely drift off to sleep as I felt Killer's lips press against my forehead before they quickly disappeared as he covered us in a fluffy blanket. "Sleep tight (Y/n)~"


Killer's Pov

With (Y/n) sleeping peacefully on my chest, I kept my arms securely around her as I thought about what I would make her for dinner. I knew Kidd didn't care for a lot of the dishes his little sister liked but I was dating (Y/n) and she was my everything. "I'll make your favorite tonight~ Kidd will just have to order take out with he doesn't like it"

I knew she would be asleep for a few more hours at least so I continued to run my hands up and down her back to keep her calm. The girl used to have terrible nightmares but whenever I was by her side her dreams were peaceful. It was nice to know that I had such an effect on her, she had an effect on me as well as she was the only person that I showed my face to without any questions asked.

"You're a special one (Y/n) and I'm never going to let you go. I love you~"


A Few Hours Later...

(Y/n) was still asleep when I carried her out of our bedroom and set her beside Kidd who was now sitting on the couch. I could have woken her up but she looked so peaceful in her sleep that I couldn't bear to wake her up. "Watch her. I need to make dinner"

My mask was back in place as I headed for the kitchen to prepare (Y/n)'s dinner. She was the only one who I really showed my true emotions to when we were alone together, everyone else got the colder version of Killer. "Make it quick I'm hungry and how come you didn't wake up my sister?" 

"Don't wake her up Kidd" I took one last look at the sleeping girl's face before I turned to Kidd and waited for his reply. "Fine I won't"

"Good... we wouldn't want a repeat of what happened last time after all"



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