Sabo x Reader {Secret Santa Pt.2} AU

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An Hour Later...

Since dinner was over, I was walking towards the door to head back home when Sabo ran up to me before I could leave. "Hey, (Y/n)-chan do you need a drive home? I know you don't have a jacket so allow me to give you a ride" He had a little blush on his face when he asked me and I couldn't help but smile at his offer. "Sure, but just don't park too close to the house, Kidd is known to shoot at men who bring me home"

"Kidd... why would Kidd be at your house?" I couldn't help but giggle at his reaction and really, I didn't blame him for being confused, it's not like everyone knew that me and Kidd were related. "He's my big brother... you're not scared of him are you~? Don't worry Sabo I'll protect you from the monster, your much too cute to let die~"

"C-Cute!? L-Let's get going (Y/n)-chan, I wouldn't want to keep your brother waiting" We had to walk a few blocks down since Sabo couldn't find a parking space earlier but as we were walking, I started to shiver from the cold. "Here (Y/n), take my coat" He didn't leave room for me to decline as he placed his jacket around my shoulders.

"Thanks, Sabo. Why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself? I didn't know who you were until a little while ago, so you're like a mystery to me" I could hear him start to hum as we walked farther down the street, though after a few seconds he did reply. "Hm... but if I told you about myself (Y/n)-chan I wouldn't be so mysterious anyone~"

"Fine don't tell me then" Sabo was behind me so he couldn't see that I was smiling to myself as I waited. I giggled slightly when he reacted the same way Ace and Luffy did when I did this to them. "Ah! Wait (Y/n)-chan I was only joking! I'll tell you whatever you want to know!"

"Perfect~ We got time so why don't you start with what you like and don't like?"



20 Minutes Later...

When Sabo stopped right in front of my house, I started to yell at him since he had completely ignored what I had told him about parking down the street. "I told you not to park in front of the house Sabo! Do you have a death wish!?" He only laughed at me as he put the car in park and cut the engine. "Don't worry (Y/n)-chan~ I'm going to walk you to the front door and I'll greet this monster for myself"

"I thought you were supposed to be the one with common sense, not Luffy is dumb enough to walk right up to Kidd's front door! Sabo what are you doing!? Get back in the car!" He walked over to my door to ring the doorbell but before he did the man leaned down and held his hand to my face. "Relax (Y/n)-chan, come along~ Everything will be fine, I promise"


"You don't have to ring the doorbell Sabo I can just walk in! I do live here after all!" Trying to reason with his man was like talking to a brick wall but the only difference was this wall was a cute one. "I want to meet your brother (Y/n)-chan"

"Who the hell is- (Y/n) there you are! Do you know that I've had my men out looking for you all night, where have yo- And who the hell is this!?" I didn't want him to shot the blonde male beside me so I quickly stepped in front of him as I tried to reason with my brother. "Must you always be so fucking loud! This is Sabo and he was kind enough to drive me home after dinner! Now get your ass back in the house before I kick it there!"

"Don't tell me what to do (Y/n), this is my house! Killer get out here and bring my gun!" So, Kidd didn't actually have a weapon on him that's good but it wouldn't stop him from going hands-on if he really wanted to. "Sabo thanks for the drive but you might want to go. You've met my brother and you're probably on this hit list now so it's best to leave town as soon as possible"

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