Zoro x Reader {He's Missing... Again} AU

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"Hey, Luffy! Who was supposed to bring Zoro?" I noticed that my boyfriend had yet to arrive for Christmas dinner but it looked like everyone was already here. "Hm... He was going to get a drive with me and Law"

"Then, where is he?" I was staring out the front window as I started to worry about him. Zoro couldn't find his way out of a cardboard box let alone find his way to my house without some help. "He wasn't there when we stopped at his place and he wasn't answering his phone so I'm not sure where he went"

"I'm going to go look for him... Robin make sure Luffy doesn't eat all the food while I'm gone" My winter boots were slid on before I grabbed my coat and waited for Robin to respond. "It wouldn't be easy but I'll try (Y/n)-chan"

"Thanks, Robin"


30 Minutes Later...

Since Zoro had gotten lost multiple times during our relationship I thought it was a good idea to install a tracker onto his phone so I could easily find the man. It had proven quite useful as most of the time I could call him and lead him back to the house but since Zoro wasn't answering his phone I thought he might have been hurt. "Zoro! Zoro where are you!?"

When I didn't get a response, I continued to walk in the direction that the app said his phone was. "Zoro!? Come out, Luffy's going to eat all the food if we don't hurry!" When I heard a voice in the distance I stopped in my tracks as I listened to what the voice was saying. "(Y-Y/n) is that you!?"

"Zoro, where are you!?" I followed his voice but my eyes started to widen as I saw that he standing in the lake and was shivering like crazy. "Why are you in the lake!?" My mind was trying to process what the man could have been doing but I quickly sent a text to Law as I ran over to him. "I-I-I fe-e-ell through the ice and it froze over, I'm stuck"

"Don't worry helps on the way... Hopefully, your feet survive... It'll be okay!"


"Sanji-ya can you melt the ice around Zoro-ya's feet?" I watched from the sidelines as they tried to figure out a way to free my boyfriend. "Only morons end up in situations like this! You made (Y/n)-chan worry all day!" It didn't take long before Zoro was freed and was being wrapped up in blankets as we walked back to Law's car.

"Shut up! It wasn't my fault!"


Back at Home...

Once Law had checked Zoro's feet it was determined that the man was fine and just needed to get some rest. "Come cuddle on the couch with me Zoro, I'll warm you right up~" He nestled under the blankets with me as our friends sat nearby. "I'm sorry I made you worry about me... it wouldn't happen again I promise"

"I know... but I want you to move in with me. Just to make sure you don't get yourself lost again, k?"

"S-Sure! I'd love to move in with you (Y/n)!" He pressed a kiss to my lips as I heard Sanji freaking out in the background about it not being fair Zoro got to live with me. "Good, we can move your stuff later this week but you can stay here with me tonight. I love you Zoro~"

"I love you too (Y/n)~"



One Piece x Reader {Christmas One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now