Crocodile x Reader {Are You Sick?} AU

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(Y/n)'s Pov

"That's not good" I had felt terrible all night and as I stared down at the thermometer my worst fears were realized. "(Y/n) are you going to be in there all day? I had a business meeting at two so you need to hurry up" He was always the impatient type but I still didn't want to make him stressed by holding him up. My temperature might have been on the high side although I was confident that it would go down with a little fresh air. "J-Just a second Crocodile! I'm coming!" My clothes sat nearby so even as my stomach did backflips, I pulled them on as quick as possible. "I'll be waiting in the car don't forget to eat your breakfast. It's sitting on the counter"

My stomach couldn't handle food right now but since I didn't want Crocodile to catch on, I just agreed. "Alright. Thank you! I won't get you waiting too long I promise!" His footsteps were clear even through the door but after they had faded out, I returned to the bathroom sink to splash some water on my flushed face. I didn't look terrible although if Crocodile stared at me for too long, I knew he'd find out. Even if you were to touch my forehead for a second you could feel the heat pouring from it.

There wasn't much more I could do so before exiting the bathroom I dried my hands and took a breath then made my way downstairs. I didn't see Crocodile so he must have been waiting out front. The plate of breakfast was in the kitchen but looking at it just made me want to throw up so I just threw it in the fridge just hoping I could stomach it later. My shoes were still by the door where I left them yesterday and they found their way on my feet within seconds before I slipped on a coat. "Let's not keep Crocodile waiting" Taking a deep breath I finally exited the front doors only stopping to lock the door behind me before walking towards the car.

I did feel a little bit dizzy but remained composed as I slid into the passenger seat. However, I didn't look at Crocodile not that he cared much. "Where are we going again (Y/n)?" He already knew the spots I needed to make although there was going to be a slight change of plans. "I need more ornaments, my skates need to be sharpened, and I need to see Doflamingo" Now, the last one was something I should have done months ago but I had gotten busy. "Why would you need to see that man?"

"He owes me money for a bet we made years ago" Crocodile wasn't the biggest fan of Doflamingo although since I wanted to buy my man a present getting the money owed was how I was going to achieve that. I had money in the bank but that was from Crocodile so it seemed stupid that he would basically be buying his gift. That wasn't allowed, nope, nope, nope. "I think that can wait for another day"

"Hush Crocodile. He owes me five hundred thousand" I didn't even need to look at him to know his eyes were narrowing although I tried to ignore it as I stared out the window at the tree we had near the side of the house. "What in the world did you two make a bet on and what were you supposed to give him if you lost?" Crocodile could be a very jealous man so I wasn't sure if telling him was the best idea. "It's not really important what we bet on but let's just say I agreed to marry him if I lost"

"(Y/n) weren't not leaving until you tell me about this bet" We were already wasting time so I decided just to tell him and hope for the best outcome. "Fine... He said you hated my guts and would kill me on site if I went near you. I thought he was wrong so I bet that I could get you to marry me within a year" Thinking about it now the deal could have gone bad but my stubbornness got in the way. "Reckless as ever and I don't think a single year is 'a bet you made years ago'"

"Hush Crocodile. Can we please leave now?" I had given him the information he requested so I didn't see why we were still sitting in the driveway. "You know I've never seen you blush this much... It's cute. Now, since Doflamingo is a two-timing bastard I think, we should go see him first" Oh, that wasn't good he saw my face but I was glad he just thought I was blushing. "Be nice Crocodile" Doflamingo might not have been the nicest guy in town but he still had his redeeming qualities. "Sorry (Y/n) but it's true"

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