Doffy x Reader {Santa's Kissing Mommy}

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(Y/n)'s Pov

"Doffy stop it! What if the kids see this?" I was trying to push Doflamingo off of me but he didn't see the problem with kissing me. "The kids are asleep, it's fine~ We're just kissing after all~"

"How do you not see a problem with this? If the kids were to see this, they would think Santa was attacking their Mother" Since Doflamingo was still kissing my lips I turned my head to the side as I managed to turn my body so he was staring at the back of my head.

"Fufufufu. My kids aren't that stupid they'd recognize their dear Father. Now bring those sweet lips back here (Y/n) or else Santa's going to put you on the naughty list~"

"No, Santa~ Go away"


The Children's Pov

We were watching as Santa Clause was trying to kiss Mommy so we quickly fled the room to get some weapons. "Mommy's in danger and Daddy's not here to protect her!"

"Come on before he hurts Mommy, we'll beat him up and sit on him until Daddy gets home"


(Y/n)'s Pov

"Doffy get off of me! Playtimes over and you're heavy" I was still facing away from Doflamingo as he bit my ear with his teeth before he whispered into my ear. "I just want a few more kisses from y-" There was a loud battle cry as Doflamingo was interrupted before a baseball bat almost hit him in the face.

"AHHHHHH! Get off our Mommy!" I saw my two children trying to attack Doflamingo and couldn't help but laugh a little. "I told you this would happen... It's alright boys, you can put your weapons down" Doflamingo was still on top of me and didn't seem like he would be moving anytime soon as he stared at his children if his mouth slightly opened.

"Brats! How could you not recognize your own Father!?" Doflamingo stood up as he walked closer to our children who were still holding their weapons. "You are a liar! Our Father is not Santa Clause and when he gets home, he's going to beat you up for kissing our Mommy!"

"Yeah Santa, you should leave before Doflamingo comes home~ Heheheheh" I got up as I picked up my kids and started to leave the living room. "Come on boys I'll tuck you back into bed" As I walked up the stairs my little boys continued to talk about the man still in our living room. "B-But Mommy what about the bad Santa Clause? We can't just let him leave there he needs to pay for what he did! Yeah, we need to tie him up in the basement and cut him into pieces!"

"You two are hanging around your Father way too much. We do not cut people into pieces in this house, understood stood?"

"Yes, Mommy"


The Next Morning...

"Daddy! Daddy! Santa Clause was kissing Mommy last night but we got rid of him!" I was making breakfast as I listened to the boys tell their Father about what happened last night. "Was he? Good work my boys, I'm so proud of you"

"Here your breakfast Doffy~ You look so good in red Honey, you should wear it more often... Ho, ho, ho~"



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